Animal Heaven
dreamed 2008/8/16 by Chris Wayan
I'm chatting at a party with a civic engineer
who shows me dreams she hungers to erect. I praise her fine sketches (she's insecure) until... oops, here comes my ex! Rattled, I shut down--just can't stay.
loping dancerlegs, glitter on bare
For she's a hare's herbivorous soul
the main course at a farmer's feast.
She glances at me, looks away--prolongs
(I'm one) as any child at bedtime would.
an etherquake ran through.
"Welcome to Animal Heaven! You shine
You know us beasts in Paradise
But your new self's so wonderstrong,
fifteen thousand years forever young.
More souls join the party. Why do they sing,
Now my wish molds me. Beast-soul pries
as robin, and scold the librettist: "One too
And as Lloyd Webber's oom-pah chorus swells
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