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Dreamed 1990/5/24 by Wayan
for Giuseppi Crespi, who, in the early 1700s, dreamed of
a blue cat with green wings, and painted it for his daughter.

Persephone our black cat's gotten
Manic-playful, smitten
By our new pet: golden kitten.
Both seem rocket-driven.

Soar so high, can't spot the kit.
Purr colorshifts to blue
With flickers of fluorescent hue--
blue-on-skyblue hidden.

Zoom, dive at the roof--pull out
Just in time. They seem
Puppeter-jerked: high-strung!
Scary. Swoop again

Again! They skim, not scrape or slam,
Flying not being flown.
Joyriding feline-fast. Well-known
Cats play risky. Rough.

A whisker-miss for a cat's enough;
Don't be safety-fussy!
Not with cats. They love to jet--
Chasing--say it--pussy.

Flying cats. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


So what was this dreamlet about? Today our acting class was full of improvs tinged with flirtation, and the two biggest flirts resembled Purr and the golden kitten. I felt sad--I could only watch, not participate. The abuse I faced as a kid and teen still cripple me. The dream reminded me that my classmates aren't me; their cat-fast reactions, uncrippled by trauma, let them respond to teasing with less risk than the same scenes create for me. And the joy those cats felt pointed out what I can gain if I do heal those scars.

Persephone, a flying blue cat. Dream sketch by Wayan.

DREAM: weird dream beings - animals & animal people - cats - flying dreams - zoom! - tricksters & play - color - transformation - falling - worry & fear
DAY: flirting - puns - healing from abuse - social advice - dream humor in general - dream poems - digital dream art - a zooming cat five nights before: Leopardess

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