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Jovian Revolution

Dreamed 1987/2/22 by Wayan

I was hatched on Jupiter down
in the liquid-water zone--
floating isles on endless sea--
though once it was night

But after we rebellious Reds
tore at our overlords' scales
pouring all their greasy blood
on rolling decks, the racks
of ice-veils

cirrusing our stratosphere
began to tatter clear!
In a wracked and ragged dawn
through victory we saw
red sun.

This revolution-dream is true
and the origin, whether you
believe in scaly me or not
of Jupiter's Great Red

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


Minus the Red politics, this really is the current explanation for the Great Red Spot--it's the eye of a hurricane bigger than Earth, a hole in pale, icy cloud layers letting us see redder layers many miles deeper, down where it's warm enough for liquid water (though apparently just clouds, not a world-sea, as in the dream. A pity! As Arthur Clarke wrote, "Think of the fishing!")

LISTS AND LINKS: other worlds - Jupiter - I'm Just Not Myself Today! - species- & gender-bent dreams - aliens - dinosaurs - sexy creatures - ships - politics & revolution - violence & blood - darkness, clouds & light - the Spot: Hell-Tornado & Tardis Gazebo - a dream-tour of the Solar System - pencil dream-art

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