Rainbow Splash
Dreamed 2021/4/23 by Wayan
After a long trip offworld, I'm back home on Earth--or so I think at first. College Avenue in Berkeley looks normal. Little shops, business as usual...
But it's an alternate Earth. The Equestrian version! The world of the My Little Pony TV show has bled into ours and blended; half these shoppers and vendors are sentient little ponies, pegasi and unicorns.
I recognize one tall, elegant unicorn mare--Marigold Heavenly Nostrils. Wow, she's much cuter in person than in her webcomic Phoebe and her Unicorn. I guess the simple cartoony style doesn't get her real beauty across...
Marigold notices me looking, smiles, and flicks her tail up. Flirting with me.
Hmm. So I'm not the only one who crosses species lines.
I recognize a few other equine passers-by as characters from the TV show My Little Pony. Rainbow Dash is hard to miss--blue coat, wings, brash body language, lightning bolt on his flank.
Yes, his--in this world, Dash is male, and always has been.
Dash needs to piss. Slips into an alley and pees on a wall.
A human girl sees him, one leg raised high, naked blue cock out, and... can't help staring at that big cock--huge for human, though not full-size earth-horse ridiculous. Human-pegasus sex could actually work...
Dash grins and looks her in the eye. She blushes but can't look away. Clearly turned on.
Hmm. Two more crossing species lines...
I posted this small dream partly just as an excuse to draw it, since it's always a challenge to draw other people's art in your own style--particularly, I think, when they're cartoons, already pared down to what their creators consider their essence.
Of course it helps that it's furry and smutty. And includes a bad-boy male showing off, rare in my overwhelmingly femme dreams. One for the hunks list!
Partly, though, it interests me how the dream noticed an idle thought about a dream illustration I'd declared done, and said "No, it isn't--go back and redraw it, improve their faces, make it flow, get their charm across."
The idea that all dreams are only psychological, not political scientific or esthetic, was one of very few things both Freud and Jung agreed on--and both were wrong. This dream has sex on the surface, but underneath, it's art advice!
My point? Not all sexy dreams are about sex. Freud was right that dreams can express sexual issues directly or through symbols; but they're equally able to use sexual metaphors to illustrate nonsexual ideas--Ann Faraday pointed this out way back in the 1970s, yet dreamers still seem to overlook this in their own dreams. So don't jump to Freudian conclusions! Observe the context.
Pegatub before 'Rainbow' |
Pegatub after 'Rainbow' |
I'm not claiming my revisions were big, or enough--at this scale, you can barely tell I've redrawn faces, tilted a head so eyes meet, fixed proportions and stances. Still a crude sketch--I'm not Leonardo, and I can't work from ref photos of my dreams! Still, the new draft conveys the feel of the dream a bit better. And this dream deserves credit for that.
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