Graham Greene
In the days before his death, Graham Greene selected dreams from his penciled dream-journal kept from the mid-1960s to 1990, to be published as A World of My Own: a Dream Diary. His dreams span the 20th century, from the sinking of the Titanic to Gorbachev. His dreams are, like his life and his fiction, full of spies, fighters, writers, world leaders, and Greene-ish irony.
Some of his dreams were, in his own opinion, predictive.
There is another side to what we call dreams, very interestingly exposed in J.W. Dunne's Experiment with Time. They contain scraps of the future as well as of the past. I have already written of how at the age of seven I dreamed of a shipwreck on the night the Titanic went down, and again nine years later I witnessed another disastrous shipwreck in the Irish Sea. As I look through the long record of my dreams I not time and again incidents of the Common World that have occurred a few days after the dtream. They are too trivial to include here, but I am convinced that Dunne was right.These short 'shipwreck' dreams were omitted from A World of My Own, but three were published in The Life of Graham Greene by Norman Sherry; see Jump Overboard, The Rowan and Titanic Image below; he told a fourth to the writer of the foreword for World of my Own, who recounts it in General Cogny's Crash.
RELATED TOPICS: politics & leaders - dream ESP - contemporary dream-diarists J.W. Dunne, Nancy Price, Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, Gayle Delaney, Patricia Garfield - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
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ARABIA by Graham Greene, c.1965?, a frustrating dream We treasure-hunters anchored off the Arabian coast--the legendary ruins of Orbutum. But an American showed up with papers claiming his government had the rights to it all. And... CAUTION: SNIPPY ABOUT AMERICANS |
ARCHBISHOP by Graham Greene, Jan.1975, a comic dream The newspaper said I was to be appointed Archbishop. But the Cardinal had a detective investigate me, who found improprieties--ones that make no sense... |
BAD WRITING by Graham Greene, 1975/5/5, a dream warning of perfectionism My family needs money, so I must publish. But my first draft is trash. My secretary and my mistress try to calm me down but I consider suicide. At least then I won't have to see it... |
THE END by Graham Greene, 1989, a sort of epitaph-dream From my sick ward I sent a last poem to a competition, describing my decline into dependency. Death by TV... |
FACE OF A SAINT by Graham Greene, 1964/10/6, a possibly-psychic dreamlet DREAM: I dined with Khrushchev. I liked him. I told my friends "He has a beautiful face, the face of a saint." NINE DAYS LATER: Of course saints can't be sanctified while they're living. Khrushchev was overthrown... CAUTION: CHANCE OR FORESIGHT? |
FORD MADOX FORD: by Graham Greene; c.1965? a punning literary dream I go on a country ramble with writer Ford Madox Ford. He tells me local legends; he drapes a bull over his shoulders; we cross a stream on a lock; he comments on men's fashion preferences. What's going on here? |
A GAME OF CROQUET by Graham Greene, Jan. 1984, a theatrical joke of a dream I was at a play, A Game of Croquet, with lines that flowed so well I felt as if I'd written it myself... CAUTION: NARRATOR UNRELIABLE? |
GENERAL COGNY'S CRASH by Graham Greene, 1968/9/10, a psychic little warning dream Greene woke shaken. "I dreamt of catastrophe. I hope nothing has happened to one of my family or a close friend." A few miles away, an airliner had been shot down, killing all. On board was his friend General René Cogny... |
GOD'S EVOLUTION by Graham Greene, between 1965 & '73, a long-view dream God has a night-side, as we do. We evolve, with slips back into darkness, generations long; and God does too, though perhaps with more pain... CAUTION: PHILOSOPHY |
GOEBBEL'S NOSE by Graham Greene, 1965 or after; a real spy's spy-dream I infiltrated a Nazi nest to give Goebbels a poisoned cigarette. All I could do was to light it, jam it up his nostril and flee, hoping the dose was enough... |
JUMP OVERBOARD: by Graham Greene; 1925/12/11, a possibly psychic nightmare. Wednesday night I dreamed I had to jump overboard... that night there was a wreck off the Yorkshire coast in a storm and the captain ordered his men to jump into the sea... |
THE ROWAN: by Graham Greene; 1921, a possibly psychic nightmare. The ship I was on going down in the Irish Sea. It was not till yesterday, looking at an old paper, I saw about the sinking of the Rowan in the Irish sea... |
TITANIC IMAGE: by Graham Greene; 1912/4/14?, a child's nightmare as the Titanic sank One image has remained with me for more than sixty years: a man in oilskins bent double under the blow of a great wave... |
WILSON'S PLAN by Graham Greene, late 1964, a snarky political dream Prime Minister Wilson was gushing about urban renewal. He planned to raze the slums and make the poor camp in public buildings until enough apartments were built... CAUTION: TECHNOCRATS! |
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