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The War-History Lies!

Dreamed 2023/3/18 by Wayan

Firestorm swallows a ship of the line--sails and cannon. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I'm watching a documentary that claims to show the impact of war through history. But it looks fishy to me. One shot shows tall sailing vessels bristling with cannon swallowed in an instant by a great churning cloud of fire.

But that's not war. No one in the age of sail had fireball weapons like that. That was a pyroclastic cloud--vulcanism.

And not even volcanoes burned ships like that reconstruction showed. A few sailing vessels were lost in the Krakatau eruption, but to the tsunami and clouds of ash, not to fire.

This "historical reconstruction" is a lie.

The show's next image on set on land, showing a town on fire. A little more plausible--whole towns have burned in war--but when they mention its name, I recall its case. It was set on fire by a lava flow--again, not war but natural disaster.

Just as historically false as the first.

What's with this fakumentary?


Carl Jung wrote "A dream is a private letter to the Self." So he'd insist it must be my own personal history that's false, over-dramatic. And he could be right. I get recurring inflammations; the fires in the dream?

But it just doesn't feel right. So many dreams of mine have turned out to be literal--and political. Why not this?

So I'm gonna look hard at the news--does it highlight human violence, and downplay or outright ignore the much larger casualties from disease, famine, and global warming? All three have after all killed more people this year--and most years--than war. But those deaths are harder to pin on a clear villain.

Though let's start with the oil companies that lied (and funded Republican lies) about climate change, and the Sackler family for pushing opiates, and don't get me started on you covid spreaders...

Oh, plenty of villains to go round.

LISTS AND LINKS: TV in dreams - history & the past - violence - ships - fire - war? Or vulcanism! - global warming, Covid & disease in general - politics - truth & lies

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