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Dreamed 1979/10/12 by Chris Wayan

My mom takes my sister Miriel downstairs, through a door I've never noticed. I wait a while, then follow. At the bottom, in a round crypt, find Miriel stripped to bra and panties, manacled to the bench in a Jacuzzi. In the hot tub her underwear is nearly transparent. I feel an erection starting as I look at my sexy little sister. Look away, embarrassed.

My father comes down the secret stair. He asks "what is this?" I answer sourly "It's the family jail." I'm mad at him for willful ignorance. I guessed. We all guessed. He's looked the other way... and he does again. Simply ogles his daughter a while, though he won't actually grope her with a witness watching him. So he goes back upstairs, leaving her shackled in the tub.

Miriel says "I feel dirty. They put something in the water, an antibiotic or a disinfectant, but I think it causes cancer. I can feel my skin reacting... My folks don't want me to have sex, so they did this so I'd be disgusting. Everyone else thinks if I took off my dirty underwear I'd be clean and naked and start fresh. But I won't. I'd look nice but I'd be worse off, cuz my skin would still be contaminated with this invisible toxic film and no one would know!"

My sister's chained in a hot tub; Mom the witch pours in toxic soap. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
And leaning on the edge of the tub, I realize: people think I'm dirty and disgusting because I won't change MY underwear. But it's because Mom got me shampoo like this! My skin reacts to the chemicals just like Miriel's. It's so sensitive now, if I change clothes my skin may peel right off! I can't risk it till the inflammation's gone. My folks have managed to poison sex for me too--I carry the toxic film with me. And could poison others!

Lots of insight. Lots of talk talk talk...

But I don't find a way to break her shackles and rinse her off! Or myself.

Insight's fine. But it's action time.


In psychodrama today, my friend Nancy talked about the cancer she's fighting. I have a crush on Nancy. My sister Miriel and I are both much like Nancy: gifted, insecure, and fundamentally femme, too femme for our own good. For our own health, at least. And the dream makes it clear where that came from...


Rereading this dream now, I have to add that the toxic soap was literal. Turns out Miriel and I both have the genetic disorder Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which among other hazards makes us unusually chemosensitive. Most soaps make my skin burn; I just shower in hot water. She's had skin cancer, though so far I'm cancer-free.

I also suspect a pun I missed at the time. Remember how they denounced traitors and oppressors in the French Revolution? "J'accuse!" Or spelled Italian style... Jacuzzi.

LISTS AND LINKS: family values - Miriel - our dad Jerry - houses & home - hidden chambers - caves & dungeons - tubs & vessels - swimming, washing & cleaning - allergies, chemosensitivities & EI - topdogs & underdogs - cages & prisoners - nudity & humiliation - incest - frustration - opportunities lost - butch & femme - psychodrama - hot & cold - sex & dating advice in dreams - digital dream art - more hot-tub dreams: Pegasi Tub & Things Wash Off

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