A Beagle, Three Wolves, and a Setter
Dreamed 2009/2/6 by Chris Wayan
Morning: my friend Alder's worried about one of her students, a brilliant but asocial kid. So I start compiling a booklist on geniuses and the severely gifted for the kid's parents.
Noon: a therapy session. My worst fear right now seems to be imposing on others. If I picture it daily, can I get comfortable enough to try it deliberately in small ways? I find it so hard. We should slip through life without bothering anyone... Yeah, right!
Afternoon: the poet Patagia drops by. She's cheerful if cynical--sings me a new song on the recession and money. Scathing, fun.
Evening: I work on Planetocopia. Add photos, text and a sketchmap to my sea-floor utopia, Siphonia.
Just before bed: read Janet McNaughton's An Earthly Knight. Historical satire set in 1161 and based on two ancient ballads. Two sisters embarrass their aristocratic family--one drowns a serial killer who boasts he's drowned "six little maidens" for their finery. How unladylike to defend onself! The other has Tam Lin's baby and wins him from the Fairy Queen--scandalizing her family. Why can't these girls be good little victims?
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