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Conrad's Crash

Dreamed 1905? by Jessie Conrad, introduced by J.L. Megroz

Apart from personal experiences which lead me to believe that telepathy between people living together is frequent, the late Joseph Conrad and his wife had similar experiences, and Mrs. Conrad after her husband's death described instances to me which were of the trivial kind that I and people I know usually experience. She excluded these from her book of reminiscences of her husband [Conrad as I Knew Him].

An additional and striking example which she gave to a newspaper reporter in 1934 was printed as follows (in the Daily Mail):

On one occasion we were spending a few days apart, and I awoke exactly at one o'clock in the morning and voiced what I had taken to be a vivid dream to an aunt, whose room I was sharing.
I distinctly saw my husband sitting in a hansom cab driving under a railway arch. The road was wet, and, to my horror, the horse slipped, pitching the fare out on the road.
The next morning I reached the rooms we were staying in, and the postman opened the door with a serious expression on his face. He began at once to explain that the night before my husband had been involved in an accident. I interrupted him quickly. "You mean that he was thrown out of a hansom cab at one o'clock last night because the horse slipped on the wet road," I said.

The man gasped, and then asked, "How did you know?"


"She excluded these from her book..." The Dream World by Rodolphe Megroz has multiple dream accounts that would not have survived had he not actively solicited them; one dreamer, A Business Man, describes how he was shunned and censured for telling the truth. It's why he requested anonymity. Joseph Conrad's wife is unusual in that she did allow one such account to be published.

ESP skeptics falsely claim such experiences are rare and exotic, hence suspect. They're not. What they are is suppressed. Just like sexuality. Stay in the closet!

SOURCE: The Dream World by Rodolphe L. Megroz, p. 207-8. Date: anything between 1900-1910 is arguable. Such hansom cabs dropped out of use after the Great War, and Jessie records him driving a car then (none too well).

LISTS AND LINKS: on the road - horses - night - water - oops! - crashes - the Closet - psychic dreams - more Megroz

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