Banana Moon
1998/3/4 to 12/26, acrylic on wood, 3x4', by Chris Wayan.
San Francisco City College, where I paint, has a diverse student body. Okay, not THIS diverse; I exaggerated a bit--my classmates here include of lot of dream figures.
The artists here all see themselves in the model of course--artists in my experience always do. It's amazing how much pictures look like their painters, not their subjects!
Why the banana moon? Well, art departments in American colleges are usually broke. Tax dollars all go to technology and business, the proper American pursuits.
So, studio props are cheap or improvised. Poverty breeds ingenuity! For a crescent moon, a banana on a rope.
Besides, the model appears largely human--and anthropoids are famous for craving bananas, using tools to reach for them...
... and for the moon.
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