Six and a Half Experts View the Beast
an undream poem, 2018/12/11-2019/1/31, by Wayan;
answering Wallace Stevens' Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird
At her writing salon, my friend Catshall dared us to try a list-poem like Wallace Stevens' 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird. His had circles, fairytale images (glass coach!), and heaps of fake Zen... but never the blackbird's viewpoint. I thought, as a mythical beast myself, I ought to fix that.
Why do I speak as a unicorn? A long history of dreams saying flatly I'm not fully human. Recently I learned I really do have a rare mutation causing physical fragility, high intelligence but mild autism, an inability to recognize human faces (animals are easier), and a hyperactive empathy making conflict, competition, and predation near-impossible. Also rather horse-faced--but in my case it ain't superficial. Twilight Sparkle, all the way down...
This poem tries a rhyme-scheme I don't know the technical name for--surely I can't be the first to play with it? You flirt with a few key words but dance around them till the final lines; here the keys seem to be unicorn, queer, face, and, of course, horse.
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