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Dreamed 2009/11/5 by Patagia

In the dream
Toshi and I talk of how
a poem begins

from within,
You pause, watch, listen

Lift a pen,
trace a form's
impression in letters

A copper sculpture
in air

like a shifty question:
Why did he prescribe a drug

strong enough to quell anthrax
too strong for her minor

It caused an allergic jolt
"Devastating," she called it
(One not prone to drama)

Pain stung,
she faltered for days,
too weak to stand

Follow the faint sketch
Of dream
Feel it curve in space

In a daze
jot it down
and follow

Vibration of a slammed door
husband off to work early
I remove headsets

worn to aid sleep
The house creaks!
Steady, not an earthquake

just a old home's yawn and stretch
And traffic hum of the 101
fills the warm bedroom

Sip black tea, begin to recall
another floaty dream piece:
Standing before

a yawning librarian
asking for a dictionary:
"I need to look up C.R.W."

She shrugs,
"None to be found
Don't you see we're REMODELING?"

by a grad student stretching,
belching in his musty carrel

He brings a ready-made
lunch in a box and a new
Bio on Virginia Wolfe

With a "See, I told you"
look in his eye.
I settle hungrily to read

Wake. Find myself
working a sticky pen,

over recycled paper
My feet curled under this old desk.
Flooded with new

a friend's wedding,
the health-care rally soon at noon

The poem presses on and on
its will…

San Francisco

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