Tales of the Waking World
Even waking physics is so stodgy: thick, heavy, rule-bound. Why, to change things, you have to push them. Matter is nearly as bad as, as politics.
Still, now and then, things happen in the waking world, things worth mentioning...
RELATED TOPICS: waking essays and rants - studio art and figure studies - portraits and self-portraits - Tarot images - Accounts of psychic dreams usually have significant waking-world content, since such dreams concern waking-world events - trance states - out-of-body experiences - hypnogogic dreams - dreamwork and dream research - memory and amnesia - natural laws - probability-sheaves and observer effects - doors into other universes - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
THE ABUSE PANELISTS: by Wayan; 1997/2/6, nondream journalism A whole convention of adults abused as kids shows me how hard it is to hide the damage... CAUTION: ABUSE ISSUES |
AIN'T EASY: by Wayan; 1990/2/25. Nondream digital Coyote dance poster. As Red Emma said, "If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution..." |
AMBITION: by Wayan; 1994/5/25, an odd little dreamlike real-life experience. My intuition led me to a panel discussion of women artists, just to hear one single sentence... |
ANIMANGEL: by Wayan, 1983/10/1-2010/7/22! An ink portrait-poem of my clashing guardian angels My loud, spiky, tailed angel of change and potential, and my calm, skeptical devil of gradualism--a star-nosed mole... |
ANOREXIA NIRVANA: by Wayan; 1993, a digital picture-poem of astral temptation. I was anorexic for years; I only mastered it when I saw it was a hunger for the spirit world... |
AWK!: by Wayan; 1988?, a trance drawing of a body state When I met someone attractive, my head flamed, burning my body like a wax candle... |
AYRES: by Wayan; alarming nondream discovery 2006/5/4, and subsequent revelations The therapist my parents made me see as a kid got convicted of molesting his child clients. But not all. I played an evasive waiting game for three awful years under his leering scrutiny. So, can evading a molester still traumatize? Oh yes... CAUTION: CHILD NEGLECT & ABUSE |
BANANA MOON: by Wayan; 1998/3/4-12/26, dream-figure painting, acrylic on wood, 3x4' My figure-painting class here in San Francisco has a diverse student body, but not THIS diverse... CAUTION: NUDITY |
THE BEEP TREE: by Wayan; c. 1998/7/11, a dreamlike but true story. I heard a noise out my window. I looked out, and saw something strange... |
BEREN AND LUTHIEN: by Wayan, 2017/10/11, a comment on the chance cause of The Lord of the Rings A publishing-house error made them reject Tolkien's mythical work, and demand a sequel to The Hobbit... |
A BIKE ODYSSEY, or, ARABELLA'S ARTIFACT: by Wayan; 1994/7/24, a day trip echoed in a dream. DAY: I bike across San Francisco writing down what I actually see. DREAM: I'm an abused English heiress with a dangerous alien artifact... CAUTION: HAUNTED BY CHILD ABUSE |
BLACKGROUND: by Wayan; 2023/3/14-4/4, a booklet of improv paintings on dreamwork Inspired by Lynda Barry, I fill a black-paged book with 20 improv paintings. They grow into a tour of my dreamwork led my anima Silky, a nightmare... |
BOILING MY FRIENDS: by Wayan; 1983/6/7, a nondream poem of letting go. Giving up a circle of friends is like the collapse of a sun--do you dry up like a raisin... or explode? |
BONGO: by William S. Burroughs, 1990/8/6; a nondream synchonicity All day I've had a stupid song from 1948 in my head--"Bongo Bongo Bongo." Then I buy Metzger's Dogs. Start reading. Page 16: "Gordon started singing "Bongo Bongo Bongo, I Don't Want to Leave the Congo"... |
BOOKSTORE ILLUSION: by Wayan; erasable crayon of an illusion, 14x17", 1982/6/25 I was in the Stanford Bookstore and saw this strange visual pun across the room... or did I? CAUTION: MILD NUDITY |
BOXES, or, THE THRILL OF DRAWING: by Wayan; 1999/10/20, nondream pencil drawing In drawing class I was supposed to be studying perspective, but I went beyond the box... |
BRADBURY'S DEATH IS A LONELY BUSINESS: by Wayan; 1994/1/12, a book review? Or a life review? Bradbury's Mars was based on his life in Venice, California. What worlds grow out of my San Francisco? |
BUCKLES: by Wayan; 1988/11/2, a nondream intuition saving my pants (if not my butt) A weird urge insists "Do laundry NOW!" I go. My housemate Liz is there! I open a machine and find the buckles for the overalls I lent Liz for a Halloween costume. She swears "I looked everywhere..." CAUTION: FLAMES E.S.P. DENIERS |
THE BURBS: by Wayan; 1990/7/1, a true-story poem. A perfectionist gardener builds perfect planterboxes while his seedlings starve. And so I left the burbs... |
CAPITOL REEF: by Wayan; 1996/1/27. Drawn daydream of a mid-air orgy (or is it mid-water?) News of a new national park and a science show on cleaner-fish spur a daydream of dolphins, cats and... CAUTION: FISH ORGY; MOCKS THE ANGEL MORONI, TOO |
THE CENDANCERS: by Wayan; 2011-16, a 32-figure sculpture project with 250+ pics A wild troupe of sexy, surreal, centaurlike dancers mostly built from Barbie dolls... CAUTION: EXPLICIT NUDITY, FUR, BARBIE |
CHICKENS: by Wayan; 1998/6/6, a journal extract on survival I realize how strongly environmental illness sculpts my view of the world... CAUTION: CHICKEN BONDAGE |
CHINA BEACH: by Wayan; 1992/10/9. Digital painting of a nondream life-shift.. That moment when you tire of your old trauma and suddenly turn to the sun. Or fun. CAUTION: NUDITY, SEXUAL THEMES |
CHOCOLATE SPILL: by "Anonymous #8"; pre-1963, a nondream time-glitch of a few seconds The jug of chocolate sauce smashed on the floor, forming a dark pattern. Then the scene melted and, like a film loop, restarted. Horrified, I screamed "Don't touch it!" But the pitcher fell, the sauce made its predestined shape... |
CIDER AND WINE: by Wayan; 1974/10/24, surreal undream Aspie reporting Our writing class meets in this Victorian home. I turn off my filters and describe what I really see around me... |
CIRRUS: by Wayan; 1982/12/7, a dreamlike but waking skyscape. I was hunting edible fungi in Foothill Park near Palo Alto when I saw this... |
THE CITY, NOT LONG AFTER: by Wayan; 1998/4/22-30, acrylic cityscape of our flooded future. What my home town will become, if you fools keep burning gas and spewing CO2... |
CLAIRAGONY: by a Philadelphia woman, Aug 1951, a sympathetic heart attack her mind misattributes I had a heart attack--but it faded in minutes! The phone rang. I knew at once my dying mother was gone... |
THE COIL: by Wayan; 1999-2000. Mad instrument design that might just work A spiral dream-instrument I'm building, that's easier to play than a piano or guitar, and a lot snakier... |
D, D, D: by Wayan; 1988/2/1, trance-poem during automatic writing (done to rewire my brain) I always wrote some letters strangely--my 'd' was nearly illegible. So I set out to retrain my deep motor skills... |
DATING WEIRDOS: by Wayan; 1996/8/12, a short rant on us outliers. Normal people want someone complementary. Weirdos want someone like them. Why? Economics!... |
DICK, HOW WONDERFUL: by Dick and his mother; 1951-54, shared telepathic hallucinations As a man on shore patrol in Manila is attacked, he and his mother simultaneously see and hear each other... |
DIVINE IMAGE, or, A VISION OF ADONAI: by Anna Kingsford, 1877/7/23, a waking vision Gazing at the moon, Anna finds herself touring the Solar System, meeting all the planetary guardians... CAUTION: MYSTICAL ECSTASY |
DON'T DO THAT, MARION: by Marion; 1947, a two-way telepathic intervention? I planned suicide. Then my friend 1000 miles away said in my ear "Don't do that, Marion." Next day an airmail... SUICIDAL NARRATOR |
DREAMRIDER: by Wayan; 1986/4/15, a short, startled rant, chapter 5 of UNICORN TAG. A novel on a modern woman called to become a shaman echoes my real life way too closely for comfort... |
DREAMWORK IN A DECADENT AGE: by Wayan; 1997/11/19, a short essay Sprague De Camp says religions seduce us with emotional comfort. But is dreamwork religion or science? |
THE DREGS EFFECT: by Wayan; 1997/11/19, a waking insight on artists in therapy Artists have their own strange culture, and we can unintentionally mislead therapists unfamiliar with us... CAUTION: THERAPESE |
THE EFFECTS OF PSYCHIC INVASION: by Wayan; 1999/4/17, a dream about ESP What are the psychological effects of growing up psychic, as others' thoughts and feelings invade you? When other's bodies invade you, it's molestation... |
THE EGG CRACKS: by Carl Jung, 1914/1/10-1917/2/4; meditation-images A green monster guards the divine egg; with the right prayer, it explodes in a fountain of mad color, half grenade, half freed jinni... |
EGYPT: by AE (George Russell); 1890s?, a brief telepathic vision I wondered where a friend was, and felt as if I were walking at night near the Sphinx. Months later... |
EVIL ARCHY: by Wayan; April 2008; a non-dream poem in terze rima Money, power, race and gender stifle my working friends less than hierarchical structures... |
FALL FROM A STAR: by Edwin Muir; 1920, a hypnogogic shamanic initiation Escaping the tiny red plush room inside a star, I dive back to earth. Oops. A beast eats my broken body. My soul waits... |
A FAMILY ALBUM: by Wayan; 1981/3/9, folio of nightmarish dysfunctional family. A series of family shadows, as I saw them then. These scenes are NOT literal, is that clear? But the tensions they show were very real... CAUTION: GRIM! SEXUAL VIOLENCE, INCEST, MUTILATION |
F.I.P: by Dr A (c.1947), a Cambridge man (1960?), a London girl (c.1916) and a Midlands mum (July 1958) Examples of inexplicable moods that appear (after the fact) to be reactions to future events... |
FIRE IN THE CRUCIBLE: by Wayan; 1996/11/5, a confessional essay on genius. A book's example of a mathematical savant made me stop and try to do what he did. I can! Can anyone? |
FIRST DATE: by Wayan; 1991/10/20, a true story. I have weird, bad luck around dating. Finally I go on a picnic with Page, and the Great Fire begins... |
FLOWERING:: by Wayan; 1996, pencil digitally tinted; nondream portraits. Sketches from a San Francisco street music festival where, after a long sleep, I woke up sexually at last... CAUTION: NYMPHETS, QUEERS, AND OTHER REAL PEOPLE |
FOAM, FURS, DREAMS: by Wayan; 2012-16, a blog on sewing giant dream plushies; 43 dreams! My dreams urge me to build furry dream creatures with joints, muscles & bones, then to heal myself by mating with them... CAUTION: FETISHISM, FURRY NUDITY & SEX |
FRAGMENTATION: by Wayan; 1990? Digital drawing on digital drawing. The first thing any beginner does with a paint program is behead someone. Why? CAUTION: PAINFUL SPLINTERS |
FREEDOM THROUGH BOXES: by Wayan; an experiment in art & pain, Jan 2005 I've always loved curves, color, dreams, sex, texture... and planning, too. So one day I drew 100 black boxes in ink--no color, no curves, no erasure! And then I began to seek... |
FRISCO GONE: by Catshall; c. 2014/10/23, a nondream haiku on a flooded city old Frisco gone, high-rise condos obscure the view: hives for techie... |
FROG: by Wayan; 120K, 2000/4/19, a narrative digital picture-poem I was single and tired of kissing frogs. Then I realized--I AM one. Or worse: a pretentious polliwog... |
GEEK SHORTAGE: by Wayan; 1990/2/12. Epic primitive digital painting on body image A mural on how I became a dancer--the day I lost my old body-image, failed to recognize myself in the mirror... |
GOLDEN EGG: by Larry Vigon; 1984; a real, nondream, synchronistic... summoning? I was on a London train. An ad had an image from "Jack and the Beanstalk" and I pondered the tale--the meaning of the golden eggs. A man got on, held out a golden egg, and opened it... |
GOLDFISH: by Michel Leiris; June 1940, a surreal waking vignette The Nazis advance on Paris. We help refugees at the train station. An old woman has a pet goldfish and a black cat. She can't carry a fishbowl across wartime France, and doesn't want to abandon... CAUTION: DRASTIC SOLUTION |
GRAVE: by Wayan; 1999, a poem of everyday life, if this is your everyday life. So I looked out my window and saw this guy burying a tiny robed woman in a trench in the street... |
HE REMARRIED: by an Iowa divorcee; 1907, an unlikely oracular flash My mother's face took on a sudden expression of astonishment--possibly agony. She said "Your father is remarrying." I laughed. 'Impossible. He'd have told me. I had a letter from him only a few days ago..." |
HEADLINES: by "Anonymous #21"; 1942/8/4, 1954/1/1, and 1958/8/16, a set of psychic newsflashes All my life I've had sudden visions showing violent deaths accompanied by headlines naming the victims... |
HOWL: by Wayan; June 1983, a picture-poem on a daydream of deep time Surely the dinosaurs were as vocal as their little cousins, the birds. But bass to the birds' soprano! So when dinos sang to the moon... |
HYPNOGOGIC ASSAULT: by Dr Simon Forman; 1559-63, recurring hypnogogic images. From age six on, Simon nightly climbs mountains and faces roaring floods in a sort of naptime bootcamp... |
ICE-TRAY: by Anonymous #28; pre-1961, a waking intuition so unlikely it suggests ESP I lost two rings. Searched hours; nothing. I hadn't touched the freezer all day, yet I peered into the icecubes... |
AN INTERVIEW WITH WAYAN: by Wayan; 1994/3/20, an interview. Dream researcher Stephanie Van Zandt Nelson questions me on the roots of the art of dreaming... |
JASHA EXPLAINS DEATH: by Wayan; ca. 1974/10/1; a 10-page painted comic with recurrent dream figures Deep Duck's interview with Jasha the Krelkin goes rogue, as she urges tossing out human habits like... death? CAUTION: REDWOOD-SPRITE SEX, PEEING ON TREES, DRUNK DUCK |
JENNIFER MONTGOMERY: by Wayan; 1995/4/24, a film review Montgomery's film about her teenage affair with a pedophile is troubling enough before the FBI tries to blackmail her... CAUTION: MOLESTATION/ABUSE ISSUES |
JUNK FICTION?: by Wayan; 1990/6/15, a rant on literature's treatment of shamans & psychics At least fantasy and science fiction address my life-issues; "realism" just declares me nonexistent... |
LET'S PLEASE THE RICH: by Wayan; 1998/6/24, a disgusting proposal The rich block reform. So let's offer the rich what they really want: ranking and attention... CAUTION: CHIMPONOMICS |
LILIES, DREAMER, FOX: by Wayan; 1998/5/27, acrylic on 46" plywood disk, life study. She didn't want to be there. She closed her eyes and went elsewhere. So I painted where she went... CAUTION: NUDITY |
LONELY NO MORE!: by Wayan; 2000/3/27, a sculpture of American singlehood. The Dating Fairy, built on lonely evenings waiting for her to call me back--whoever "her" was that week... CAUTION: NUDITY, SEXUAL THEMES |
LONG ROAD TO HEAVEN: by Edwin Muir; 1920, an epic hypnogogic shamanic initiation Creatures in the primal sea touch my third eye, dragons cry their eyes out, I fight the Sphinx, and arrive at last in... |
LOUSE: by Wayan; ink, 1982/5/21: an embarrassing true story. Getting rid of lice was easy. Harder was quelling the gossip and rumors from my co-workers and boss... CAUTION: A LOUSE OF A BOSS |
MAN OVERBOARD: by Sir Stephen King-Hall; 1916, a lifesaving premonition acted on I was officer of the watch in the Southampton. I knew that as we passed an islet a mile ahead, a man would fall overboard... |
MANDALA: by Carl Jung, c.1915; a drawing he lied about for decades Jung, in crisis, drew a complex mandala, and then wrote about its symbols & archetypes, always claiming a patient had drawn it... |
MATRONIZED: by Wayan; 1996/5/25, a real-life vignette. An older woman I know nags me about food. Suddenly my mind flips our genders and weights... |
MISCARRIAGE: by John Donne; 1612, a clairvoyant hallucination. Donne, in Paris, was alarmed by a vision of his wife holding a dead baby. At that hour, in England, his wife... |
MONSTER PROM: by Wayan; Dec? 1993. How parties look when you see auras. If you sense auras, every singles event feels like a scene from Halloween Hell... CAUTION: HORNY MONSTERS |
MULTIPLE: by Wayan; 1991/11/16; digital picture-poem on seven dream-selves. I have all the signs of multiple personality but memory gaps. Here are the ones I've met and been in dreams. But you all forget your dreams. Don't be too sure you're so unitary... CAUTION: BACKGROUND SEX |
MY LIFE CHANGED: by Wayan; 1993/6/15, the plain truth. Advice from a successful writer of worstsellers to all you aspiring failures: unfame has its price... |
MY PAST CHANGES SO: by Wayan; 1985, a poem on healing-stages. It takes time to build yourself out of found objects and trash... |
MY PLACE: by Wayan, 1998/2/21; an envious book review Sally Morgan, in her famous autobiography, details racism and family silence, but also her family's matter-of-fact acceptance of premonitions and dreams. I feel acceptance envy! |
NAVAHO HORSES: by Wayan; 1972/8/1; childhood drawing, feltpen & color pencil A museum sketch of Navaho horses who got me hot--teaching teenage me that my sexual orientation wasn't (only) human... |
NEUTRINO EYES: by Wayan; 1983, a poem on dark matters. ESP is like having neutrino detectors for eyes: what radiates from people's cores blinds you to their surfaces... |
NICHE: by Wayan; 1990/5/9, a nondream poem on new art media, or crashing your computer. Same thing. A poem linking the dawn of digital art to early, tinny phonographs, cranky film cameras... CAUTION: IDEAS |
NIGHT FLIGHT: by Catherine as told to Wayan; c. 1962, a recurrent childhood flying dream. My friend Catherine dreamed she was a flying mare with golden hooves. But in real life, she lost them... |
NO MAN IS ISLAND: by Wayan; mid-May 1990, a poem challenging John Donne's, illustrated with dreamselves. No Man is Island. So Men say. I am not a Man... |
NOCTURNE: by Wayan; 2023/9/20, a book of improv paintings on dreams Inspired by Shaun Tan, I fill a black-paged photo album with 36 improv paintings. They become a tour of my dreamworld, led by my anima Silky, a literal nightmare... CAUTION: FURRY NUDITY, WEIRD DREAM IDEAS |
NOT A NICE DAY: by Gladys Clarke; 1925/3/18, an aural premonition All day I expected a terrible scream, but had no idea why until I heard it. A woman in flames came out of her house... CAUTION: GRUESOME DEATH |
OPEN MIC: by Wayan; 1992/8/18; my first public dream-reading An open microphone in a San Francisco cafe. Others tell stories, sing songs, chant poems. But I want to tell a shamanic dream! To an audience sure that dreams are dull, incoherent, meaningless... |
OPENING: by Wayan, 1992; incubated automatic drawing Why don't I push for more art shows? I asked how I feel at shows of my own work, and this came out... |
OR... IS IT YOU?: by Wayan; 1990/2/11 nondream digital painting on marginality. When I was battered, I briefly lived on the streets. What struck me was how fragile most of us were... CAUTION: BRIEF BUT GRIM |
ORB: by Walter de la Mare; before 1939; a feverdream image I held the strangest and most entrancing object I have ever seen: the very citadel of life itself!... |
PASSION: by Katie Hofgard; 2006, an undream portrait of a complex woman. Talk about mixed messages! Or... is it really? CAUTION: NUDITY, SLIGHT FIRE HAZARD |
PAT'S WARNING: by Pat, Allen and Gerry; 1947, a ghostlike warning from a living person's unconscious In occupied Germany, Pat flags down two friends just before a truck crash. Except... Pat was in England at the time. She sensed they were in danger, but... |
PENTALEMMA: by Wayan; 2002/3/10 to 2006/5/1?, a 13-page nondream improv-comic on deep goals Hypnotized in therapy, I saw AT LEAST five competing goals tugging at me like gravity fields. Naturally I drew them. Come tour the Inner Solar System of our desires... CAUTION: NUDITY (BODY, HEART, BRAIN, SOUL) |
PET THE FOX: by Wayan; 1993; improv map of my olfactosphere. Sexual beauty scares me--how I'm affected--how vulnerable I am. An irresistable pheromone... CAUTION: SEXUAL THEME |
PETE: by Norman, a soldier on Guam; 1944, either a ghost or hallucination with a lifesaving warning. Pete told me to skip the shortcut. Only after I'd turned the truck around did I realize Pete had died weeks ago... |
PHILOSOPHER: by Wayan; 1992/7/31. Nondream digital picture-poem. I worked at Stanford too long. I got tired of observing the mating displays of the purple-prose patriarch.. CAUTION: NUDE ACADEMIC GROUPIE |
PIKETTY'S CAPITAL IN THE 21ST CENTURY: by Wayan; 2017/1/19, my take on his controversial book Thomas Piketty argues we obsess on income, ignore capital. My experience suggests he's right. Track wealth, tax wealth... CAUTION: NON-DREAM RANT, ECONOMICS, HOW TO GET RICH SLOW |
I DREAMED MY PILLS WERE TAKING ME: by Wayan; 2004/3/13, a dirty lie. A dream that'd explain why I quit taking Western medicines-- (and why haven't you?) Only I didn't dream it. Just lived it. |
POLYGON DREAMS: by Wayan; 2007/4/23, a 32-page comic on the effects of shapes What if comics panels and layouts weren't so square? I try triangles, pentagons, hexagons, circles, spirals--and some serious stuff pops out... CAUTION: IDEAS, OCCASIONAL NUDITY, MENTIONS ABUSE |
POX: by Wayan; 2021/2/10, a short undream poem Smallpox is extinct. No need to worry. But the pocked face of the rising moon reminds me malice, madness, incompetence and black-market greed, our four horsemen, aren't extinct... CAUTION: ODE TO SMALLPOX, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? |
PRAY: by Wayan; 1992? Digital nondream image--childhood memory?. I don't know what this scene is about--but it's not a dream. A stage, I think. Something from childhood. CAUTION: BARE BEAR |
PRODIGIES' ODDITIES: by Wayan; 1994/2/2, a confession. I suspect we child prodigies and geniuses are as unlike the gifted as normal people. So here's a checklist... CAUTION: BRAIN REQUIRED |
PSYCHIC FAMILIES ARE SO MUCH FUN: by Wayan; 1980/7/21, a true story of ESP. My sister's avoiding our nosy parents, but I sense they'll run into her soon. I just didn't know HOW soon... |
RAISE YOURSELF!: by Wayan; 1998/7/5, 17" nondream sculpture Why wait for the Rapture when you can use a chinup machine and raise yourself off that cross?... CAUTION: NUDE PSEUDO-CRUCIFIXION, SACRILEGIOUS SELF-HELP |
THE REAL MAO: by Wayan; 2006/7/9 and 7/11: two dreams (one possibly psychic) about an appalling book Jung Chang’s exposé of Mao's brutal deeds and legacy provoke dreams of leaders who don't listen--till I scream... |
REINCARNATION, or, SUPPOSE: by Wayan; 2015/7/10, an undream poem These days I'm doubtful about both an afterlife AND utter extinction. Was Shakespeare wrong about what gets buried, what lives on? |
RHAMPHORHYNCHUS: by Wayan; 1996/11/12, a waking premonition. Biking, I find myself chanting a dinosaur name--Rhamphorhynchus. I don't even know what kind it is. At home I open a novel, and a Rhamphorhynchus appears, politely defined for me by our obliging universe... CAUTION: E.S.P.? |
RHINE CHECKERS: by Wayan; 1970-71, a journal extract on ESP. My sister and I played games based on the Rhine Institute's ESP studies. Our scores were not random... |
RIVER CROSSING: by Harriet Tubman; mid to late 1850s; a lifesaving intuition Leading a party out of slavery, I got off the road when God warned me to. He insisted I must ford a cold river. Turned out the slaveowner had posted a reward at the station ahead; we were saved by divine guidance... |
THE ROAD OF MY LIFE: by Wayan; 1999/12/12, pencil; a life-map. The white road is my life history, told in women: friends, lovers, relatives, ancestors--and one past life... |
ROSEMARY AND FRANCES: by Rosemary; 1936/6/5, a predictive mood & flash saves one of two sisters Gloom clung to me & I skipped the dance. I begged Frances to ride in a safe car, but coming home... |
SAMURAI LIBRARIAN: by Wayan; 1982/10/20, a dream that dreamwork is samurai discipline I wrote my dreams each morning no matter what--even if I it made me late for work. They assumed I was sloppy, lazy, spacy. No; disciplined about priorities! |
SAX: by Wayan; 1991/5/19, an 8-page digital comic--a true nondream story. Alone in my blue room, I heard sax music. Two sunbathers were jamming outside my window... CAUTION: SEX AND SAX |
SCHNEIDER TROPHY CRASH: by J. Lloyd-Owens; c. 1931/8/1, an overwhelming premonition A newsreel showed a flier for the Schneider Trophy Air Race. I felt a violent shock and said "He's going to die..." |
SHIP OF THE SUN: by Carl Jung, c.1917/1/10; trance image An version of the Egyptian Ship of the Sun with a mutant Osiris at the helm, in a monster-infested sea: image of the spark of consciousness in a sea of... |
THE SHOP SPILLED OVER: by AE (George Russell); early 1890s, a telepathic flash Closing my eyes I saw an old man and a red-haired girl in a shop. My workmate was writing home... |
SIX AND A HALF EXPERTS VIEW THE BEAST: by Wayan; 2018/12/11-2019/1/31 (a poem answering Wallace Stevens's 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird) As the beast in question (and recalling the fable Six Blind Men and the Elephant) I don't mind letting six half-blind humans have their say--as long as I get my own... CAUTION: UNICORNS |
SLUG ETHICS: by Wayan; 1974/10/7, an undream tale. A man who wants to love and respect all life has unwanted kitchen guests: a wave of slugs... |
SO TIRED OF MY BONES: by Wayan; 1999/9/13. Ink painted on with cardboard wedges; acrylic wash. In my drawing class it was antlers and bones and skulls, death death death till I was tired of MY bones... |
SPUTTERNIK: by Wayan; 1979, a Beat poem: the comedy of the streets. A street poet preaches a gospel of smallness, until he pokes at capitalism in a slightly too personal way... |
A STAGE FRIGHT: by Wayan; 1993/11/17, a revealing automatic writing-trance I froze in dance class when I followed anyone else's script. Was it fear? A dragon inside said no... |
THE STAGMAN: by Wayan; 2000/4/7, waking landscape with dream figure. A slightly surrealized San Francisco landscape--not that it needed much help... CAUTION: PINK PAGAN TOES |
STANDING UP CITY: by Wayan; 1970, childhood imaginary world As a kid, my Ecotopian fantasy city was hollowed out of living rock, with hanging gardens and terraces... |
STARVATION?: by Wayan; 1995/8/28, a journal extract on body image. On a poster of a model who's around my weight, someone's scrawled STARVATION IMAGERY... CAUTION: DEFENSE OF SKINNY PEOPLE |
STEPHANIE GODOT: by Wayan; 1994/12/14, a waking comedy of two dreamworkers. My unconscious sabotages a lunch date with my friend Stephanie. The tricks get weirder, till... |
STRETCH NOW!: by Wayan; 1991/7/25 lost dream plus 1991/11/13 digital sketch DREAM: I was a cheetah seeking a book of cheetah rolemodels, but this specist librarian harassed me... PAINTING: months later, dream forgotten, I painted myself without knowing why as a cheetah stretching... |
SUCKER!: by Wayan; 1990? Crayon, 12" square. Health reminder.. I was anorexic for years before I found I was allergic to many foods--I had good reason not to eat!... |
SUMMONING SHADOW: by Jo Equinity; 2006. Three meditative paintings apparently cause a miracle. I had to sell my horse Shadow, but I missed him so much I painted him. As I finished, a strange impulse led me... |
SUTRO PARK: by Wayan; 1990/11/2, digital painting of nondream surreal event. The tale of the most truly sincerely religious revelation I've ever witnessed... CAUTION: REAL WITCHES |
TACKY IS AN ANGLO IDEA, or, NEW BRACELET!: by Wayan; 1983/6/22. A bilingual undream. I like bad taste. Taste always tasted like another Anglo conspiracy to keep me from having fun... |
TALL UNICORN: by Wayan; 1990/2/20. Digital nondream picture-poem. I've been meeting, talking with, and turning into unicorns in my dreams these last few years... CAUTION: ANTI-FUNDAMENTALIST |
TANGUY: by Wayan; 1963-4, childhood surrealist drawing. No, not a guy with a tan. Yves Tanguy was a sailor who became a Surrealist. When I was nine or ten, his work inspired me to try my first landscape drawings... |
TELEPATHY VERSUS AUTISM: by Wayan; 1997/4/19, an utterly dreamlike but waking vignette |
A weird identity-confusion at a dance hints I'm simultaneously psychic, autistic, and... really stupid. |
TEN RULES OF LIFE: by Wayan, 1994/5/4, a nondream fount of wisdom. |
After reading 170 capsule biographies of famous people I conclude life-plans are a joke. But I do deduce ten negative rules--ten universal don'ts--that may be of use... CAUTION: CYNICAL, BUT 170 OBITUARIES WILL DO THAT
| THAT WIND: by Wayan; 1986/8/29; an undream poem on a daymare |
Nightmares can warn. But when awake, what warning can you get from nonstop ill-luck? |
THAT'S NOT ART! THAT'S ART!: by Wayan; 1995/3/19, a true story |
An artist I know dismisses her (gorgeous) art as just therapy... while the museums are full of trash. Why? |
TILT!: by Wayan; 2002-3, a nondream study of four alternate Earths |
I drilled new poles in my globe and tilted the Earth. Ice Age or Carboniferous? Flood or drought? Come visit tropical Antarctica, the Thai Desert, the Hawaiian glaciers, the jungles of France! |
TRAIL OF POGS: by Wayan; 2004/9/6, my dreams' response to the first Burning Man dream-workshop |
A trail toward Freedom has extra markers, for it's three trails, superimposed! Not all the cues are for us... |
TREFIL, ON SCIENCE: by Wayan; 1994/1/26, a rant on dreamwork as science. |
In an oneirophobic society, it's easy to forget that when you do dreamwork, you're doing basic science. No funding, no team, no lab coat? Can't be science! Unless they mistaught us what science is... |
TRIGO: by Edith L. Willis; 1929/6/4, an induced automatic-writing prediction (profitable, too) |
In an idle moment I held a pencil and asked the air who'd win the Derby. 'Trigo' meant nothing to me, but was listed at 32 to 1, so... |
TWISTED!: by Wayan; 2003/6/23, 18 images; a nondream experiment |
I twirled pinups into surreal not-quite-abstracts, to see just how twisted sex could get... CAUTION: NAKED PRETZELS |
TWO CENTURIES OF PROGRESS: by Edwin Muir; 1938-9, two dreams and an extraordinary mini-essay |
Yesterday, Hitler marched into town. I was born before the Industrial Revolution, and am now about 200 years old... |
U.F.O. P.O.V.: by Steve, recurring dreams, spring 1966 to 1971, as told by his friend Barry Windsor-Smith |
Night. A London suburb. A UFO big as a city block looms over us. It's seen all over South England. Yet we go blank-- forget! Though not quite--for years after, Steve has recurring dreams. When he tells me one, I recall the same event... CAUTION: INTENSE UFO EXPERIENCE |
UFOLUTION: by Wayan; 1997/12/19, a comic science rant |
Okay, say evolution is driven by things (I don't care what) besides natural selection. How could you tell? |
THE UNMAKING OF A DANCER: by Wayan; 1994/5/22, a journal extract on dance and health. |
Ballerina Joan Brady quit, but ten years later, returned. Her body rejuvenated! So what can MINE do? |
THE VACUUM CLEANER QUARTET: by Wayan; 1981, four bizarre poems. |
All I know about humans, I learned in psychodrama. I gawked as caterpillars grew wings. Except me... |
VIRGIN ON THE VERGE: by Wayan, 1992/8/8. Digital picture-poem |
Ever since I was battered I feel like a virgin again: longing, but wary--scared where sex may lead... CAUTION: CARTOON NUDITY, SEXUAL THEMES |
VOLCANO: by Michel Leiris; Sept.1939, a waking day so surreal he thought he was dreaming |
"I am the Volcano!" the red-bearded man said. His family was certainly hot-tempered enough. Leiris landed on the growing islet of the vent. Lava flowed, the sea was hot, the ground shook... |
WASTE: by Wayan; 1990/5/7, a desert singles poem, 11 images. |
A road trip through New Mexico mutates into a tour of my relationship disasters... |
WE MARCHED THROUGH THE CITY OF SAINT FRANCIS: by Wayan; 1982/5/1?, a dream-tinged poem. |
After a peace march in San Francisco, I saw us as deer, and Americans as dogs. Yet WE frighten THEM... |
THE WEB-BIRD LED ME: by Wayan; 1992/8/13; digital sketch previsioning the World Dream Bank? |
Maybe the web like a shining dove will lead me from my lonely cave into the light. The glaring light... Wait! That can't be right! CAUTION: SEPIA HALFTONE NUDITY |
WING IT: by Wayan, 1995/12/29-1996/2/14, a 9-page improv comic. |
An art experiment--the only rule is DRAW without preconceptions-- no models, no ideas, no plans, not even dreams. Drawing from the void! |
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