dreamed 2008/9/1 by Wayan.
Low rust-hills of a marshy world.
No people I can see. Like we saw dolphins, Africans, women! The people men don't see could fill a globe. Earthlings buildStumble on a secret! Frosted deep in the Civic Fridge I find a time- bottle that wombs the moment when a saboteur set off a Bomb. Here, heft the egg of slow-glass:
"Why carry it? Can't you just
set it in the Barrens and let the bomb blow?" The Mayor, a solemn woman, says
And even if we detonated deep
True. Concerned for people and town,
For all this world's unpeople
My task has groan! I long to be
freed from chains of poetry rash-oathed. Oh, I enjoy being Terra's sleep-envoy |
tramping the velvet void alone.
Hobo jobs on flickering stars, collecting solitudes and scars, illiterate to the bone. |
Swore like a fool to write the dream
flood now bloated muddy brown, jostling drowned cows, dead men. Down the poems come! |
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