I have a couple of recurring dream symbols you may have too. It took me years to realize that I dreamed of nuclear war without any correlation to world politics--but there was always a big crisis, or a fear of one, in my own life. If someone I loved was furious with me, that, to my dreams, was as bad as the end of the world!
On the other hand, dreaming of radioactive contamination or fallout from a powerplant meltdown or the like, correlated with something quite different--with HEALTH fallout. Like an allergic reaction to something I ate, or a hangover, or aches from severe overworking, or an illness brought on by stress or lack of sleep. I'm a creature of now, not the future--so scary images of fallout, superficially indetectable, slow, but potentially deadly, were a way my dreams could warn me to link seemingly harmless behavior to its longer-term fallout.
So... if you dream your drink or your burger or your home or lover is radioactive, your dreams may be are saying that it IS. Or might as well be, for you.
RELATED TOPICS: explosions - war - energy - ecology - apocalypse - anger - friendships - health advice - allergies and environmental illness - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
AT A CALIFORNIA CAMP: by Jack Kerouac, spring 1955, a nuclear testing nightmare My family and I are prisoners in a camp that will be H-bombed so our remains can be studied. I write a Buddhist poem preparing for death... CAUTION: GOVERNMENT ATROCITY |
BIKE FROM A BOMB: by Wayan; 1981/3/14, a bikemare. Idiotically, I bet I can escape an atomic bomb on my bike. Maybe if I ignore stoplights... CAUTION: IRRESPONSIBLE WEAPONS USE |
BUCKLEY'S BLOATED BOMB: by Wayan; 1983/11/20, a political nightmare. I meet William F. Buckley and his beloved pet pig. Only the hog's a live H-Bomb, and the leash is a trigger... CAUTION: REVOLTING GUY, PET, AND ISSUE |
COEURL: by Wayan; 1980/2/26, a dream of surprise transcendence I'm trapped in an alien hotel, my true love has gone radioactive, and the only way out is to turn into a giant, scary... CAUTION: CLOSET LESBIAN. LITERAL CLOSET. |
| THE CRANE SPOKE: by Thomas Takashi Tanemori; 1945/8/5, a child's dream foreseeing Hiroshima A crane came and spoke to me, reassuring me "I'll be back" even as a great fire burned it. It returned as a white butterfly. Next morning, as we played hide and go seek, I shut my eyes and counted to... CAUTION: CIVILIANS MASSACRED |
THE DAY AFTER: by William S. Burroughs, btw. 1984 & '94; a black-humor dream poem I'm in Lawrence, Kansas, watching a TV ad for hemorrhoid cream that won't solve your nuclear war problems... CAUTION: LANGUAGE; ADVERTISING; HUMAN EXTINCTION |
THE DEER PARTY: by Wayan; 1986/4/10. A magical dream Chapter 1 of a nine-story series: UNICORN TAG. A sentient factory shows me a gene-tweaked future where the Deer Party agitates for liberty, equality and fertility. In that future I learn I too may not be human... |
DOPP: by Wayan; 1988/11/5, a predictive dream DREAM: On a farm, I meet two sexy shapeshifting sisters. But mushroom clouds rise on the horizon... NEXT DAY: at SF-MOMA, Susan Marie Dopp's paintings: shapeshifting sisters, mushroom clouds... CAUTION: NUDITY; ESP |
ELF CIRCLE; 2011/3/19 by Wayan; a complex advisory dream. After trespassing in a staff-only part of Faerie, I'm cast out. Only I'm cast like a seed, meant to grow a new elf circle... |
ESCAPE FROM PBS!: by Wayan; 1992/9/17, a trapped-in-TV nightmare. I'm trapped in a TV documentary on nuclear war! Better dive through a TV screen and find a safe sitcom... |
HYDROGEN INITIATION: by Wayan; 1981/1/6, a shamanic nightmare. I'm an initiate in a Sung Dynasty monastery. But I have no idea how far the hazing can go... CAUTION: DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME |
JAPAN, 4:34 A.M.: by Laura Atkinson, 2011/3/11, a dream warning of the Fukushima disaster My Japanese friend Kotaro looks at me sternly and shoves his phone inside my chest. In my dreams, a phone can mean ESP, so when I wake I check the news. A huge quake and tsunami have devastated Japan... |
THE LAST WORD: by Larry Vigon; 2001/12/5; a wistful apocalyptic dream A huge explosion knocked the earth off its orbit; it struck other planets and wrecked the whole solar system. Where will the souls ready to reincarnate all go? Or do they even need a planet?... |
MIDNIGHT'S CHILDREN: by Wayan; 1992/9/5-6, a literary/diagnostic dream. I'm in a tribe of post-Crash kids with psychic powers, trying to keep nukes from rising again... CAUTION: CHILD SOLDIERS |
MURDERER: by Dusan Makavejev, c.1960, twin nightmares with peculiar joyful moods I'm given photos of what a murderer saw, but I recognize these scenes. I am the murderer! At least I've solved the case. I'm in a bare white room. On the wall, a long fuse sparks. I feel euphoric from ozone--it means I've had a fatal radiation dose... |
MUTANT WEDDING: by Lisa Shea; 1991/8/3; an epic Jungian action dream! I hide a chip of secrets from thugs, fight a running light-gun battle, and hide in my workplace's crawlways, amid live cables and pipes. As the factory burns, I run a gauntlet of goons. A girl leads me into the underworld. Fires glow and mutants dance. I marry the leader of the pack. |
MY ALIEN ABDUCTION: by Wayan; 1989/4/6, a dream on reserving judgment. I'm abducted by scaly alien mercenaries. But halfway to their ship, we get stuck. As we wait and talk, I find I like them. The problem's their boss--a rich, spoiled human... |
NEUTRINO EYES: by Wayan; 1983, a poem on dark matters. ESP is like having neutrino detectors for eyes: what radiates from people's cores blinds you to their surfaces... |
NEW LIFE: by Deena Metzger, between Sept. 1982 & Sept. 83, an apocalyptic dream Nuclear holocaust. Outside, an ashen waste. I decide to cut my wrists in the tub. But a corpse already fills it. A man drives up. A voice commands "Make a child!" I protest--the world's gone--but the voice says... |
NUCLEAR NIGHTMARES: by Erica DeMane, Michael, Joanne and Scott; c.1984, four creepy dreams Erica dreams that during a protest she's caught in a radioactive flood... Michael dreams a nuclear forcefield makes his fingertips explode and congeal into weird knobs... Joanne dreams she meets nuclear mutants with curling black nails great for peeling potatoes... Scott dreams the world goes silent and white, bleaching out. His hands dissolve... |
NUCLEUS: by Wayan, 1979/3/18, a surreal dream of character-insight, set inside an atom I dream my theatre friends are particles dancing inside an atomic nucleus-- particles that reveal their character, motivations and power. And I'm one too... |
NUKES AND WEREBIRDS: by Wayan, 2020/6/28, a surreal shamanic dream about... Covid? I'm a were-crane in a flock fighting the dreaded Human Flu, setting off sterilizing nukes. But birds aren't great with explosives; I end up hiding from a flash behind Stonehenge megaliths... |
NUKING HOOVER: by Wayan; 1997/2/16, a predictive dream about... fallout. DREAM: a 1950s newsreel shows J. Edgar Hoover, founder of the FBI, staged a coup. So his enemies dropped a tactical nuke on his HQ, killing hundreds in the street... NEXT DAY: TV news shows clips from The Day After. My nightmare newsreel... CAUTION: VIOLENCE AND POSSIBLE ESP |
OVERKILL: by Wayan; 1991/11/22. Nondream digital picture-poem-poster. Now the Evil Empire's dead. We're all safe, safe at last. And all the bombs are gone... right? |
THE PLOWSHARES PROGRAM: by Wayan; 2017/11/12, a nightmare on tech disasters Looks like this underground nuclear test will leak. Minutes from detonation, we flee up the spiral stair and out across the sand. Can we run far enough in time? |
SPLITTING THE ATOM: by Jim Shaw; c.1994, an antitherapy dream? In a dark classroom, my shrink was demonstrating atom-splitting with a glowing ping pong ball. I was glad I wasn't in that class... |
STRUCK BY THOUGHT: by Wayan; dreamed 1956-7, 71/11/26, 78/12/28, 82/10/5, & 83/9/12 A picture-poem experiment: one dream per stanza! Five short dreams exploring the weight of culture on our animal selves... |
SUPERNOVA ERA: by Liu Cixin; 1989/6/4, a dream inspiring a science fiction novel During Tiananmen, I was in Beijing for a conference. I heard chaotic noise outside, and the muffled sounds of gunfire. I dreamed a star painted the sky an eerie purple-green. Children sang, marching over snow, rifles fitted with bayonets... |
WITCH'S BUTTER: by Wayan, 2023/5/27, a science-geek dream. I live in four consecutive bodies: I'm a Bose-Einstein condensate, a cloud of particles moving as one-- unless overheated. No, I'm Witch's Butter, a mob of amoeboid cells who unify into a quasi-slug--temporarily. No, I'm a person, but soft and yellow as Witch's Butter. No, I'm firming up, but still entangled... |
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