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The Kangaroo Executor

Dreamed 2023/7/3 by Wayan

A will for a fortune requires the heir
to marry. For sex is moo-
lah's prerequisite. And it
names a strange executor: a particular

kangaroo. I'm surprised:

roos so rarely specialize
in inheritance law (now
boxing, yes). But the will specifies
this eccentric legal roo

because he can squeak

in boudoir windows a horse or
fatcat lawyer can't. A roo executor
needs of course a masterburglar's skill
at the midnight sport.

But why don't that will

name a primate? Or a talking snake?
Adam or Satan, just take your pick--
Old Dickhead or Old Fang Nick--
when you need a slick innate


Burglar-kangaroo climbs in a window at night. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


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