The Rich Wreck the Well
Dreamed by Jim Shaw between 1987 & Jan. 1995.
I'm looking at some parts of heaven and hell that might have something to do with a project a high school pal (who's now born-again) proposed of paintings of heaven and hell. This becomes part of the John Huston film of the Bible, but it seems to be a part based on Revelations. There is a foaming version of the New Age well that is a source for rivers in all directions. Intercut are shots of women being slathered with pea soup that seem superfluous to the plot.
--Jim Shaw
This is one of the few explicitly political dreams among the 400+ in Jim's book--and a generation later, as American lifespans shorten for the fourth year in a row, it looks quite prophetic--the rich and spoiled really have managed to wreck an entire society's health. There is, of course, no pun hidden in that word "well".
--Chris Wayan
SOURCE: Jim Shaw's Dreams, Jan. 1995, Smart Art Press. Dreamed 1987-95; drawn 1993-95.
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