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Nukes and Werebirds

Dreamed 2020/6/28 by Wayan

I wander coast to coast, awing, with friends
like me, were-birds; I love, am loved
as crane or man.

But human wizards loosed a plague so dire
that the sole and brutal cure
is radiation's sear.

We must set off two atom bombs. And we're
only waterbirds, not engineers--
we have no more than mere

short fuses. Light the first, and fly
falcon-frantic. At the flash
bone shone. Cat-slashed

in every cell, a moth burnt deeper than
feather or flesh by flame alone.
The second time, I'm

in a grassy dell where a Stonehenge ring
elephantly looms. I swoop and hide
in dolmen gloom.

The flash rebounds off monoliths around
my stone Godzilla shin. Knifes in.
At least the line-of-sight

radiation's blocked. Reflected, hellish rays
kill plague: I'll live. Oh, sick for days,
but what alternative?

Though the dream predicted future love,
travel, transformation, flight...
fallout isn't fun.

But this swift-spreading Human Flu
is death to us birds too. A true
Panzoic. Had to be done.

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

When I dreamed this last June, vaccines were just a hazy goal; details unknown. In early February 2021, I got my first dose of Moderna vaccine. I had very strong flu-like reactions to it, and to the followup shot in March--as the dream had warned.

LISTS AND LINKS: time-bent dreams - the future - I'm Just Not Myself Today! - species-bent dreams - animal people - shapeshifters - birds - herons, storks, cranes - flying - hurry! - boom! - nukes & radiation - disease - the Covid pandemic - stones - light & shadows - predictive dreams - ESP in general - dream health advice - same dreamer, same night: In the Big Bookshop - predicting Hiroshima, The Crane Spoke

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