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Dreamed 1995/11/14 by Chris Wayan
Small screen, slow connection? illustrated text version

We're borderguards for the Lunar Republic. Dream-comic by Wayan; page 1.
Weird statues on the border of the Lunar Republic. Dream-comic by Wayan; page 2.
Skating rink on the border of the Lunar Republic. Dream-comic by Wayan; page 3.


LISTS AND LINKS: other worlds - Luna - terraforming - politics - self-defense - sculpture - pencil art - a sculpture of one of the "borderguards" of the Lunar Republic - animal people - cats - bikes & skates - mentors & teachers - solitude - menageries - social advice - love - transcendent dreams - web comix - crowd-noise again blocks wisdom in Balladeer Busks - cats & wax again in Wax Wall, Puma Coma

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