Santa Clump
Dreamed 2009/9/16 by Wayan
I clutch a clod of chocolate clad
in purple glitterfoil. I love true bitterpure cacao, but this is a milked and sugared jag-asteroid of oil. But I peel & gnaw this crag too sweet
We unavoidably block some trains,
just a meter high. Well, not true snows,
just glued fine-shredded memos-- (far too warm and air too stuffy for truth in this corporate lobby). The Teller stretches her rangy legs
She speaks of a newly minted clutch
This endangered polar pack
| of secular saints now (quaking) stands --glum ol' clump o' chumps!-- in a white-out blizzard, on a curb in some megalopolic Yankee slurb. Forepaws flail, through sleet they bellow,
But cabbies all figger these shivering buggers
You know their tale will end in froze.
| For haven't we heard this hoary story? Or Little Match Girl, its grandforemother. Although these corporate waifs have more insulation--sans thumbs or toes,
Feh. Who cares? They're a tale, no more.
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