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Dreamed 2022/4/7 by Wayan

Red fox noses through solid glass to lick a cat-fox hybrid. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

I'm living in an upstairs apartment with big windows and sliding glass doors out to a terrace overlooking a great city.

Night. Out on our terrace wall, a red fox! Of course I know why he's here--there can't be many potential mates for an urban pioneer. So he's curious about our pet cat-fox. But she's strictly an indoor pet.

He's bold! Comes right up to the door. Clever too--understands doors, and wants me to let him in.

Our cat-fox is curious--paws on the glass between them.

But wild foxes can carry distemper, so I make sure all the windows the fox can reach are shut.

That's useless. This fox is talented. He steps into the living room--right through the glass. A wizard-fox, it seems.

Regretfully--he seems friendly enough, and why shouldn't our catfox have some fun?--I grab him by the scruff of his neck, pick him up--once firmly gripped, he doesn't fight--and take him back outside. Set him down, let go, and eye him meaningfully.

To my surprise, he honors my "no" and doesn't walk through the glass again.

For now.


LISTS AND LINKS: city life - dream creatures - cats & cat people, foxes &... - flirting & dating - magic & shamans - glass - There Are Doors - Covid pandemic - loneliness - love & a social life (remember social life?) - digital dream art - 4 months later, a 2nd Lucifer dream with climbing & cats: Wax Wall, Puma Coma

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