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Hill of Fire

Dreamed 2022/9/10 (parallel dreams) by Mike & Wayan


Volcano! A mountain bursts open and lava pours out. I'm in a hotel and the lava comes right down the stairs! It's funny--I knew not to step in it, and do leave as soon as I can, but I treated the eruption so casually...

Urban hill explodes in fire. Dream sketch by Wayan.

I'm watching a movie. Gripping, moves fast, good direction, but I dislike its casual, impersonal violence. It shows a disaster starting inside inside a lone hill or ancient mound on a plain, with a transit line drilled through it, or just a gas line? First a minor leak, then a fire, then a HUGE fire with blasts of flame killing workers; firefighters get sent in, then the Feds recklessly send in the army! They're not trained for this; just more bodies to burn...


Mike & I are in a band, and often casually mention dreams at rehearsals; such parallels have come up several times.

A few years ago, a few miles away, a gas line in San Bruno exploded, burning a whole block. And a major gas line really does pierce the hill Mike & I both live on. So it's scarily plausible. And not by an act of God! By neglect of Pacific Gas & Electric--the firm that's already brought us billion-dollar wildfires.

LISTS AND LINKS: volcanoes - hot! - explosions & fire - politics & business - shared/paired dreams - ESP? - tighter-paired dreams by Mike & Wayan: Ladder of Fear

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