President of the World
dreamed 2009/10/19 by Wayan
I dream a Congolese novelist cooks
up a what-if political knot: at last the House of Saud is caught funneling billions to murderous crooks. Mobs rush their mansion walls; Even the Bushes won't answer calls. Now who'll run Arabia? Egyptians rush in,
The inland tribes (who scorn this Earth
Arabia's neighbors may, appalled,
So in the book, modern and fairly sane
coastal majorities rule each wedge; Wahhabi goatherder gun-nuts no more get to kick around the civil edge. Sure, those desert rats'll loathe the shore
Poison stew. But any mess, despite
Enjoy your Princely House in hell. |
But just the dream of a novelist!
I look up from his book, to find I sit on a curb downtown, still just a bit in shock at the news, as friends inquire "Wayan, how are you takin' it?"
ideas old mass democracy had! And won
How am I? Well, all I've done so far
is obsessively clean my nails. They are quite grubby, but I better scour profounder soul-crevasses, if I hope to rightly use my year in power.
for a race change either. But perhaps
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