by Chris Wayan 1990/5/9
We joke, but we watch the screen. We hear (if not really listen to) bad songs, the dumb dance thump. We breathe subsidized fire, Rebel with criminal hemp. We drink fuel to forget us. All is to forget. Addicts of oblivion, We deny the hook. Divide our distractions, Rate each sliver, to mask their hulking mass.
TV's a dull lowclass drug,
Bored? You can skip ahead, skip the list. |
creativity justified (if paid for), utterly mockable (if unpaid), gambling tough, caffeine routine, shopping banal, crack black, puking pathetic, chocolate lovable.
To say nothing of the net
A thousand more drugs, each
All the Americans, tech-gods all, Excuse me, the cat is at the door.
I'm back now.
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