Comics & Dreamjournal
Dreamed Jan. 1974 by Rick Veitch
This is one of the strangest, wisest and most incredible dreams I ever had. I'm sitting in a bare room holding one of the crude comics I made when I was a teenager in my right hand. In my left is the dream diary that serves as the source material for Crypto Zoo. I'm trying, unsuccessfully, to make them go together. A voice from on high points out that it doesn't seem to fit. I end up in an argument with the voice, claiming it is my 'grandmother'. The Voice denies it. I become more adamant, smashing the comic and the dream diary together. As I scream "YES YOU ARE!" the comic and dream diary snap in place with a satisfying 'click'. Only then does the voice admit to being my 'grandmother'. When I drew this sequence in 1996, I got chills up and down my spine. My dreaming mind knew that my comics and dreams would one day be united in this work of art.
This dream states two powerful issues, not one. Rick's notes focus on the dream's career advice: "use comics to tell dreams!" But why does the voice first deny then admit to being his grandmother? Why does Rick say he can't love his parents, only her? His notes leave it a mystery.
On the other hand, while Crypto Zoo is the quintessential confessional comic--going even farther than Aline Kominsky (and that's pretty far)--Rick's entitled to leave his family traumas out of it. We get his feelings, passionately stated, but not the history.
I notice (only now) that I've unconsciously followed his lead: I chose to showcase dreams of his focusing on art, dreamwork and shamanism, not family. Well, not all; there's Dad, Workaholic.
SOURCE: Rick Veitch's Crypto Zoo, 2004, King Hell Press (collecting #s 15-20 of his Rare Bit Fiends comics), pp.58-60 + note p.134. Untitled; "Comics & Dreamjournal" added to aid searches.
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