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The Starship Cure

Dreamed 2024/8/6 by Wayan

I must answer a questionnaire that's not on paper, but like a museum tour--I walk through a cavernous maze, where each room is a diorama posing a weird hypothetical question. Here's the one I recall best:

In a dark room, a big model of a starship on a pedestal. She looks like the Enterprise. A sign on the wall: "You must fix this ship. Which dish will cure her?" On each wall, a shelf with a plate of food, only one of which will heal a starship.

Odd--they're so similar. Three are nearly identical--orange oily rice dishes on broad bowls (saucers?) with short wheat noodles mixed in, like Rice-a-Roni. If so, toxic for me--I can't have wheat. Maybe it sickens starships too? The fourth dish is a heap of starchy white stuff--polenta? mashed potatoes? I forget. But at least it's not wheat, so I pick it, though I wouldn't want it myself. To heal me, I'd want protein, greens, nuts & seeds...

Starship, starchy... hmm. And saucers...

Dark room; plates of orange food around a model starship. Dream collage by Wayan. Click to enlarge.



I'm summoned for jury duty. Bike down to the cavernous courthouse. They've sped up the selection process--to shrink the pool of prospective jurors, lawyers used to spend days questioning us. Now, they give us an endless questionnaire full of weird hypotheticals!

What's the case involve? Rape, abduction, and knives. Brings up old memories of domestic abuse I suffered. I'm too traumatized by similar events to be objective--no way they'll want me on this jury. But I still have to answer, under oath... all answers being toxic!

Hours later, when I stumble out, emotionally exhausted, sick to my stomach, I have a different view of that dream of the weird questionnaire. Now it looks predictive as well as diagnostic. And at least vaguely aware it's seeing the future--it's set in a Star Trek future, after all!

Sleep deprivation harms my dreams. A wounded starship, but not derelict. Even crippled, she still crosses space and time.

LISTS AND LINKS: museums - mazes - deep space - ships - Star Trek - health advice in dreams - food - diet & nutrition - puns? - predictive dreams - ESP in general - self-flagging dreams - collage dream art

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