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Sculpting with Neil Gaiman

Dreamed before 1995 by Rick Veitch


Rick Veitch's collection of dream-comics Rabid Eye is mostly one-pagers--concise, punchy, lived not interpreted--as in the page on the left. But in an appendix narrated by his dream-self who refers to his day-self in third person as "Roarin' Rick", we get context for a few sample dreams. This one, of sculpting with his friend Neil Gaiman, turns out to be predictive, indeed full of multiple psychic hits.

I sculpt a huge horned skull in a park with my friend Neil Gaiman, who names it 'Marvin Gaye'; dream-comic by Rick Veitch. Click to enlarge. Context of the dream about sculpting a huge horned skull in a park with my friend Neil Gaiman, who names it 'Marvin Gaye'; dream-comic by Rick Veitch. Click to enlarge.

Makes me wonder about the hundreds of other dreams lacking such notes! Oh well, that's my thing. ----Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Rick Veitch's Rabid Eye, 1995, King Hell Press, a compilation of his comic book series Rare Bit Fiends; pp.77 & 191.

LISTS AND LINKS: friendship & collaboration - Gaiman, Neil - sculpture - size matters! - heads - skulls & bones - machines & devices - mentors - dreamwork & interpretation - predictive dreams - ESP in general - dream comics - ink - more Rick Veitch

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