Butterfly Wolf
Dreamed 1982/8/15 by Wayan
But then I woke alone. Doused by this waking world! Though it's not to blame; I am. I felt she was a soul-mate, but hesitated to appproach her, because I was staff at Hotel Dream. But am I ALWAYS on the job, serving others?
I know exactly what inspired that wolf-girl. I saw a followup to the old nature documentary Born Free, on Elsa the lioness, the first rewilded big cat. Turns out she never fully went wild; kept coming back to visit. Hunting's hard & hazardous, yes, but also... she just missed her friends. Nonhumans, too, long for vacations with friends to ease the daily grind; and to transcend the hard world we call "natural". And find intimations, timid spiral steps up toward that ideal, in us. Humanocentric though our civilization's been, the dream appeals to others too.
If lions all should be happiest in their "natural" habitat, shouldn't all humans go home too? And historically, home means an Ice Age cave, and death at twenty.
You first.
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