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Robot and Unicorn

Dreamed 2022/11/23 by Wayan


I work on the World Dream Bank. Add Silky's Woodcuts and my friend Patagia's dream-poem Signals.

THAT DAY Smokestacks, fish, writing, woodcuts and dancers; collage by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

Out for Lao food at Champa Garden with my housemate Alder. Sort of a consolation Thanksgiving dinner, since our house party had to be canceled--our housemate Chrissie is sick, though at least it's not Covid. Bring back a care package of lemongrass salmon & sticky rice.


News: a woman in Texas with a methane-detecting camera shoots oil wells, pipes and plants. Clouds belch out, invisible to naked eye; but through her viewfinder, obscene. Miniscule to zero fines. She's found it hard even to find out who owns this stuff--shell companies let owners evade cleanup liability. 30% of global warming is from methane not CO2; and a large fraction of that is from Texas alone.

A new law overrides nondisclosure agreements in sexual harassment cases. But not other crimes? I thought where criminal acts are concerned, no contract is legally enforceable; so if you speak up about crimes committed by your employer, how can an NDA ever apply?

Whose Line Is It Anyway? Improv comedy. Guests tonight: sexy twin sisters who are pro wrestlers. I'm not expecting much--athletes, actors and musicians are used to being on stage, but many can't improvise. But these two are naturals--uninhibited physical clowns. From fighting? Well, their sport isn't fighting; it isn't even a sport. It's clowning.

Next, an ad for a psoriasis drug. A tween in a blue-sequined leotard dances on stage, then in her dressing room looking glumly at the rash on her arm. For a moment I feel perverted for finding her sexy, then stop--her character wants to be sexy; that's the ad's whole point, that the rash makes her feel undesirable. The real perversion here is how the ad downplays the long list of drug hazards and side effects. "We'll help you fit in! Or die. See fine print."

There seems to be a pattern in the news tonight. Gender, sex, sickness and... side effects. Not just of drugs. Of capitalist sleaze.


-- 1 --

An alternate world. One in trouble. An upper class with magical powers wants to be worshiped as gods. Many are nonhuman. These rulers viciously suppress any spills of secrets--their superiority hinges on monopolizing knowledge and power. But a rebellion's brewing...

It's all straight out of Zelazny's classic sf novel Lord Of Light. Except... instead of a setting resembling ancient India, it's Olde England--well, Edwardian England, just a century ago. Steam trains, big country houses full of servants, London townhouses, soirees and balls, posh accents... and vicious backstabbing. Usually social, occasionally magical, but (when enemies are lower-class) literal.

At first I just observe the rebel leader conspiring to overthrow these glib assassins. But increasingly, I become him.

-- 2 --

I'm in a crowd including both Magicals and Muggles. But which are which? I loudly mention a string of names all starting with T, just to see who'll bristle and wince. I'm being indiscreet--the list hints at a state secret. I'm taking this risk deliberately--to learn just who my enemies are.

-- 3 --

I'm on the street. Worry some younger kids will get hit by a car. An odd fear, since the crowd's so dense it'd be hard for a car to reach us. Still, I teach them to advance warily together, in a sort of chorus line, with a four-beat, forward three, back one. They seem to like the dance, and they're sure more visible as a group.

I don't quite know what to do next, but I can feel the dance isn't just for safety; there's music building, demanding a full-on song & dance number.

-- 4 --

I visit one of the aristocracy--the Witchmare, a unicorn who supports a big beautiful estate by charging high fees as a sorceress. I hoped she might support the rebellion.

Her maid leads me in right away. Witchmare knows very well I lead the revolutionaries!

Robed unicorn and her maid in a country mansion. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
Quietly, she says "I'm a healer not a fighter, but if your rebellion brings them down, I'll cry no tears. I don't need money, or this house, or a library of spells. I can always browse lawns and flowerbeds, and heal people with my horn."

She closes those immense grass-green eyes and is silent a while, then adds:

"Have you spoken with the robots? I suspect they too may support change."

-- 5 --

I take Witchmare's advice. I walk through the valley of junk towers near the mouth of the robot-factory caves, where they're assembled and trained. This garbage-heap valley is the robot newbies' first view of the outside world.

Here I meet a robot who's bitter about the ugly piles of scrap. They growl "These towers teach us that beauty doesn't matter." Esthetic pollution!

Witchmare sure guessed right--the robots will support our revolt. I just didn't think it'd be on artistic grounds...

Robots emerge from a cave into a junkyard. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
-- 6 --

I wake and outline those scenes in bed. (If I leap up to type a dream I usually lose all but the first scene I write; and if I handwrite them fully, my hands & wrists hurt. So I use a personal shorthand and scrawl just a few words per scene.)

I reach the scene at the mouth of the robot caves. For mouth I just put a square, the Chinese for mouth. But I pause, recalling this was a sign in the dreamworld's syllabic writing system--I think a square meant 'mo', unlike Chinese 'kou' or Japanese 'ro'. But Hebrew and Korean have square letters too, both pronounced 'm', fitting 'mouth' nicely. What language do I think I'm writing? Habits from five scripts in two worlds clash in my head!

-- 7 --
And I wake again. Writing the dream down inside the dream helped fix the dream in memory--despite all those confusing scripts--and scenes.


DAY: TV - politics - ecology - cleanup! - capitalism - dance - sports - babes & hunks - kids & sex - beauty & ugliness - drugs - book-inspired dreams
DREAM: alternate Earths - other worlds in general - politics again - class - topdogs & underdogs - revolution - weird dream beings - animal people - unicorns - sexy creatures in general - robots - beauty & ugliness again - cleanup! - false waking - language & writing - digital dream art - England - a predictive robot/junkyard dream: Micmacs - that dream where Witchmare Seduces Twilight

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