Surf the San Andreas
dreamed 2008/8/21 by Wayan.
1: the Gate of Trust
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I wake predawn in a cabin near the beach.
I slip outside, goaded by an urge behind my eyes, to find two looming gates. One is high-security: spider-eyed
And the other? Silver driftwood
Americans! Right. A paranoid gate
whose sister welcomes all-- twin portals to the midnight sea. But twin gates are our specialty
Now it seems they're fear and trust,
2: The Ship of Brick and Beer
Mad mansions cling to San
| Francisco cliffs above the sea. "Sacrilege" says my eco-purist brain But a simpler me says "pretty! See the Kremlin shimmer!" Spiral golden onion domes and spires Gaudi'd admire. Next door, a great ship wades in surf,
A second stranded blocky ship--this time
| not of bricks, but great soft packs of toilet-tissue rolls as big as BART. Mordant modern art! Subtle, subtle, subtle as a fart. My confidence is on a roll! For a town that helps such clowns fulfill visions banal will help me too. All I need do is to the great hog-trough apply. They have, it seems, an infinite supply. Mid cliff-cottages we stroll,
"How noble I am, protecting all the bare-My song's a lie. Postmerdean art Draws no one! We're alone out here.
3: Fault-Surfer
My car wades in Crystal Springs
| spang on the San Andreas Fault. The road is flooded, nearly a foot; The car awash, and slow. Storm blew,Odd. Traces of an older road stitch an asphalt high-tide mark. It wriggles round the reservoir, bounding a strip of bare red shore. Branching bleached debris makes clear that high water often laps that far. The oaks say flood. The stones say drought.
The lake is both low and abrim!
| Fault-tilt proof. Pacific Rim. An old man glides across the silver eye
No wave,He's just a man of skill-- rides slowBare feet grip the board; he angles in, until he slips above the rippleroad itself. He trails us, bearded, mirrored, mute.
These quaking lakeshores recurrently mean
the so-called waking world and dream. We drove the dreamside; the old man sailed sailless from awake to dreaming west, to mutely tail us. |
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