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Lord of the Underworld

Dreamed 1989/2/11 by Wayan

I'm part of an expedition into the Underworld. In a shadowy canyon, a low cave-mouth. Dark floors of rusting high-tech gear. A friend and I scout ahead. We navigate by numbers, inertial compasses. Find a stream. Down many floors, till our tools fade and fail. Have to rely on fire now for light, and our senses for navigation.

A long journey down--I start crawling in the stream, imitating the native water-lizards or dragons. Eventually this starts feeling natural. Am I adapting? Meet two scaly females, quasi human, quasi dragon. I can't be sure what they're like under the dark and rippling water. Except that they're local demigods, so we're reaching the fringe of the true Underworld.

Over the lip of a small waterfall. Or a weir, built for a purpose? Slide over and under the girls. I have a crocodilian tail, now.

Reach a big pool at the bottom. The Lord of the Underworld lives here! Court of scaly demigods, part human, part cave-fish, part dragon. Rest here, in biogenerated light, pale green and blue.

I join the scaly people in cave-pools. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
The rest of the expedition finally enters, having followed me down. They've found their goal. Only... they fail to recognize the Lord of the Underworld they came to see! They expected the god to manifest in human form.

I have to lift my head from the pool where I'm twined with my two cool, slippery, teasing girls, and tell my old friends the obvious.

But then, scaly as I am... do they recognize even me?

LISTS AND LINKS: the underworld - dream beings - place-spirits & local gods - animal people - reptiles, fish, dragons & merfolk - royalty & courts - swimming, flirting, trios & love - transformation - I'm Just Not Myself Today! - species-bent dreams - shamanic dreams - digital dream art - a year later, Xanthe has an eerily similar dream of the Lord of the Underworld: Lizard Husband

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