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Trains Collide

Dreamed l928/6/27 by Dudley Walker

I was in an overhead signal-box, extending over a railway-line I had never seen before. It was night, and I saw approaching what I knew was an excursion train, full of people, returning from some big function. I knew it was my duty to signal this train through, which I did, but at the same time I had a feeling that the train was doomed. (I have nothing to do with railway work.) In my dream I seemed to hover in the air, and follow the express as it slowed to round a loop line. As it approached a station I saw, to my horror, another small train on the same line. Although they seemed both travelling slowly, they met with terrible impact. I saw the express and its coaches pitch and twist in the air, and the noise was terrible.

Afterwards, I walked beside the wreckage in the dim light of dawn, viewing with a feeling of terror the huge overturned engine and smashed coaches. I was now amid an indescribable scene of horror, with dead and injured people, and rescue workers everywhere.

Most of the bodies lying by the side of the track were those of women and girls. As I passed with some unknown person reading me, I saw one man's body in a ghastly state, lifted out and laid on the side of an overturned coach.

I distinctly heard a doctor say: "Poor chap, he's dead.,, Some other voice said: "I believe I saw his eyelids move." Then the doctor said: "It's only your nerves; he has been dead some time."

I was quite upset on getting up, and felt too unwell to eat any breakfast. All day at business I have been thinking about this dream.

On coming home, you can imagine my feelings when I beheld the placards [of a newspaper headline] announcing the accident.

The train accident had occurred just before midnight of June 27 at a city some miles distant. A newspaper report contained several details that corresponded with Walker's dream:

It was an excursion train. It collided with another train. Eight people were killed--a man, six women, and one little girl. An engine was derailed. "One gruesome sight was that of a man's body lying on top of one of the carriages."

Mr. Walker had given a detailed account of the dream to his mother and to his boss at work before the news was known, and, importantly, he had written a short note about the dream in his diary at work.

SOURCE: Dream Telepathy, Montague Ullman, Stanley Krippner, Alan Vaughan (2nd ed., 1989), pp.18-19. Their source is Science and Psychical Phenomena by GNM Tyrrell (1961), pp. 24-25.

LISTS AND LINKS: night - dream jobs - hunches - choices - flying - trains - crashes - death - predictive dreams - ESP in general - Montague Ullman

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