The Rowan
Dreamed 1921 by Graham Greene
A night or two ago I had a shipwreck dream, the ship I was on going down in the Irish Sea. I didn't think anything about it. We don't have papers here as the usual thing, and it was not till yesterday, looking at an old paper, I saw about the sinking of the Rowan in the Irish sea. This made me quite excited and when I got back I looked at my dream diary and found that my dream had been Saturday night. The accident had happened just after Saturday midnight.
SOURCE: Letter to his mother, quoted in The Life of Graham Greene by Norman Sherry, v.1, p. 106.
Curiously, after quoting three such apparent telepathic nightmares, Sherry simply drops the subject! Yet if Greene's unconscious did sense others' terror this effectively, this explains much about Greene's life--from his notoriously painful childhood (he attempted suicide to escape boarding school) to his adult reclusiveness.
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