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Dreamed 1996? by Anonymous #44

We were diving in the Atlantic Ocean with a bobcat. The bobcat had a special breathing device in its mouth, but it wasn't breathing as we took it down under the water. It wasn't breathing any air, it was just holding its breath, and was really big and round like an inflated garbage bag and we had a hard time submerging it. I was thinking, "how will it know to breathe, it's probably scared, I mean cats are afraid of water."

We went all the way down to the bottom and there were ancient ruins down there; like Pompeii and Atlantis, with Greek murals...mosaics and frescoes, classical friezes and bas-reliefs with Greek gods and stuff. Real beautiful classical artwork and architecture.

But some kid, some modern hoodlum had painted a baseball in the outstretched hand of Aphrodite. Like this really beautiful Greek goddess of love, flowing robes, laurel wreath and all that, and these vandals painted her holding a baseball like she was Pete Rose. No respect. I guess it was supposed to be a bas-ball.

And there we were floating around at the bottom of the ocean checking it out with a bobcat that was holding its breath and round as a melon, with its little feet sticking out on the sides.

We were down there for an hour and the bobcat held its breath for the whole time. It wouldn't use its little bobcat regulator to breathe.

SOURCE: Dream Scene Magazine, a zine by Dan Holzner, (final issue 1996). Unpaged; c.30 pages in. Holzner titles it Bobbing for Bobcats. Dreamer's name withheld; Anonymous #44 added for World Dream Bank indexing.

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