Birds on Fire
dreamed 2008/9/15 by Wayan.
I just finished Terrorist Hunter by Anonymous, a caustic, gripping, invigorating book by an Iraqi woman who combs websites and infiltrates American mosques to find recruiters and funders of terrorism. She's furious at the FBI and CIA for hoarding data and actively blocking investigations, particularly of Bush's Saudi Arabian buddies; she considers them nearly as culpable as the terrorists themselves.
Moonless night. Pinprick stars.
We're camped in a grassy fold on a stony California hill, in the black fall-chill. Time to wake our Hero. He
Thrice I whisper His perilous name.
By my foot, a mysterious red
Well, he's our terrorist expert! So
Starlit ambush fails. Awoke
quivering as He spurs them on,
Our Hero sees mere mice. "Let's strike
horror in their hearts." He lights the bird, and nods to our own tribe's Sarge, who sets it aflight. Flame flutters at the enemy! But
Our Hero's falling short, so far.
no doors, just archways in a loop. Oh,
so a Devious Lurk don't work so fine.
What to do with a Hero? Theirs,
and no heroes here
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