Drugs & Poisons
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What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
THE ADDICTION: by Wayan; 1988/1/26, a thoughtful nightmare I'm addicted to faraway trains. I quit cold turkey, but I shake the house down! Junkie poltergeists... CAUTION: DRUG ADDICTION. SORT OF. |
ALCOHOLIC CAT: by Montague Ullman's patient, 1950/2/24, an eavesdropping dream PATIENT: I dreamt of a dangerous cat and a mixture of cream and booze called 'appealing nausea'... THERAPIST: I heard a lecture on feeding alcohol to cats til they choose milk laced with booze... CAUTION: WILL BOTHER E.S.P. SKEPTICS |
ALPINE GUINEA PIG & SEXLESS CHILD, or, I'M EITHER A GREAT MOM OR A TERRIBLE MOM: by "Veronica Franco"; 2006/8/19, a dream of penned creatures and those who love them. Alpine deer-hamsters, pigs, birds, children, even fundamentalists' daughters grow up and want to fly free... |
AT LEAST HE'S A DOCTOR: by Wayan; 1982/4/7, a sharp warning dream. I'm a Puertorriqueña who falls for an Anglo doctor, but he's not what he seems... CAUTION: UNDERAGE SEX, CREEPY GUY, VICIOUS FIGHT |
AT THE CENTRE: by Thom Gunn, c.1970, poem on a transcendent acid trip Enlightenment came to me via that shimmering, animated Hamm's Beer billboard... CAUTION: SAY YES TO DRUGS? |
AURALESS: by Wayan; dreamed 2017/5/14, a sex nightmare about perfect normality I'm in bed with a movie star, and it's awful. Why? Because I can only feel her with FIVE senses--the sixth is missing! So disorienting it's creepy... CAUTION: NIGHTMARE, BAD SEX |
BAGGING PETER BEAGLE: by Wayan, 2017/7/7, a predictive little nightmare of manslaughter-guilt Drunk, I fight writer Peter Beagle. He falls. Out cold. I wake sure I'm a killer... Next day I read Ellen Klages's Passing Strange. Its climactic scene is curiously familiar... |
BALLOON DRUG: by Patricia Garfield, 1974/2/3, a dream on thought-forms While writing about Tibetan dreamwork, I dream I'm on drugs and see myself in a mirror, first old & scarred, then young & sexcrazed. I think "This'd scare me if I hadn't been reading up on Yoga stuff!"... |
THE BAR PET: by Wayan; 1994/12/4, a disorienting dreamlet. I meet a sex-kitten in the Underground Cartoonists' Bar, but her body language makes no sense to me... CAUTION: UNDERAGE FLIRTATION... OR IS IT? |
BEAST BIRTHS: by Wayan; 1989/9/19, a predictive dream of family secrets. My family has a hidden gene for incest--and griffins. When I bring the family skeleton from the closet... CAUTION: RAPE, INCEST |
BELLOWS BRIDGE: by Rick Veitch, Dec 1973, a dream of a battle on the border of dreaming On the bridge between waking and dreaming, a jet plane duels a T. Rex. But the jet strays into dream space, becoming a pterosaur--and soon, Rex lunch... |
BOAR: by Ann Faraday, 1974, a punning book-review dream DREAM: I'm in a restaurant offering just one dish: wild boar, for $12. Excessive. I say no. NEXT DAY: I tackle a book review I must write. The book costs $12. Excessive. Oh! It's a... |
BOND: by Wayan; 1981/10/31, a nightmare where I'm the nightmare. I'm James Bond. Captured and questioned, I lie to the enemy: the senators of the Committee on Intelligence Activities. Till I see myself through their eyes... CAUTION: SPY SEX, SPY MENTALITY |
BORN IN A CAVE: by Jenny Badger Sultan; 2007/4/20 to 2007/8/9, a painted series of rite-of-passage dreams. I keep dreaming of awkward but successful transitions into new life, and paint them all in one landscape... |
THE BRIDGE: by Wayan; a 3-page comic from two linked dreams, 1989/5/28 & 1989/10/1. The Hunt of the Unicorn (yeah, guess who I am), as I fly through the worlds fighting Reaganism... CAUTION: MOCKS THE GREAT COMMUNICATOR |
CANCER: by William Dement, c.1969, a health-warning nightmare A few years ago I smoked two packs of cigarettes a day, though I knew they were carcinogenic. I dreamed I had terminal cancer; my denial of the evidence had killed me. I woke, and quit... |
CHEESE AND SCAB GRAPES: by Wayan, 1988/8/9, a warning/predictive dream I firmly ignored DREAM: my parents nag me to go on a picnic, then bring plastic cheese and sprayed, scab grapes. Eat this & I'll get sick... DAY: a farewell lunch at work. No one likes her, so folks brought only plastic cheese & scab grapes. I eat a bit & get sick... CAUTION: PSYCHIC DREAM, STUPID DREAMER |
CHOCOLATE BALLS: by Wayan, 2022/5/10, a surreal furry dream on Covid bloat I find I'm a self-made... critter. A plushie sewn with zippers so I can stuff any bits of me that seem flat or limp. But my filling's not cotton, polyester or foam. It's chocolate! So I have... CAUTION: CRUDE DREAM, AWFUL PUN |
CIGAR: by Julie Doucet, 2017 or '18, a surreal dream cartooned bottom to top I meet a dancer who plays a stick figure on stage. She smokes a cigar. I ask her how many a day she smokes, and she answers... |
"CLIT!": by "D'Jeanna"; 2009/9/11, a breakthrough dream after coming out The day after my mom outed me to my dad, I dream a great storm has passed and everything's just glowing... |
CULT OF CAKE: by Wayan, 2022/4/16, a dream on disinformation? I infiltrate the Cult of Cake. Novices drool over chocolate frosting and hand over their life savings. It's a pyramid scheme! A food... CAUTION: TRUMP REFERENCES; HIDEOUS PUN |
THE DEER PARTY: by Wayan; 1986/4/10. A magical dream Chapter 1 of a nine-story series: UNICORN TAG. A sentient factory shows me a gene-tweaked future where the Deer Party agitates for liberty, equality and fertility. In that future I learn I too may not be human... |
DICTY: by Wayan; 1990/5/9, a rantish poem on high-tech distraction A catalog of American addictions and the absurd distinctions we make between them.... CAUTION: EMBARRASSING DRUG LIST |
DID YOU THINK IT WOULD BE EASY?: by Wayan; 1995/1/15, a dream of slow liberation. Our Appalachian town revolts against fundamentalists, but brainwashing takes time to undo... CAUTION: SEX AND INJUSTICE |
DONE FOR: by the Reverend Francis Kilvert; 1872/10/14, a nightmare within a nightmare I dreamt a friend poisoned me. I "woke" and slew him in fury. But guilt gnawed me. I confessed and was due to hang... CAUTION: NOT A CALM GUY |
DRANK IT ALL: by Julia Wertz, (mid?)2011, a nested nightmare Fighting alcoholism, I dream I drink all the booze in a bar, then wake up shaken... so shaken I reach for the bottles by my bed and drink THEM, then wake up shaken... and clutch my cat, wondering if I'm still dreaming--will I wake up again? CAUTION: ALCOHOLIC NIGHTMARE(S) |
THE DREAMSUIT: by Wayan; 1992/7/12, a dream on unconscious programming. An experimental helmet knocks me out. I'm groggy, miserable, till I learn what it did to others... |
EIGHT INJECTIONS AND A SHOCK by Georgina, Dec. 1987, as told by Peter James; a predictive dream. Georgina woke me. "I had to give a rich acquaintance eight injections in the neck. He left, climbing on high-voltage cables.." That day, we met a rich friend who had a ski accident. He got a new therapy: eight injections in the neck, then electroshock... CAUTION: UNCOMFORTABLY SPECIFIC "COINCIDENCE" |
FAIRE DINOSAUR: by Wayan; 1981/5/5. A dream of forbidden love. I fall in love with a sexy T. Rex at the Renaissance Faire. Then things get weird... CAUTION: DINO ABUSE |
THE FEARFUL INSECT by Nancy Price; 1948, an episodic circular nightmare unified by a leitmotif A bug with a horse-skull face reappears all through this nightmare of betrayal. I only know I feared it... |
FEVER DREAMS: by Wayan; 1993/9/8, a set of wild feverdreams. While my body expels a kidney stone, weird scenes happen on the astral plane. At least I get to dip the pope. CAUTION: PAIN, PEE, POPE |
FIVE ELVISH DREAMS: by Dolores J. Nurss; 2005/6/10-2005/6/19, an incubated lucid-dream sequence 1: I visit Elrond and Bilbo in Elvenhome, but overthinking traps me in a timeloop; 2: Elrond says he renounces seriousness for joy, and plans a great, inclusive party; 3: I feel unworthy, but set out on a desert quest with Elrond's young apprentice; 4: I meet joyful, drunken, singing elves but hide in a tree, too shy to join in; 5: I meet a nervous elven singer and a dolphin trapped in a tiny pool in my bedroom... |
FLAMES: by John, c. 1973, as told by Gayle Delaney; an induced transcendent dream I asked my dreams if I should leave my alcoholic wife. I dreamt we were conjoined flames, green and blue. I awoke hopeful, and knew I'd stay. For eight months my wife struggled. Now she's been sober five years... |
FLOWER CONVERSATIONS: by Larry Vigon; 2004/1/12; a surreal psychedelic dream Worms rappeled down from my ceiling. My friend says "I've had great talks with those creatures." They became flying flowers exuding a gas that, if you napped, let you have wonderful conversations... |
GEORGE AND WILMA: by Wayan, 2011/10/25, an animation-mashup dream done as a poem George Jetson is married to Wilma Flintstone--though they're both big cats. When George comes home high on mushrooms, he doubts what's on his bed... CAUTION: CARTOON ADULTERY |
GOD SELLS CIGARETTES: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, a sad dream vignette I dreamed God was naked, selling cigarettes in a nightclub... CAUTION: MONOTHEISTIC FALL |
GOEBBEL'S NOSE by Graham Greene, 1965 or after; a real spy's spy-dream I infiltrated a Nazi nest to give Goebbels a poisoned cigarette. All I could do was to light it, jam it up his nostril and flee, hoping the dose was enough... |
GREEN RAY, BLUE WINGS: by Wayan, 1974/7/14, a joyful apocalyptic dream High in the Sierra during a thunderstorm, I dream aliens steal the gold, and the sun's going nova. But Life wants us to conquer space, so we all grow wings... |
GRIMOIRE AND PACT: by Wayan, 2013/8/4, twin dreams of infestations of... health? illness? sex? magic? Two sisters want to lick me all over, but they lick everything; weird gut-fauna make them immune to toxins... Fairy eggs infest my home--become worms, then tiny horses, then mothwinged hobbits, then adult fairies.... CAUTION: NUDE EQUINES & FAE; PARASITES (OR SYMBIOTES?) |
HEADSHRINKER: by William S. Burroughs, c. 1990? A dream of rage against liars A CIA man trying to infiltrate a revolutionary group flunks a lie-detector test, so the Headshrinker... CAUTION: REAL HEADSHRINKER |
HOUSE OF BLUE LIGHT: by Wayan; 1994/4/3, a dark dream. As my grandmother is dying, I have a dream about what really went on in her house... CAUTION: CHILD SLAVERY |
HUMMINGBIRD HANDS: by Ranjit Bhatnagar, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a freed-by-music dream A mind-control drug urges her to strangle her loved ones, but to beat the curse she busies her fluttering hands with bluegrass banjo... |
I WANT A SHILLING: Anonymous #4; c.1920?, a dream on the precise value of ideals I’m at a lecture on Art, Beauty and the Nude, but no one paid the model and he wants a drink... |
IN EL RIO: by Wayan; 1994/5/14, a singles nightmare. My family runs a bar. I walk through, after hours. Who are all these silent figures? CAUTION: UNHEALTHY READING FOR SINGLES |
INDIANS OCCUPY DANCE CLUB: by Wayan; 2012/8/31; a dream of biased art I try to correct An ink sketch in a magazine shows a new Ghost Dance invading city clubs. But the (biased?) artist uglifies the Indians, horses and giraffes dancing... CAUTION: MILD NUDITY; JAUNDICED ART/REPORTING |
JIM'S POWDER: by Helen; pre-1961, a telepathic warning dream I dreamt I was begging Jim not to kill himself, but when I woke, I couldn't bring myself to call. I hardly knew him... CAUTION: GUILT OVER (PREVENTABLE?) DEATH |
JUST SAY NOSE: by Wayan; 1989, nondream digital poster-poem-rant. What really built Silicon Valley? Oh, pizza, sugar, coffee, speed and cocaine, mostly... CAUTION: DRUGS ON THE JOB |
KEYBOARD TO PIZZA: by Jonathan Coe; c. 1996, a surreal dream of musical failure. Our band from a decade ago plays a reunion gig. It's a disaster even before my keyboard turns into a giant pizza and my fingers start burning on the mozzarella... |
KINDERTOTENLIEDER: by Oliver Sacks; 1974, a musical dream I dream of German dirges I don't know. I hum them for a friend, who shocks me by asking "Have you abandoned any children, or burned a manuscript?" Right on both counts... |
KISSINGER+DENTISTRY=WHY: by Roz Chast, 2023 or before, a dream within a dream I dream I go to my NY dentist, but the novocaine sends me into a dream of having dentistry in Tel Aviv! I 'wake' and my NY dentist explains he can't do me today: sore hands from doing Henry Kissinger... |
KUBLA KHAN: by Samuel Coleridge; summer 1797, an interrupted dream-poem In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure-dome decree (at least till that visitor from Porlock barged in) CAUTION: POET ON PAIN MEDS |
LOOKING FOR LIBRIUM: by Jim Shaw; Jan. 1995?, a mutant Biblical dream After fighting off an electrified Orson Welles, I meet the twelve vulture-pine-politicians climbing Mt Sinai, looking for librium... |
MARVIN, CRASH: by Rick Veitch; Feb 1974; a predictive/warning dream My "friends" pull me away from the girl of my dreams, push booze & pot at me, and won't even try to climb the rope to success. But Marvin saves Evel Knievel from a motorcycle crash. Sounds good--until, ten years later, I hear how Marvin died... CAUTION: GRIM AFTERMATH |
THE MEDIEVAL POISONERS: by Carla Young, 2010/1/3; illustrated non-nightmare Two medieval women poison one another. One dies in my arms; the other may just survive. Why did they...? CAUTION: MURDERERS |
MEDITATION: by Marie-Claude Girondé, spring 2007, a dream painting. A jungle cat needs to take time out from a hard day's predation to have a quiet smoke... |
MERMAID CULT: by Wayan; 2022/6/30, a dream-poem on... envying party animals? I meet a cult worshiping a mermaid who just wallows in a puddle, teaching her followers absolutely nothing; she just wants admiration for her looks... CAUTION: CARTOON BREASTS |
MILK ADDICTS: by Wayan, 1974/6/2, an early psychic dream. I'm in what seems to be a village of very conservative Muslims. But they're really alien castaways... |
MOLLY'S PROSTHETIC: by Wayan, 1994/9/22, a dream predicting a mood drug will fail My dad's new wife is a collie. Naturally, she wants a prosthetic arm. But she has no site to bind it to... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY, LEERING BUSINESSMAN, DOG WIFE |
MOLY: by Thom Gunn, c.1968, a nightmare poem. She turned me to a pig. I rooted hungrily, not for food but for moly, the sacred herb that could undo her spell... CAUTION: TRAPPED IN PORCINITY |
MOOD ELEVATOR: by Wayan; dreamed 1982/5/12, a surreal/comic dream opposing mood enhancers Dinner with the Lightbulb Heads. When we leave, the Mood Elevators welcome us... but won't let us out! And in the struggle to escape, heads will roll--and shatter... CAUTION: HARSH WORDS ON WESTERN MEDICINE |
MY EDUCATION: by William S. Burroughs, 1959-94, a recurrent dream theme or mantra. At the airport, I'm told I can't take my flight; I must finish my education first. Decades have passed, and I still dream of borders and officials who won't let me go until they decide I've finished my... |
NAPPING IN PATERSON: by a Paterson mom; pre-1961, a lifesaving intuitive flash I was downtown when I knew I had to hurry home. I found it full of gas. As my husband napped, our two-year-old had turned on all the stove jets... |
ON DRAGONS: by Roswila; July 1986, three poems of dragon dreams The first two dragons numb my pain. I demand it back, and soon regret my haste. But the third dragon I seduce, for I'm a dragon now... |
THE OTHER LAND: by Walter de la Mare, c.1881-4; an episodic or "installment" dream series Age 7 to 11, I often dreamt I inhabited a consistent geography of mountains & deserts. I was an adult of dark complexion in non-European clothes; I spoke a tongue (and read a script) that I didn't recognize when awake... CAUTION: ADULT DRUG EXPERIMENT; PAST LIFE MEMORY? |
PERISSA: by Wayan; 1997/9/13, a sexy dream-comic (small screen, slow loading? Illus. text) When Perissa, an exhibitionistic centaur, bares her body in a crowded Coliseum, she also bares a human-supremacist plot... CAUTION: EXHIBITIONISM, SPECISM |
PET AD, OR, RENTADOG: by Wayan; 1996/11/9, an illustrated Shakespearean singles-ad. I put a singles ad in our paper, but I just couldn't say what I really wanted to. Now, I can... CAUTION: SEX, DRUGS, AND DOGGEREL |
POISONED!: by Wayan; 1994/6/20, three linked diagnostic dreams. Poison takes many forms, from attitudes to environmental by-products to actions done deliberately... |
THE POLYGAMOUS PILOT: by Wayan; 1990/9/25, an unlikely predictive dream. My friend the Polygamous Pilot is up in an ice-storm, hanging powerlines on the sky, when... |
RASPUTIN CLAUS: by "Sally Anne", 1990s?; a warning dream Bob is at the window asking to be let into my house. He is dressed as Santa Claus; but I think he's really... CAUTION: MURDER ATTEMPT |
RAZI AND THE HOLY WINO OF SHASTA: by Wayan; 1994/9/1, a redemptive epic dream 20,000 years from now, a deer-harpist named Razi finds the Holy Wino's not quite the ruin he seems... CAUTION: BAD PENGUINS, DEER NUDITY, RUDE DRUNK |
READABLE DREAMS: by Wayan; 1989/10/12, 1992/9/1-9/18; a 3-year meditation on treating dreams as art How do we make dream narratives readable, when so many readers are brainwashed to think they're nonsense? |
ROBOT AND UNICORN: by Wayan, 2022/11/23, a dream of building a rebellion After too much TV, I dream I'm plotting against a regime of suave, treacherous magical beings. But a unicorn sorceress suggests I enlist the robots. She's right--they find plutocratic thaumocracy ugly... CAUTION: ANTI-CAPITALIST |
RUTHIE'S CALL: by Ruthie; pre-1961, a lifesaving intuitive compulsion It was way too late to call, but an irrational urge made me wake my friend up and pester her until... |
SCROLLS: by Chris Wayan 1989/2/17, & Mark Varitz 1989/2/18; parallel dreamlets CHRIS: I find what may be a magic potion, if it has a scroll hidden in the liquid... MARK: I'm underwater. Spirits dance around me, on top of sunken scrolls... |
THE SEA-HAG RIOT: by Wayan; 1989/6/5, a wild dream hiding a warning. Aliens, hypnotherapy, dancing molars, riots, witches, flying pianos, lettuce... yet there is a point. |
SHAMANIC CHEW-TOY: by Wayan; 2011/3/16; nested dreams of strange women Compulsively honest spirit-women with waterjugs invade my friend's house. I wake to find my girlfriend's obsessing on hair loss. To calm her, I babble about limb loss... and wake again to find she was a dream too. |
SIGNALS: by Patagia, 2009/11/5, a dream-poem on the conflicting demands of creative life I dream I'm trying to understand how I write poetry, but then I recall my daughter's sick from a bad prescription. So I try to research her illness, but our library's renovating... |
SILK PINS: by Wayan; 1992/5/13, a self-mocking dream. I'm a trade rep for Terra, on a new world. But an old rival, a rep from another world, arrives, and... |
A SMOKE IN THE SIXTIES: by Wayan; 1983/12/2, a genderbent, predictive, self-flagging dreamlet I'm a girl in the 1960s, but not a native--a time-traveler. I'm smoking with friends (not necessarily tobacco)--but I have this strange sense smoking may lead to serious danger. I wake, get invited to the film Terms of Endearment, and watch Shirley Maclaine and Debra Winger enact my dream... |
SPECKLED EGGS: by Starvibes; 2008/6/16, a dream of intrigue. I dreamed of speckled eggs, Caribbean drug traffickers and of almost drowning near a sinking boat... |
SPEWING WINE: by Wayan; 1992/8/17, a Freudian-slip dream baring family dysfunction My family moves into a damp, leaking basement. My dad just sneers at us for fussing about the cold, the damp, the mildew, the leaks. "I'll show you REAL leaking..." |
SPOCK'S SPIRITS: by Wayan; 2000/3/12, a financial-advice dream. Lost in a dark maze of machine-shops, I follow Mr. Spock, who's drunk, and talks to tree-spirits... CAUTION: ALCOHOL AS INSPIRATION? |
STEPHANIE GODOT: by Wayan; 1994/12/14, a waking comedy of two dreamworkers. My unconscious sabotages a lunch date with my friend Stephanie. The tricks get weirder, till... |
SULFUR GROTTO: by Wayan; dreamed 1988/8/30, a psychic genderbent rescue-dream I'm a teenage girl diving for treasure. In an eerie coral grotto reeking of sulfur, I spot a diver in trouble... and wake to find the grotto is real.. |
SUTRO PARK: by Wayan; 1990/11/2, digital painting of nondream surreal event. The tale of the most truly sincerely religious revelation I've ever witnessed... CAUTION: REAL WITCHES |
SWORD AND BOAR: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/30, a dream warning of excess. A boar attacks Swedenborg's late brother, alive again. He tries to help, but the pig eats his brother's head. That's what you get for drinking, partying, and gluttony... CAUTION: VIOLENT DEATH |
TARDIS GAZEBO: by Wayan; 1993/2/17, a 3-page digital dream-comic Solve a pictographic riddle and you can fly, shapeshift, work magic! But someone doesn't want us solving dream-riddles... |
TARTAN ACID SPIDER TORPEDO: by "Thomas Mountain"; 2008/1/31, a cliffhanger dream. I get speared by Irish warriors, slipped an LSD dose, chased by giant spiders, torpedoed--hey, I'm not bored! |
TERI GARR ("FLAMING BITCH!"): by Wayan, 1988/5/16, a nightmare-poem baffling me--then! A beer-soaked cowboy barbecue goes wrong when a dog named Teri Garr catches fire and they just laugh and won't waste beer to douse her. Then their big old hats catch fire... CAUTION: SEXIST BLAMING OF VICTIM; PROBABLE DEATHS BY FIRE |
THE THING ABOUT DREAMS: by Julia Wertz, a dream autobiography, 1980-2010 As a kid, my nightmares were of Sesame Street characters. In my teens I graduated to slasher nightmares and recurring lucid dreams. Alcohol trashed my dreams for years, but now they're not nightmares--just surreal. Hitler wrecks my sex life! What a spoilsport... CAUTION: (MOSTLY FRUSTRATED) SEX |
TIAMAT'S REBELLION: by Wayan; 1988/1/1, a dream about neoteny. That day: I read of a young healer in rural Indonesia harassed by the local mullah. That night: I dream she leads a revolution on a starship against her elders... |
TO KEEP HIM COMPANY: by Robert Southey; 1806/1/23; a Wertheresque suicide dream-comedy My German friend resolved to commit suicide, so I agreed to poison myself to keep him company... |
THE TORTURER: by Wayan; 1997/7/13, a predictive nightmare A free-lance torturer chooses me for his victim. He has the right. I bluster, but when I fall asleep at last... CAUTION: NO PAIN, BUT GORE |
THE 1200-STEP PROGRAM: by Wayan; 1987/12/17, an illustrated dreamtale. I'm climbing a tower, as my dad, Apollo, drunk, throws bottles at me from the top, breaking bones... CAUTION: DENIAL ABOUT ALCOHOLISM |
TWO DRUNKS: by Wayan, 1995/10/26, nondream fantasy; color pencil. A tribute to Hokusai's sketches. A crane and a fairy were out drinking, and now can't fly home... |
UNDO THE PARALYSIS: by Wayan; 1985/7/14, a dream on persistence. In a future society, I'm deliberately, permanently paralyzed. Yet my home-grown cure slowly works... |
UNICOITUS INTERRUPTUS: by Wayan, 2024/10/21, a triple sex-frustration dream 1: My unicorn girlfriend and I are in bed. As we near orgasm, idiots bumble in, wanting help. 2: Deal with their demands, shoo them out, go back to bed. As we near orgasm, idiots... 3: Deal with their demands, shoo them out, go back to bed. As we near orgasm, idiots... CAUTION: SURREAL, BUT PREDICTIVE |
VACUUM DOG: by Laura A. Dale, 1942/12/19; a surreal nightmare labeling itself psychic DAY: I'm an experimental subject given a drug in hopes it'll induce ESP. I just babble stupidly. Humiliation! DREAM: my vacuum cleaner comes alive to attack my terrier & me. I flee, but there's an explosion... TWO DAYS LATER: at the movies, a cartoon: a vacuum cleaner comes alive to attack a terrier. Then, BOOM... CAUTION: WILL REALLY BOTHER E.S.P. SKEPTICS |
A VALLEY NEAR HOPE: by Wayan; 1984/10/17-19, an epic dream. I wander a valley where unicorns love cyborgs but fear giant ants, who love unicorns but fear cyborgs, who love ants but fear unicorns! And while the Three Tribes squabble, cave-monsters sculpt them all. I set up peace talks between these four aspects of my tetrahedral soul... CAUTION: SWEARING, DRUNK LIONS, CYBORG SURGERY, AND GOGGLE-BARFING |
A VIAL CRIME: by Wayan; 1984/5/21, a cartoon dream protesting that I wasn't me today I'm a flying fox in England. I see a poisoning and call for help. Ugly knockoffs of Peanuts characters attack me! The real Peanuts gang defeats them; Snoopy drives the victim to the hospital, saving her. It really is vital to be... authentic. CAUTION: PUNS |
THE VIDEOGRAPHER'S APPRENTICE: by Wayan; 1994/7/29, a predictive/warning dream. Blondie Wiggle builds a Video Igloo. But I'm allergic--TV kills me! A BAD omen for our video project... CAUTION: TV KILLS (BUT YOU KNEW THAT) |
THE VISION: by Robert Herrick; 1648, an eroti-political dream poem I dreamt Anacreon the poet reeled with drink and lust--and I am wild and wanton like to him... |
WINGED BEAST: by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1744/4/7/29, a dream of fighting one's own flaws Swedenborg fights a monster but lacks strength. Yet later, on a higher plane, he learns the beast did die... CAUTION: VIOLENT |
YEW: by Mrs. Cl. of S.; 1670 or 71; a risky dream-prescription. In a dream, a dead friend told Mrs. Cl. how to cure her daughter's chronic illness: the yew tree. But yew is toxic... |
ZELIG FLIES: by Wayan, 1984/4/29, a psychic, lucid dream epic. I careen from a sacrificial marriage-altar to the Oracle Harper's secret pool, into the jaws of Leviathan and the joys of lucid flight, shifting from male to female and gay to straight--till I meet the Dragonfly People themselves... CAUTION: STUPID, STUPID SEX CULT! |
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