Not just will in the conventional sense (though such dreams are here) but also will in the mystical, magical sense. That odd kind of effort that makes something happen without making it happen, exactly. Manifestation, summoning, telekinesis.
RELATED TOPICS: prayers & wishes - summoning - magic - mastery - focus - choice - stubbornness & perseverance - initiative - telekinesis in dreams - apparent cases of actual telekinesis (mostly modest, but still...) - See also the full INDEX OF SUBJECTS.
What this site is - Add your dreams! - How to read blurbs - Ratings - Copyright - Downloading - The World Dream Bank has 4000 dreams plus 1000 pages on dreamwork, shamanism, surrealism, fantasy, worldbuilding, creativity and genius. Site © Chris Wayan 2001-2022.
ANIMAL HEAVEN: by Wayan; 2008/8/16, an astral dream-poem; Dreamverse #6. At a party in Animal Heaven, I fall for a rabbit-girl doomed to be human dinner. But how can I rescue her? I'm Fate's part-time intern! CAUTION: BREASTS, BEASTS, INCOMPETENT ANGEL OF DEATH |
ANSWERING JUNG: by Wayan; 2005/7/5, a dream parodying one of Jung's key dreams After reading Jung's dreams, I have an anti-Jungian dream of sexy nightmare-statues waiting to come alive, like the tree I draw & bring to life with my literally magic marker... CAUTION: NUDE STATUES |
ANTI-LUCID FLIGHT: by Wayan, 2016/8/30, a friendly nightmare begging me to go lucid. I fear falling? The drop increases. Want a softer surface? The rocks turn to dirt, then water. Want help? Here comes a flying dolphin. Oh, but I'm not dreaming... |
AUTISTIC THUNDER: by Wayan; 2018/2/12, a predictive shamanic dream DREAM: a concert by autistics admits my bandmate Mike but locks me out! I summon thunder & quakes till they open up... AWAKE: I called it metaphor--till it happened. I was sitting silent in our band's recording session and Mike asked me to leave... CAUTION: AUTISM & APPARENT E.S.P. |
BEATING UNCLE FESTER, or, ACHIEVING BILUMIA: by Wayan; 2013/3/31, a stupid telepathic dream I screw the lightbulbs in my ears again, and this time, they stay. I sit down at the piano, and as I play... |
THE BLACK WAVE: by Wayan, 2016/10/18, a poem on a hypnogogic healing dream After days sick, I open myself to unseen spirits and let a black wavefront go through me--and the healing begins. But what did I let in? CAUTION: MYSTICISM & FETISHISM DON'T MIX |
BREAK FREE: by Emily Joy; 2006/5/11, an encouraging dream on the price of safety. I search for family skeletons, but then a talking plant on TV inspires me to seek the sun and fly free. But certain velociraptors and barbarian swordswomen object... CAUTION: DUELS, FISH ABUSE, THE F-WORD |
COMICS & DREAMJOURNAL: by Rick Veitch, Jan 1974, a life-path dream I'm trying to jam together my dream diary and my first comics. My grandmother's skeptical. But at last, with an audible 'click', dreams and comics suddenly merge... |
CORVI AND FEY: by Wayan; 2016/6/14, a shamanic dream of reuniting estranged symbiotes I visit a world of ravenish people, the Corvi, who banished their longtime partners, the wish-granting Fey, calling them parasites. I decide to meddle... |
CRYPTOMNESIC TROLLEY: by Wayan; 1991/4/22, a lucid dream of a suicidal experiment. To prove I really am lucid-dreaming, I let a streetcar run me over. Mm, crunchy! Then I find out... CAUTION: DON'T TRY THIS AT OM... |
DINO RODEO: by Wayan; 2022/2/17, a flying dream about... dream theory? Two men down at a rodeo. The velociraptors and pterosaurs draw near. To scare them off, I need to do something alarming, impossible... |
FLANNAN PREPARATION: by Wayan, 2023/4/12-13, twin mystical dreamlets 4/12: I get a mysterious energy node implanted in my belly. After convalescing I'll have new talents... 4/13: I'm altering my home to host two flannan, bird-girl spirits swift to hunt down the truth... CAUTION: WITCHCRAFT, NUDE SPIRITS |
FOUR WHO COULD ONLY GET HALF-WAY by Nancy Price; 1948, a frustration-dream with deep advice I'm one of four mediocrities: all our efforts come to nought. Mum says "You're netted, but you can fray the ropes... |
GUNSHIPS: by Wayan, 1982/4/24, a nightmare predicting the Falkland war Helicopter gunships invade. I repel bullets with pure willpower. But they too have shields making guns useless. I duel two soldiers... CAUTION: SURREAL VIOLENCE |
HAENA TWILIT COVE: by Wayan; 1984/10/31, a predictive dream. Landing in Hawaii, I dream of a magical twilit cove I must swim across. The eve of leaving, there it is... |
A HUNDRED-FOOT BEAGLE: by Wayan; 2002/3/22, an identity- and gender-bent dreamlet I'm my friend Dawn, at a convention for my job. But I get insulted. I walk out. Lost in endless parking lots, by a dumpster, I make a bizarre wish... CAUTION: APPARENT TELEPATHY |
ICARIAN PAIN: by Wayan; 1982/10/19, a dream of flight, shyness and pinching yourself. I meet some cute dancers, but rather than flirt, I just try ballet leaps too. I get more than I bargained for... |
IS LONGING A RIGHT?: by Wayan; 2021/6/26, a dream on willpower & guilt I'm in a dance class where we built not just muscle strength but strength of will, too: the idea's to magically summon your soulmate through sheer longing! And my classmates succeed--intermittently... CAUTION: QUEER THINKING |
JETPACK AND TIGER: by Wayan; 1988/3/17, a nonlucid yet lucidlike shamanic dream. After watching both Star Trek & Doctor Who, I find I'm held prisoner by the Rani and her laser-toting tiger guards. So I meditate--and manifest a jetpack and a laser gun! I never deduced I'm dreaming; it's not lucidity. It's simpler. What have I got to lose? |
LUCID GIRDERS: by Wayan; 1993/8/18, an illustrated dream about dreaming. Stayed up late, painting foreshortening. Then I saw a scene in color, motion, 3D, and knew I had to be dreaming: I was visualizing too clearly, THINKING too clearly, to be awake... CAUTION: NUDITY |
LUCID NIGHTMARE CLINGS by Andrew Cowan, recurring nightmares 1996 or before I know I'm dreaming but it does no good--I'm paralyzed, and spams wrack my body, I fall out of bed. When I wake, I tingle and shake for minutes. Yet I'm still in bed; the sheets aren't even twisted... |
MY SYMBIOTES: by Wayan; 2015/2/8, a dream characterizing our sixth sense, & proposing a seventh I have symbiotes--a dragonlynx and some flannan, like micro-angels with birdfeet & moth antennae. Lynx & flannan embody my sixth and seventh senses... |
PLANET-SCULPTING APE: by "AE" (George Russell); mid-1870s, a childhood characterological dream. On a cloud in space I met an ape molding a model of Earth, glancing at the original far below. We were much alike... |
PSYCHIC CAT: by Scott Bartell, art by Jesse Reklaw; pre-2000; a comic dreamlet Our neighbors keep dropping by with gifts and favors for our cat. Why? He'd gained magical powers by amassing 10,000 dead mice... |
SIEGFRIED MUST DIE: by Carl Jung; 1913/12/18, an archetypal (and predictive?) dream. Jung and a little brown man shoot down Siegfried the German Hero, riding his chariot of bones. Wait... his what? CAUTION: GRIM |
SINCE PEOPLE CAN'T FLY: by Wayan; 1988/6/7, a flying dream on cognitive dissonance As my friends & I walk in a marsh, we argue. They know humans can't fly-- so I levitate on the spot! But, oddly, they convince me I can't--while I am... |
SKEPTIC AND DRAGONFLY: by Wayan; 1988/1/28 and 2/8, twin flying dreams. Big Blonde and her officemates don't believe in flight; but the dragonfly-girl I meet hatched in mid-air... |
SPIRIT CHORUS: by Wayan; dreamed 2016/2/8, a curative dream I drum on an ocarina-gong in the dark. My weird music summons a choir of fierce angels, who send a wave of tingling energy surging through me... |
SPONTANEOUS DUCK: by Wayan; 2010/9/14, two dreams on feeling magically inadequate I spy on a girl learning magic in a quilted ditch. She lets me join her telekinesis lesson! Can my mind move a balloon? Then I tour a witch-world where normality's shameful. One kid's not witch or normal--he keeps turning into Donald Duck! CAUTION: DISNEY = DISABILITY? |
SUMMON A SECOND HER: by Wayan; 2010/3/9, a time-loop dream I meet a flutist I like, but she's busy playing. So I conjure a second her with free time to listen to herself with me... |
TEN HEARTBEATS OF WILL: by Wayan; 2011/1/2, an experimental dreamflight | A friend says lucid dreaming doesn't matter--you can even fly awake if you clearly will it. So I jump... |
TIME-CAT: by Wayan; 2013/11/23; a self-flagging predictive dream |
I'm a cat person, grooming. But not MY fur--it's a woolly mass of timelines! We cats travel time, smoothing out snarls... Then I wake, go to a party, and... |
TONSIL: by E.W. Kellogg, 1989 or before, a healing lucid dream |
Kellogg jabbed a wooden skewer through one tonsil. It got infected. In a lucid dream, he willed it to heal. In the next twelve hours, the infection vanished... |
TORNADOES AND TESTOSTERONE: by Dream Junkee; 2008/9/3, a lucid dream of transformation |
I've always been scared of tornadoes, until I went lucid and became one... CAUTION: HORNY TORNADO |
THE VAT MESSIAH: by Wayan; 1985/2/27, an epic dream of magic, flight, and sex |
In our cult, we lie in vats of goo till we grow wings. But we're feared more than we knew... CAUTION: SPECIST LYNCH MOB, NUDE IN SCHOOL, LESBIAN FEELINGS, OBSCENE CARROT |
VISIONS UPSTAIRS: by Wayan, 2007/1/15, an ero-spiritual dream-comic |
Junk in the attic? Treasures! The cat musicians shift from cartoons to life as I ascend, til in the ultimate attic--the astral beach--I meet a cattaur made of pure (de)light... CAUTION: SEX-CRAZED CATS, NEW AGE FINALE |
THE VOICE OF GOD: by Wayan, 1993/1/31, a psychic nightmare-epic. |
Half-mad with fear, I massacre a cult, till my gun manifests stigmata: a gory miracle. Then I'm a cultist, resisting the Voice of God pushing all us mortals to murder in His name. I woke up haunted, and wondered for weeks what this was about... until the Waco Massacre. CAUTION: CREEPY VIOLENCE, CREEPY GOD, CREEPY PREDICTION |
VOLITION ON THE BRINK: by Dr William Hammond, c.1867. |
I'm on a mesa, looking down in terror. I try to pull back but a compulsion overrides my will--I crawl helplessly forward until I go over. As I fall... CAUTION: PRE-FREUDIAN DISMISSAL OF WARNING |
WHALE BIKES TO HEAVEN: by Wayan; 1974/5/6, a shamanic double-flying dream |
A road trip with no road--levitating over the Arctic Sea to meet the Whale Philosopher. Then it's time for us all to bike to the stars, leave this world behind... |
THE WHO IN HELL AM I: by Wayan; 1984/1/28, a stubborn dream. |
I'm Pete Townshend of the Who, climbing stubbornly out of Hell by noticing what I don't want... |
WILD W.I.L.D.: by Dream Junkee; 2008/1/19, an epic lucid frustration dream? |
I'm lucid but paralyzed. A weird child spies on me; is she controlling me? Then I'm having sex--but if I come, I'll wake up! Then some thugs jump me. I make sure they won't bother me again, but... is everyone in this dream out to distract me? CAUTION: SEX, MUGGER-STOMPING |
WILLPOWER (HAPPINESS): by Wayan; 1991/1/17, a didactic dream. |
At age 90, the first female high-rise steelworker tells me why she did it--and why she regrets it now... |
WINDOW IN THE SKY: by Emily Joy; 2006/10/15, an epic, flying, apocalyptic dream |
When my friends and I learn to fly, all of Middle Earth turns against us! Fleeing from Saruman's army, I discover the backstage truth about our world... CAUTION: VIOLENCE, DOOM, PHYSICS! YODA IN THE TUB! |
WISH AND WAKE: by Wayan; 1998/7/9, a dream within a dream. |
I wake up praying for love--and then realize my wish is contradictory, and revise it to... |
WISH-RATIONED EARTH: by Wayan; 2015/6/19; an advisory dream on...miracles? |
I'm stranded on an alternate Earth under strict rationing--of wishes! But you need to wish a few times a year to keep the system greased... CAUTION: INSULTS BOTH CAPITALISM AND ASCETICISM |
WISHING RICOCHETS: by Wayan, 2017/7/18, a shamanic dream on will and restraint. |
Trapped in segregation-era Florida, I force a racist waitress to go bother someone else. Disastrously, she does. Someone more vulnerable. Self-assertion's not always wise... CAUTION: KLAN THREAT |
THE WORK OF POWER: by Anna Kingsford; Dec. 1880, a wildly uncompromising dream-sermon |
A dream telling how to acquire mystic power: raw food, no sex, meat, or booze; just meditate in rural solitude... CAUTION: EXTREMISM |
WOUND-BARGAIN: by a Marine from New York; 1918/9/12-14, a prediction and possible alteration of the future |
I was sure I'd be wounded, but dreaded being crippled. So I tried on injuries! I settled on a flesh wound in my left shoulder... |
YATAGHAN: by Hervey de Saint-Denys, c.1840?, a dream of rescue--and summoning |
Night street. Two masked assassins attack a woman. I intervene. But I need a weapon! I picture the Turkish sword on my mantel. The yataghan appears in my hand and I... |
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