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My Nine Selves

Dreamed 2023/7/18 by Wayan

After a long day of socializing in a busy part of town, I'm walking along a 4-lane street. As I near its end, a small group of women walk up and ask me "How do you handle your multiple selves?"

I don't seem surprised by the question; I take it for granted I have multiple selves. I find myself saying "Well... I only have nine current selves now, so I just number them. I deal mostly with the higher numbers because the lower numbers are well known and pretty much integrated so I don't NEED to fuss with them; they do their jobs without monitoring." Cartoon grid of my nine current selves. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.

"These days" I say, "pretty much all of them ARE sides of me. Used to be, some were introjected voices from parents or society. Decades of dreamwork really have banished most of those fake selves."

I walk on down the street, mulling over what I just... well, blurted. What's odd is my claim I just number them. Several of my most active selves have names--Silky, Puff and the Shasta Painter have been around for years. Did I take them so much for granted that I forgot? Or was I deliberately hiding their existence, even from sympathetic people who knew to ask?

When I woke, I didn't know.


LISTS AND LINKS: habit vs. initiative - multiple personalities - doppelgangers - underdogs vs. introjected topdogs - guides & animas - Silky - Puff - Razi & the Shasta Wino - the power of names - portraits - meditation - subliminality - ESP (in society) - ESP (examples) - examples pictured: Odessa Steps & Unicorn TImeforks - (self-)therapy, dreamwork & life-arcs - old age - Jungian vs Gestalt vs shamanism

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