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George and Wilma

Dreamed 2011/10/25 by Wayan
for Blake and Bam-Bam

I dream the Jetsons move to a deep past
Suburb: invade the dolmen-vaulted home
Of the Flintstones. Gets

Weirder: everyone gets drawn as cats (yet
Smarter Than The Average Cat), so I'm unclear
Who's suburbanite, who's pet.

George Jetson pads in. "Wilma, I'm home!"
But he blinks and sweats. Neon auras ring
Judy his feline teen. He shoulda skipped
The officeparty mushrooms. Pulsing things.
Trapped. Tripped.

The cat's on the bed again, sans-souci. Pussy. Not
Flintstone sabertooth, but lion-size. Thighs. Is that
Wilma his wife as a cat? Mush-high, our poor
George is not too sure.

Wilma, that shopaholic showcat, surely should
Look nothing like a Stone Age beast.
But the bedcat odalisque
Shifts each time he blinks.

He thinks. Tries. REALLY oughtn't've popped
Them shrooms. George hasn't yet copped
To a possible worse: he's not off his head,
Not one bit--

Both cats are in his bed. Wilma's raised her tail
To their family pet.

Beefier, tougher than George. By Wilma's squeals,
Downstairs bigger yet. George, shaking, feels
Inadequate. He hasn't yet

Pondered potential worst: he may be outclassed
Even upstairs. Pussy futurist! Whipped by
Cat past.

George Jetson & Wilma Flintstone are married. And they're cats. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

NOTES IN THE MORNING Wilma Flintstone is a big cat in bed with Saberpuss (who lacks sabers). Dream sketch by Wayan.

The Sabertooths of Wrath are wiser
than the Georges of Instruction.

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