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Man with the Guitar

Dreamed 1992/7/4 by Chris Wayan
(Small screen, slow loading? text w/pics)

P.1 of comic telling dream 'Man with the Guitar' by Wayan. P.2 of comic telling dream 'Man with the Guitar' by Wayan. P.3 of comic telling dream 'Man with the Guitar' by Wayan. P.4 of comic telling dream 'Man with the Guitar' by Wayan.


In fairness, I have to add that when I quit eating wheat a few years later, the attacks didn't just decrease, they stopped. Obsessive introspection was stressing me out, but the dream ignored a strong physical cause! Maybe my dreams didn't know, yet, or didn't really care about healing me, or even preferred me sick, and only answered because I asked point-blank.

Yet the psychic hit was quite real, and pointed to an issue I hadn't seen.

In the end my dreams' purposes seem as paradoxical, as bold and as furtive, as my elusive fire-god.

All that was clear was that dreams have powers that can only be called... explosive.

Faceless man in a safety helmet plays a flaming guitar.

LISTS AND LINKS: dream incubation - psychic dreams - precognition - diagnostic dreams - dream beings - gods and goddesses - volcanoes - heat - another dream guitar: Learning Scales - environmental illness - comix - pencil art - another psychic encounter on a stair: Sushi Circus

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