Dreamed 1981 by Richard Turner
Perimeter, a component of the installation |
The treatment of the shapes used as a component of my most recent installation, Bivouac (Works Gallery, 1981), was confirmed in a dream that I had while in the
final stages of work on the piece. I had been unable to decide how to articulate the surfaces of the camouflage shapes clamped to the bamboo grids that were to form the perimeter of the piece.
In a dream, a young Tibetan boy, 10 or 12 years old, approached me with his arms full of the shapes I had been working on for the past week. He dumped them unceremoniously at my feet and stepped back, smiling as if pleased with himself. I hunkered down to examine them and found to my delight, the material combinations, the textures and colors for which I had been searching.
The next day I was easily able to complete the pieces.
Dream reports seem slanted toward warnings and protests; I suppose they're more dramatic. But plenty of my dreams have, like Bivouac, encouraged and confirmed an existing approach--when I've doubted it.
SOURCE: Dreamworks: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly (v.2, no.3, 1982, p.208; excerpted from Turner's article He Feels at Home in the Dream as he Never Does when he is Awake)
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