Sulfur Grotto
Dreamed 1988/8/30 by Chris Wayan
[2015 note: Doctors and therapists all assumed my pain was psychosomatic not medical, but my anima kept telling me in dreams "Don't trust grownup experts--test it yourself." So I tried wild hypotheses. Took several more years, but when I quit eating gluten, instant cure! Sex suddenly stopped hurting. She really did save my inner guy. Eventually.]
I get up to find our water heater broke during the night. The utility room has a lagoon of rusty water. I splash over to the heater, kneel and peer into the pilot-light chamber underneath, looking for the leak. And see... the grotto in my dream! A rusty pool, round walls, slight sulfurous smell, and dim greenish light from the holes around the sides. The rusted-out metal even matches the color and texture of the cavern's rocks!
Spooky. How'd the dream know?
Hmm. So dreamwork without ideological baggage lets you explore depths that gear-laden guys could never reach! And what if those depths aren't just psychological, but shamanic? By 'shamanic' I mean intuition/luck/sychronicity that (even if not provably paranormal) is functionally indistinguishable from ESP. For centuries that was the point of dreamwork--you want a tribal shaman with good hunches; never mind how s/he dreams them up!
I now suspect this is one of dreaming's core functions. Below the merely psychological reefs--waking-world corridors that have "suffered a sea-change / into something rich and strange"--lie deeper grottos. Dangerously disorienting, but in their altered state you scent warnings you never could, up in the realm of rational men.
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