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Statues on Ice

Dreamed 2021/3/12 by Wayan

A flat by the Bay, in Berkeley or Albany. A pond or lagoon, several hectares. It's winter, an unusually cold one, and the pond has frozen. But this is an alternate Earth, where frozen water isn't hard dense and clear--instead, it forms a light, porous, pale blue foam! Good insulation, not especially cold, but flimsy--takes a foot or more to support a person. Still, the drifts here are up to my head, and even the windswept surface of the pond looks thickly frozen. People wander on it, clumsily, like giant penguins.

I meet my bandmates Mike & Nic. We're all bundled in gauzy layered robes that flap in the gusty wind. I say "We look like ghosts." Nic flaps her arms. Yep. Ghostly.

This is a park, AND a storage area for the road agency supplying historical statues and plaques. A few of the biggest breach the sea of blue foam. A wooden, bright-painted (but starting to fade and chip) cowboy, lifesize--lean and moustached. With a mean look. I suspect he's Nineteenth Century and got banished here because he backed the Confederacy--or the Klan. Just a suspicion based on his glare and sneer; his historical plaque, if any, is deep-buried.

Whale ho! I slog over and find... no, it's an overturned wagon or boat--hard to tell which, as it's just a big brown hump awash in blue, with at least four bronze pioneer kids climbing on it, looking dismayed. Shipwrecked? Conestoga wagon crash? Again, the plaque is covered in foam; I don't bother clearing it to find out what their political crime was. Stole Indian land? Though I can't see blaming kids for their parents' choices. Change the plaque, not the statue.

Tons of bronze, worth a fortune--in art-limbo. Unwanted images. Under the foam.

Unwanted statues sunk in a pond of blue foam. Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.
Oops, forgot to paint ghostly gauze-robes on me. Addicted to using that red shirt in bluegreen nature scenes!


Unwanted statue of a griffin sunk in a pond of blue foam. Dream sketch by Wayan.

LISTS AND LINKS: alternate Earths - other worlds - ice & snow - color - treasure - sculpture - maintenance & repair - kids - orphans - griffins - politics? - dreamwork? - oppression, repression, suppression? - free speech & censorship - book-inspired dreams - digital dream art - same dreamer, night, & blues: Witch-Mare Seduces Twilight

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