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Dreamed 2017 or '18 by Julie Doucet


This was drawn, and meant to be read, BOTTOM TO TOP--the opposite of every comic ever made. It's a single page out of Julie Doucet's first comic in years--Time Zone J (Drawn & Quarterly, 2022). Beside the bottoms-up experiment, there are no panels, not even separate pages really; though bound into a book, it's really a continuous scroll of dense overlapping images, about 25 cm high but 15-20 METERS long (9" by 60'). More Bayeux Tapestry than graphic novel. The effect? A dark, claustrophobic, breathless flow appropriate to the main story--an intense transatlantic affair in her early 20s with a cutter.

--Chris Wayan

Cigar-smoking dancer, dreamed & drawn by Julie Doucet.

LISTS AND LINKS: dance & dancers - lesbians - booze, smokes, drugs - cigars? Freud! - weird dream humor - comics - experiments - ink - more Julie Doucet

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