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Dreamed 1988/11/1 by Wayan, plus a nightmare by John Ruskin, 1869/11/1


Ten years ago, even five, sex for me often led to pain--pelvic pain lasting 2-3 days. But in the last few years I've gotten better. Am I well enough risk dating?

So just before sleep, I incubate a dream, asking "Is sex the issue I need to work on now? And if so, how?"


I meet a girl I'm attracted to, a redhead with that odd saurian face some have--strong cheekbones and temples, heavy-lidded lazy lizard eyes. I hover awkwardly. She's not too interested in me, but I persist--keep talking with her--and finally, she starts to be intrigued! "Perseverance furthers"?

We go to the beach together and swim. After, we lie on a towel and I stroke her...

... and she starts to change into her other form. She keeps her red hair and saurian face, but changes her body to match... she becomes a huge lamia or naga, scaly but humanoid up top, sea-serpent below. Her scales are brilliant in the beach sun. So beautiful...

I don't mind the change: as she coils round me, I think "she's a better lover in some ways as a sea serpent--she can touch me everywhere at once!" I writhe and squirm--heated by the sun, she's not cold, not at all! Soon, I come and come.

She's very turned on, but can't come--she feels a bit faint even queasy... why? Dehydration, overheating? Exercising too long up here on the hot sand, not in the cool sea? When I feel her forehead, she does seem feverish. She says only "I feel kinda... landsick."

A lamia/naga/seaserpent and a human make love on a beach. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
So I call a friend who's a marine biologist. He says "Sounds like sunstroke! Got a parasol? She's a marine dweller, after all. The sun up here is too hot--she can take it short-term, even enjoy it, just as we like swimming--but sex is hot too, and combined they must have been too much. Help her back in the sea."

I do have a beach umbrella, so I shade her as she collects herself into human form, and, leaning on me, wobbles down to the water's edge, wades in... and slips under.

Sigh! I didn't mean for that to happen.


Two fox- or jackal-headed girls on a red sofa. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


I have an epic, surreal, sexy dream with more animal people--two fox-headed farm girls. See Dopp.

NEXT DAY, 1988/11/5

I visit the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and stumble on a solo show by Susan Marie Dopp. I'm shocked to find images from last night's dreams on the wall. The parallels are so vivid my journal barely mentions another Dopp painting of a sexy "mermaid-snake-girl"--a lamia! Was I already anticipating the show four nights earlier? But the immediacy of last night's dream, seen on the museum walls, distracts me--I don't even make a connection with the earlier dream.

YEARS LATER: 2021/9/13

I'm transcribing these old dream journals. Eight months further back in my journal (1988/2/25) I just found a forgotten entry on Night Life by Liam Hudson, a book on dreams. Hudson discusses recurring snake-nightmares by John Ruskin, culminating in a snake-woman dream:

On 1 November 1869, he records:
'the most horrible serpent dream I ever had yet in my life. The deadliest came out into the room under a door. It rose up like a Cobra--with horrible round eyes and had woman's, or at least Medusa's, breasts. It was coming after me... but I got some pieces of marble off a table and threw at at, and that cowed it and it went back; but another small one fastened on my neck like a leech, and nothing would pull it off.'

Source: Night Life p. 118. Hudson's source, Rosenberg's The Darkening Glass, p.169, has the same elision, so I can't say how much this quote omits. --Wayan

Sea-serpent woman gets queasy--landsickness? Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
Turns out Ruskin was scared or repelled by adult women, and obsessed with "pure" underage girls. He felt tempted by child prostitutes in Paris and Italy, but couldn't bear the guilt of acting on his urges. He never reconciled his desires with his conscience--no choice was bearable.

Clearly my dream recalled this--lamias as a handy symbol for irreconcilable sexual conflict. Yet my dream almost mockingly upends it--a happy dream not a nightmare, a friendly snake-woman, unconflicted sex. Instead we have irreconcilable... thermal conflict? Hydration, luminosity, exposure conflict?

Too bad my so-called conscious, eight months along, had apparently forgotten Night Life. My notes next morning don't even mention Ruskin's dream. Whether the dream looked four days ahead or eight months back--or both--I just couldn't spot such echoes (chance or not) across time, not with a paper journal. Now, on disk, my journal's searchable, and I've found whole chains of anticipatory dreams I recognized only long after, like these annual gun-nightmares before a shooting I earwitnessed: Fetal Pause, A Date in Minsk, and Monkey with a Gun.


I cured myself--it was severe gluten intolerance my doctors missed. But even today, pain-free, I need solitude, just as the Lamia needs a lot of time in cool water. I think that was the core message here. I'm a creature of the dream-deeps, and too much time--even fun time--out in the heat of your daylight world, and I get sick. Not neurosis--genetic! I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome--I'm vulnerable to heatstroke and dehydration--our bloodpressure rises & falls to the point of vertigo or even fainting--but also, we're often Aspies, high-functioning autistics, with acute senses and high intelligence but easily overwhelmed and exhausted by socializing. 'Lamia', penciled dreamsketch by Wayan.

The sun of your regard is just too hot.


That same week of September 2021, I went to my friend Catshall's art salon and drew this dream in pencil, at last. Just 33 years late!

As I finished, two friends discussed an art show they'd seen in San Francisco--collage and sculptures by Wangechi Mutu. The sculptures had really riled them up! I asked what they looked like.

One artist said "wait a minute..." and fished through her collage supplies--magazine clippings--and handed me this photo from the show.

No synchronicity here.

'Water Woman', a mermaid sculpted by Wangechi Mutu, 2017. Click to enlarge.
Water Woman, Wangechi Mutu, bronze, 2017


This dream thumbs its nose at several dream-theories:

  1. "Dreams mean nothing--they're just your brain doing housekeeping." If that were true, dream incubation would fail. Here, I asked about sex, and got a sexual dream. Was it chance? Not that year! For six months before or after this, I had zero orgasmic sex dreams. A whole year with just one--the night I asked about sex. That's not memory consolidation, exploring associations, or chance. It's intelligent response.
  2. Freud felt dreams vented taboo feelings, often disguised. If Freud were right, our sex-on-the-beach might be frustrated--our moms might show up to nag us, or cops might arrest us. Or the Lamia might devour me or crush me or even offer me a Biblical apple--depending on my hidden feelings about women. Instead, sex is guiltless and unconflicted; the dream points at a medical not a psychological issue. Sure, shamans claimed for 15,000 years that dreams were diagnostic, but they're just a buncha savages without lab coats or cigars.
  3. Jung? The central character is a myth--by whatever name--lamia, naga, mermaid, seaserpent--but she seems a long way from Jung's timeless archetypes. Even the plot (and mood) are wrong. Not numinous--just humorous. "Ooh, I feel landsick..." Forget the Alchemical Wedding, and drink more water!
  4. The least bad fit is the multistage eclecticism pioneered by sleep researcher Ann Faraday in Dream Power and especially The Dream Game, echoed in recent years by Marc Ian Barasch in Healing Dreams. In short: assume a dream's problem-solving, and may explore multiple possibilities. First try a naïve reading--some dreams are literal!--but if that goes clunk, try metaphoric & symbolic readings, and if that leaves you flat, go mythic/Jungian, or try bad puns, or ESP, or anything. A dream can say several things at once. Just never buy the claim that an intense, coherent dream answering a question is just your brain doing laundry. No. Just... no.
A lamia/naga/seaserpent and a human make love on a beach. Thumbnail sketch of a dream by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

LISTS AND LINKS: incubated dreams - flirting & come-ons - persistence & initiative - beaches - shapeshifters - animal people: dragons, merfolk & serpents - interspecies sex - sex dreams in general - oops! - hot & cold - guilt - Halloween - book-inspired dreams - Faraday & Barasch - dreamwork - pencil, bronze, round & oval dream art

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