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World Dream Bank:
Index of Names, D-G

by Chris Wayan 2001-2010

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Dream titles and places have their own indexes. Authors of dreams ARE here, among other names; for a list of dreamers only, see authors.

People, books, movies,
poems, songs, comics, etc.
Authors of books
and so on
I skipped bare mentions;
most hits will be significant.

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"D", a dreamer ready to change Samuels, Andrew, Jungian writer Smokestacks
Mr. D, a psychokinetic skeptic W., Herbert, an ESP enthusiast A Sharp Click
Da Vinci, Leonardo, polymath, see Leonardo da Vinci
D'Acre, Joseph Griffiths, Mrs, dreamer The Boat is Sinking
DadWard, online furry artist Aylee, part-unicorn sorceress Bastard Unicorn
Dahaun, a green woman Norton, Andre, writer Bleeding Heart
The Dain Curse, novel Hammett, Dashiell, writer Poisoned!
The Dain Curse, novel Hammett, Dashiell, writer Snow Stallion
the Dalai Lama, Tibetan leader Neff, Angela, playwright & actress The New Dalai Lama
Dalcourt, Pierre, dreamer Reklaw, Jesse, illustrator Celebrity Attack!
Dale, Laura A., predictive dreamer American Society for Psychical Research Vacuum, Dog
Dalí, Salvador, painter Dalí, Gala, dreamer Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee...
Dalí, Salvador, painter --- The Dream Approaches
Dalí, Salvador, painter --- Dali's Centaur
Daltrey, Roger, & Townshend, Peter, songwriters The Who, a band The Who in Hell Am I
Dancing in the Light, biography Maclaine, Shirley, actor and writer Centaur Splits
Daniel, a dream interpreter Nebuchadnezzar II, dreamer Nebuchadnezzar's Tree
Danielle, sort-of-novel, sort-of-how-to book Kurzweil, Ray, writer Nip Off His Nose
Danson, Ted, actor The Good Place, TV show Bitter Transformations
Dante Alighieri, poet Divine Comedy, epic Deanna on the Mayan Steps
Dante Alighieri, poet Divine Comedy, epic Coyote Pajamas
Dante Alighieri, poet Divine Comedy, epic The Lake Demon
Dante Alighieri, poet Disney, Walt, themepark inventor "Dante or Disney?
Dante Alighieri, poet Disney again! Mary Poppins Fluid Reality
Dari, a stoic Kansas girl --- The Darii
Dari, a stoic Kansas girl --- Firebird and Minotaur
Dark Side of the Moon, song & album Pink Floyd, band Mahakala, Mozart, and the Crippled Bird
The Darkangel Trilogy, Jungian novels Pierce, Meredith Ann, writer Arenna, Freed
Darkchild, novel Van Scyoc, Sydney J Bumbree Syndrome
Darkover, series of novels Bradley, Marion Zimmer, writer Rabbit World
Darkover novels Bradley, Marion Zimmer, writer Comyn Restraint
Darkover novels Bradley, Marion Zimmer, writer Junk Fiction?
Darwin, Charles, writer, scientist see also evolution A Beagle, Three Wolves, and a Setter
Darwin, Charles, writer, scientist Rossetti, Christina, dreamer, poet Crocodile King
Dass, Ram, guru --- Serafina & Ram Dass
David B, dream cartoonist Nocturnal Conspiracies, comics compilation The Cat
David B, dream cartoonist Nocturnal Conspiracies, collected comics A Love Affair
David's Father, a 78-year-old predictive dreamer Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Butler's Crossing
Davidson, Phyllis, painter & dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly Meeting Caravaggio
Da Vinci, Leonardo, polymath, see Leonardo da Vinci
Davison, Al, dream-artist The Forbidden Book, a comics anthology Coal Face
Davison, Al, dream-artist 9-11: Artists Respond, a comics anthology Ground Zero
Davison, Al, dream-artist Spiral Dreams, autobiogaphical comics Kolchec
Davison, Al, dream-artist Spiral Dreams, autobiogaphical comics A Premonition
Davy, novel Pangborn, Edgar, writer Fuck Griffin
Dawn Z., artist, sculptor & dreamer Dawn now has her own page: DAWN
Day After Judgment and Black Easter, novels Blish, James, writer Owl and Cheese
A Day in the Country, film Renoir, Jean, filmmaker Marine Geology's Not It
De Bergerac, Cyrano, wit Roxanne, film Nixon Nose
de Chirico, Giorgio, surrealist Mystery & Melancholy of a Street, painting Passionville
de la Mare, Walter, writer & dreamer --- The Other Land
The Dead Lady of Clown Town, story Smith, Cordwainer, writer Kiss of a Savage
The Dead Poets Society, film Chris, a wannabe dead poet Making Progress Standing Still
Deane, Mary, psychic dreamer Deane, Richard, admiral The Admiral's Death
Deane, Richard, admiral Deane, Mary, psychic dreamer The Admiral's Death
Dear Mili, picturebook Sendak, Maurice, artist Fuck Griffin
Death (the traditional Grim Reaper) --- A Dinner with Death
Death (the Sandman's big sister) Gaiman, Neil, writer Hare Heaven
Death see also dreams about Death Personified
Death is a Lonely Business, novel Bradbury, Ray, writer Bradbury's Death is a Lonely Business
De Camp, L. Sprague, writer The Ancient Engineers, history book Dreamwork in a Decadent Age
De Cormier-Shekerjian, Regina, writer Dreamworks Quarterly Ojibway Dream Net
Dee, a gay multiple Native American shaman Dee now has her own page DEE
Dee, John, a Renaissance wizard --- He Looked Sourly
Delage, Yves, dream researcher Toothsmooth, a talking tiger Mistress Toothsmooth
De la Mare, Walter now has his own page: Walter de la Mare
Delaney, Gayle, dreambook author now has her own page: Gayle Delaney
Delany, Dana, actor Fly Away Home, film Blind to the Cues
Delany, Samuel, writer Babel-17, novel A Used Pope
Delany, Samuel, writer Stars in my Pockets like Grains of Sand, novel Undo the Paralysis
Delboeuf, Joseph, cryptomnesic dreamer The Interpretation of Dreams, book Delboeuf's Fern
Delires Devoilées, dream painting Girondé, Marie Claude, dream artist The Mad Unveilers
Delirious Strippers, dream painting Girondé, Marie Claude, painter The Mad Unveilers
DeMane, Erica, dreamer & dream-collector Dreamworks: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly Nuclear Nightmares
Dement, William, sleep & dream researcher now has his own page: William Dement
Dement, William, dream researcher His daughter, a not-yet-2-year-old dreamer Pick Me!
Demicorn, Lady, a unicorn/human girl Birdiesattva, a songbird saint The Lady Loves the Horse
Dennis the Menace, a newspaper comic Ketchum, Hank, cartoonist The Tao of Dennis the Menace
Derby horse race Willis, Edith L., automatic writer Trigo
Derby horse race Douglas, Alfred, psychic dreamer Signorinetta
Descartes, Rene, mathematician and philosopher --- Quod Vitae
Deschamps, a plum-pudding lover Fortgibu, a plum-pudding rival Pudding & Fortgibu
Desert Hearts, film Charbonneau, Patricia, actor Eight to a Horn
Desowitz, William, dreamer Clockwork Orange, Last Year at Marienbad, 8½, Shoeshine, films A Film-Oriented Dream
Deukmeijian, George, death-penalty supporter Feinstein, Dianne, death-penalty supporter Our Governor
The Devil, a fallen angel See also Devils and demons Batman's Love
The Devil, a fallen angel --- Get Your Body Back
The Devil, a fallen angel Lucifer Titania
The Devil, a fallen angel --- My Lips are Sealed
The Devil, a fallen angel Satan, Old Nick, Santa Satanagram
Devil squid, a deep-sea spiny mollusc Cthulhu, a yucky deity Godeville, or, Living with Cthulhu
DeWitt, Chris, alien --- Bike Odyssey
Dharma, a yoga teacher Dharma And Greg, American TV show Nixon Nose
Diamond, Jared, writer Guns, Germs and Steel, book Jaredia
Diana, Mike, cartoonist Boiled Angel, comic Mike Diana was Jailed for Sacrilege
Diary of the Western Regions or Journey to the West or Monkey, or Xi You Ji Monkey, an adept Prrl
Diary of the Western Regions, or, Journey to the West, or Xi You Ji, or Monkey. Monkey, a monkey adept Learning Scales
Dick, a Korean War soldier, and his mom Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Dick, How Wonderful
Dick in L.A., a questioner of the air Mrs. B, a suicidal Los Angeles alcoholic Dipsomania
Dick, Philip K., writer all his reality-doubting books Her Own Weapon
Dick, Philip K., writer Galactic Pot-Healer, novel Floating Horses
Dick, Philip K., writer Martian Time-slip, novel Martian Time-Loop
Dick, Philip K., writer Martian Time-slip, novel Misfits on Mars
Dick, Philip K., writer A Scanner Darkly, novel The Tiger and the Wolf
Dick, Philip K., writer Solar Lottery, novel Lucid on the Moon
Dick, Philip K, writer The Three Stigmata Of Palmer Eldritch, novel Faire Dinosaur
Dickens, Charles, writer A gentleman in a sheet--Death? Toasting Fork
Dickens, Charles, dreamer Napier, Miss, a lady in red Miss Napier
The Dickheads, a criminal gang Poirot, Hercule, fictional detective Poirot and the Dickheads
Dickinson, Emily, poet Emily has her own page: DICKINSON, EMILY
Dickson, Gordon, writer Dragon On The Border, bad novel Banana Slug
Dickson, Gordon, writer Time Storm, good novel The Door Through Death
Dillard, Annie, writer Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, book Cosmologist
Dillard, Annie, writer Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, book Half Shaman, Half Statesman
Dirigibles or Whales?, dream painting Jenny Badger Sultan, dream artist Fluid Dream Connections
Disch, Thomas, writer On Wings of Song, novel Guardian Angels Feud
Disney Corporation, plastic-dream purveyors Veitch, Rick, shamanic dreamer Sea Parade
Disney Corporation, play-it-generic animators Encanto, film Encanto
Disney Corporation, animators The Little Mermaid, film The Dating Demon
Disney, Walt, animator Bambi, film The Deer's Holy Lake
Disney, Walt, theme park designer Dante Alighieri, poet "Dante or Disney?" short dream in intro to LUCID DREAMS page
Disney, Walt, animator Donald Duck, divine herald The Circus Humans' Desertion
Disney, Walt, animator Donald Duck, character Spontaneous Duck
Disney, Walt, animator Homer, poet The Doggysey
Disney, Walt, animator Peter Pan, film & character Beast Births
Disney, Walt, groper Rogers, Andrea, dreamer Disney's Make-Out Date
Disney, Walt, filmmaker Sinatra, Frank, singer Three-Eyed Wolf
Disney, Walt, animator Snow White, film Sing a Happy Song
Disney, Walt, filmmaker Young Houdini, TV movie How to Be a Wolf
Disraeli, Benjamin, Victorian prime minister Maitland, Edward, dreamer Gladstone and Disraeli
The Diviners, novel Bray, Libba, writer Clown Points
"DIY Scientist", article Viles, Jill, self-taught scientist Bull Feeds the Kitten
D'Jeanna, dreamer
Lauren, her crazy friend "Clit!"
Dobell, Sydney, psychic dreamer Megroz, R.L., dream collector Sevastopol
Doc Martin, British TV series --- Secret Screen
Doctor A., a fore-feeler JB Priestley, writer F.I.P.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, novella Stevenson, Robert Louis, writer and dreamer Stevenson's Brownies
Doctor Strange, movie --- Soul Restored and Red Robe Of Initiation
Doctor Who, a fictional time-traveler Dr Who now has his own page: DOCTOR WHO
Doe, Jane, dreamer (pseud.) --- Don't Shoot the Ibex
"Doe, John", a dream guy who turns out to be real Dreaming with the Wheel, book Suvy and John Doe
A dog breeder in California Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Transpersonal Puppies
Dog Day Afternoon, movie Scorsese, Martin, director Beryl's Dog Days
Dogsbody, novel Jones, Diana Wynne, writer His Racist Son
Dokebi Bride, graphic novel Marley, Korean artist/writer Bluebeard Drag
Dolby, Thomas, composer Europa and the Pirate Twins, song Pirate Twins
Dolores, an expatriate psychic dreamer Extraordinary Dreams, book Nisrock
Domhoff, William, dream researcher The Mystique Of Dreams, book on... guess what? Manta-Squid
Domitian, Roman emperor Pliny the Younger, writer Nocturnal Haircuts
don Juan, shaman --- see Castaneda, Carlos
Donald Duck, cartoon comedian see Duck, Donald Pluto Thaws
Donald Duck, cartoon character Disney, Walt, animator Spontaneous Duck
Donaldson, Graham, dreamer Dunne, JW, dreamer Clocktown
Donaldson, Graham, dreamer Edward Kent Craig, his dead and revenant friend "You'll Grow Out of That"
Donne, John, poet No Man Is an Island, poem No Man is Island
Donne, John, poet No man is an island, poem Nori Suit
Donne, John, poet --- Miscarriage
Doolittle, Liza, character Pygmalion, play Futility
The Door into Shadow, novel Diane Duane, writer Diane Duane's Dragon
The Doors of Perception, book Huxley, Aldous, writer on psychedelia Pinky Cleans the Windows of Perception
Dopp, Susan Marie, surrealist painter Quayle, Dan, vice president Dopp
Dore, a dancing waiter --- God's Dance Club
Dorothy Gale, a homesick girl The Wizard of Oz, novel Surrender Darcy!
Dorothy Gale, a homesick girl but not the one from Kansas There's No Place Like Home
Dosadi Experiment, novel Herbert, Frank, writer The Sink John
Dossey, Larry, writer Healing Words & other med books Curses!
Dossey, Larry, writer Healing Words, book Faerie
Doty, Mark, poet and dreamer Roberts, Wally, a dreamer, his lover Atlantis poem-cycle
Dou Xun, a dreamer Pu Songling, writer and collector of weird tales Princess Lily
Doucet, Julie, dream cartoonist, now has her own page: Julie Doucet
Doudma, Jennifer, biochemist and dreamer Hitler, Adolf Hitler's Getting CRISPR
Douglas, Alfred, dreamer Owen, Charles, Derby bettor Signorinetta
Down from the Lonely Mountain, a collection of California Indian tales Aragorn's Liver
Downing, Christine, dreamer Women Dreaming-into-Art, book Abortion, Suicide, Rebirth
Downing, Christine, dreamer Women Dreaming-into-Art, book Sisters' Psychodrama
Doyle, Arthur Conan, writer --- The Kerouac Tree
Doyle, Arthur Conan, writer Kerouac again! Like Notre Dame
Dragon-Cat, a shamanic familiar symbolizing a sixth sense My Symbiotes
Dragon On The Border, bad novel Dickson, Gordon, writer Banana Slug
Dragonsbane, novel Hambly, Barbara, writer Diurnal and Nocturnal Gods
Dragonsong & Dragonsinger, novels McCaffrey, Ann, writer Love Song to a Dragonsinger
Dragonworld, novel Preiss, Byron, writer Saurian City
Drake, Fire, a kindly dream-dragon Pugh, Sharon Lynn, writer All the Animals
A Dream, poem Blake, William, poet/artist Lost Ant
The Dream, poem Bogan, Louise, poet/dreamer Terrible Horse
The Dream, poem Rossetti, Christina, poet/dreamer Crocodile King
The Dream, painting Rousseau, Henri, painter The Dream
The Dream and the Underworld, book Hillman, James, writer Groundhog Day
Dream Bytes, minicomic Kennedy, Lee, dream-cartoonist Cats & Dog: Recurring Dream
Dream Bytes, minicomic Kennedy, Lee, dream-cartoonist My Soul
Dream I Tell You, dream book Cixous, Hélène, writer High in the Mountains
Dream I Tell You, dream book Cixous, Hélène, writer Papa
"Dream Junkee", lucid dreamer --- JF, TB, and Me
"Dream Junkee", lucid dreamer --- Tornado and Star Showers
"Dream Junkee", lucid dreamer --- Tornadoes and Testosterone
"Dream Junkee", lucid dreamer Waking-Induced Lucid Dreams Wild WILD
A Dream of Frances Speedwell, poem Graves, Robert, poet, dreamer Frances Speedwell
Dream Songs, poem-series Berryman, John, poet Freud Was Some Wrong About Dreams
Dream Scene Magazine Holzner, Dan, editor Dream Scene now has its own page
The Dream World, 1939 book Megroz, R.L, dream collector R.L. Megroz
Dreaming the Dark, book Starhawk, writer Why Progress is Slow
Dreaming the Dark, book Starhawk, writer Ring of White Water
Dreaming the Dark, book Starhawk, writer Starhawk the Witch
Dreaming with the Wheel, book Shawnodese, a dreamworker Suvy and John Doe
Dreamku (Haiku telling dreams) Roswila
Dreamrider, novel Miesel, Sandra, writer The Deer Party
Dreamrider, novel Miesel, Sandra, writer Dreamrider
Dreamrider, novel Miesel, Sandra, writer Half Shaman, Half Statesman
Dreamrider, novel Miesel, Sandra, writer Cassandra's Otter
Dreamrider, novel Miesel, Sandra, writer Midway
Dreams, original title of poem Ewart, Gavin, poet Editors
Dreams and Dream-Tales, 1888 book Kingsford, Anna, dream-writer A Difficult Path
Dreams and Fluid Connections, painting Jenny Badger Sultan, dream artist Fluid Dream Connections
Dreams and how to direct them, translation of Les rêves et les moyens de les diriger Hervey de Saint-Denys
Dreams in Late Antiquity, book Miller, Patricia Cox, historian Temple of Dreamwork
Dreams of the Recovery Period or Ahlam Fatrat al-Naqaha, short story collection see Mahfouz, Naguib
Dreamsnake, novel McIntyre, Vonda, writer Futility
Dreamtales, dream-comics Early (GIF) series The Gif Series
Dreamtales, dream-comics Main (JPEG) series Dreamtales
Dreamtoons, book (selections from the online dream-comic Slow Wave) Dreamtoons now has its own page
Dreamworks: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly (1980-1988) now has its own page: Dreamworks
"Dreamy", pseudonym of a dreamer --- New Bodies
"Dreamy", pseudonym of a dreamer Wayan, a dreamer Shamanic Chew-Toy
Drew, Elaine, dream artist see under her art name Carla Young
Drowned Ammet, novel Jones, Diana Wynne, writer & jinx The Magic of Writing
"Du Pont", a predictive dreamlet in New York Woman's Transfusion
Duane, Diane, writer The Door into Shadow, novel Diane Duane's Dragon
Duck, Donald, divine herald Disney, Walt, animator The Circus Humans' Desertion
Duck, Donald, astronaut Disney, Walt, animator Pluto Thaws
Duck, Donald, cartoon character Disney, Walt, animator Spontaneous Duck
Duckworth, Angela, writer Grit, inspirational book Tiger Calls My Bluff
Ducornet, Rikki, dreamer The Tiger Garden, dream anthology The Ceiling
The Duke of Kent, air crash victim Anonymous #21, closet psychic Headlines
The Duke Who Never Existed Dream 3 of: New Level!
Dumuzid the Shepherd, Mesopotamian dreamer Jestinana, his sister, the first dream interpreter Dumuzid's Despair
Duncan, Isadora, dancer --- Alertness Gym
Dunne, J.W., dream researcher now has his own page: J.W. Dunne
Dunsany, Lord, writer and poet Price, Nancy, actress, writer, dreamer Tawny Owl
Dunsany, Lord, writer and poet Jorkens tales The Sole-Fisher of the 8th Node
Du Pont, firm producing Kevlar Ragsdale, Floyd, a practical dreamer Kevlar
Dürer, Albrecht, Renaissance artist --- Storm of Big Drops
Dutton, Rachael, dream artist Dreamworks Quarterly Bear Lady
Dutton, Rachael, dream artist Dreamworks Quarterly Festival of the Mothers of Rain
Dutton, Rachael, dream artist Dreamworks Quarterly Flanders
Dvorak, Anton, composer, alive again Burns, Alan, dreamer Bow and Cello
A dwarf courtier of Wei--and dreamer Wei Linggong, autocrat Stove
Dykes, John S., dream artist Dreamworks Quarterly Eggshell Skateboarder
Dykes, John S., dream artist Dreamworks Quarterly Handshake
Dylan, Bob, songwriter Romafest, annual meeting of Roma in Camargues, France One More Cup of Coffee
Dylan, Bob, songwriter , Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues, song Pyramid Power
Dylan, Bob, songwriter , Bringing It All Back Home, album A Sphinx's Sketchbook (p.18)
Dykes, John S., dream artist Dreamworks Quarterly Ladders
Dynasty, TV show Evans, Linda, actor Cricket Got In
Dynasty, TV show Evans, Linda, actor Sheepish
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Eaque, one of the Judges of Hell Joyce, James, writer & psychic dreamer Minos, Eaque and Rhadamanthe
Earhart, Amelia, aviator --- Dragged to her Heart's Desire
Earth, a novel David Brin, writer God-Shields
Earth First, an ecological organization --- Earth's being Murdered
Ecclesiastes, prophet The Book of Ecclesiastes Misfits on Mars
Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, biography Cayce, Edgar, trance channeler Adrenaline Hall
Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, biography Cayce, Edgar, trance channeler Coyote Sent Me Cash!
Edith, a dream-painter Blue Face-Flower, two linked paintings Id Flowers
Edward VII, king of Great Britain (1901-1910) Cavendish-Bentinck, William, practical dreamer Coach and Arch
Edwin, king of Mercia (or another pipsqueak Old English realm, c.616) The Venerable Bede, Dark Age historian Edwin's Dream
Eeden, Frederik van, lucid dream experimenter Garfield, Patricia, dream researcher The Glass Missed its Cue
Egbert, a mule-headed oneiroskeptic The Venerable Bede, Dark Age historian Egbert Defies Dreams
Ehrenwald, Jan, psychoanalyst & writer New Dimensions of Deep Analysis, book on ESP in therapy Ronald's Forbidden Field
Eidolon, poetry collection Paine, Barbara Gordon, poet & dreamer Time with a Nighthead
Eight Days of Luke, kids' novel Jones, Diana Wynne, writer Orbiting the Crystal Palace
The Eighth Node, alternate title of dream --- The Sole-Fisher of the 8th Node
Eijolfsson, Viga-Glum, clairvoyant dreamer Vigfuss, his grandfather The Giantess of Thvera
Eileen, a dreamer Her brother Bill Grandma
Eileen, out-of-body dreamer Jony & Kim, her husband & daughter Taken Over
Einstein, Albert, physicist and dreamer --- Sledding Near C
Einstein, Albert, physicist --- Balolokong
Einstein, Albert, physicist --- The Observer Effect
Eiseley, Loren, naturalist --- Robinson Jeffers as a Shaman
Eiseley, Loren, naturalist --- Ufolution
Eisenstein, Sergei, director Battleship Potemkin, classic film Odessa Steps
Elaine, a psychic dreamer Faraday, Ann, dream workshop leader Gold Necklace
Elbereth Gilthoniel, a Vala Tolkien, J.R.R., writer Elbereth Pauses; see also Middle Earth dreams
Eldon B., dreamer --- Satanic Lion's Warning
Eleanor, a meditative dreamer --- The Key is "Here", but Beware
Electra Johannes, dreamer Patagia, dreamer Fake it!
Elfhome fantasy series Spencer, Wen, writer & dreamer I Had the Strangest Dream, and You were There
Eliot, T.S., poet --- The Vacuum Cleaner Quartet
an elk named Me Turner, Jack, writer Turner's Recurring Dreams
Ellis, Havelock, writer & dreamer now has his own page HAVELOCK ELLIS
Ellison, Harlan, writer A Boy And His Dog, short story & film Jack Daniels
Ellison, Harlan, writer A Boy And His Dog, short story & film A Cat and her Girl
Ellison, Harlan, writer "Repent, Harlequin!" said the Ticktockman, short story The Magic Words
Ellison, Larry, zillionaire Oracle Software, a Silicon Valley company Seamy Reality
Ellsberg, Daniel, peace activist Jaegerstetter, Franz, dreamer Hell-Bound Train
Elsewhen, story Heinlein, Robert, writer Fire in the Crucible
Elvis, singer (reincarnated as a revolutionary general) Faerie
Elvis, singer (well, a drunk dog convinced he's Elvis) Breedism
Elvis, singer --- Recoil
εmaxu.lag.Ilis, a psychic dreamer --- Mister Hall
Emerson, Lidian, dream-poet and abolitionist, and Underground Railroad worker Poem Composed in Sleep
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, writer and abolitionist, and Underground Railroad worker Eat the World
Emma, a dream character who turned out to be real Yes, Emma, One Pound Onions
Emily Dickinson, poet Emily D. has her own page: DICKINSON, EMILY
Emily Joy, a shamanic dreamer Emily Joy now has her own page EMILY JOY
Emmanuelle, a passive woman Emmanuelle, sex film series Blue Crystals
Emmanuelle film series Emmanuelle, sex object Word and Deed
The Emotional Hostage, book Bandler, Leslie Cameron, writer on psychology Forks and Saucers
Emotional Intelligence, book Goleman, Daniel, writer on psychology The Paint Kids
Emperor Norton I, a madman ... Bastard Unicorn
Emrich, Toni, dreamer Somnial Times, dream zine Kriss
Emrich, Toni, dreamer Somnial Times, dream zine Pondicherry
Emshwiller, Carol, writer Carmen Dog, novel The Sermon of Carmen Dog
Emshwiller, Carol, writer Carmen Dog, novel Sylvia Sings
Emshwiller, Ed, artist & dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly Two Planes
En Cours de Travail, dream sculpture Girondé, Marie Claude, painter In the Course of Work
Enchantress from the Stars, novel Engdahl, Sylvia Louise, writer The Ill-Formed Tale
Enemy Mine, short story & film Barry Longyear, writer In the Enemy Mine
Engdahl, Sylvia Louise, writer Enchantress from the Stars, novel The Ill-Formed Tale
Engel, Jules, animator & dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly Accident
Engel, Jules, dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly Headless Nag
Enloudenment... instead of Enlightenment! On Molly's Forehead
Eora (Magpie), Aboriginal clan Rustling Leaves, dreamer's pseudonym The Mountain, the Magpie and the Road:
Epstein, David, science writer "DIY Scientist", an article Bull Feeds the Kitten
Epstein, David, science writer Range, a book on generalists Range, or, the Keys to Achievement
Epstein, Joey, dream-cartoonist Joey's father-in-law, a psychic dreamer Jesse's Death
Epstein, Joey, dream-cartoonist Epstein, Myrna, her mom Myrna, Look Ahead
Epstein, Joey, dream-cartoonist Joey's aunt, a psychic dreamer Ted's Death
Equinity, Jo, artist and dreamer --- Lion Rider
Equinity, Jo, artist and dreamer --- Summoning Shadow
Eric, a dreamer and runner... ...who neglected to run. Mouse Workout
Ermine Girl a recurring dream figure Pluto Thaws
Ermine Girl a recurring dream figure The Chute
Ernst, Max --- Two Children Menaced by a Nightingale
Eros, Greek god of love --- Batman's Love
Eros, winged god of love Keats, John, dream-poet Ode to Psyche
Errain, an alter ego Emily, a lucid dreamer Break Free
"Erwre Qerwgeqwr", a pseudonymous dreamer who clearly can only type with the left hand Time Warp
Escape from Intimacy, book Schaeff, Ann Wilson writer Apologetic Ogre
Escape from Intimacy, book Schaeff, Ann Wilson writer Polygamous Pilot's Ghost
Estes, Clarisa Pinkola, writer Women who Run with the Wolves, book Crumb
Estes, Clarisa Pinkola, writer Women who Run with the Wolves, book I'm All Ears, Dr. Estes!
Estes, Clarisa Pinkola, writer Women who Run with the Wolves, book Boys Who Run With the Scissors
Estes, Clarisa Pinkola, writer Women who Run with the Wolves, book Egg River
Ethel, a grieving dreamer Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Ned's Kiss
Europa, a runaway moon Io, Ganymede, Callisto... Runaway Moons
Europa and the Pirate Twins, song Dolby, Thomas, composer Pirate Twins
Evangeline, an art-class model --- Figure drawing: Catmare Girl
Evangeline, an art-class model --- Figure drawing: Ferns
Evangeline, an art-class model --- Figure drawing: Shh!
Evangeline, an art-class model --- Figure drawing: Stare down the shoe
Evangeline, an art-class model --- Figure drawing: Undecided
Evans, Linda, actor Dynasty, TV show Sheepish
Eve, the first woman Kingsford, Anna, dreamer The Enchanted Woman
Eve, the first woman --- Bless My Phobia
Eve, the first woman The Moomin books The Moomin Commissioners of Time
Everett's Concept Flora, Michael, dreamer Google Dreams
Evil Empire jokes Reagan, Ronald, fool Laserbomb
Evil Genius, kids' book Jinks, Catherine, writer Poirot and the Dickheads
Ewart, Gavin, poet Dreams, original title of poem Editors
Existentialism Sartre, Jean-Paul Centaur by Sartre
Existentialism O'Neill, Dan, cartoonist Owl Tavern
Exit/In, a wordless comic in watercolor McPheeters, William N., cartoonist Safety Gets Me Hot
Exobeetle, a carlike cyborgish alien Julian, dreamer New Level!
Eyath, a Lyran gryphon --- Lyr: Southern Ak'hai'i
Thorkell Eyjolfson, Icelandic dreamer Gudrun Osvifursdottir, ditto Gudrun's Four Husbands
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F. Major, painter & predictive dreamer Dunne, J.W., dream researcher Major F.'s Experiment
Faa, Chirang, dream figure Captain of a mission to Jupiter Squirrel Girl
Fables, series of graphic novels Willingham, Bill, writer Triskelion
The Fabulous Riverboat, novel Farmer, Philip Jose, writer Bollywood Love
Face to Face, a talkshow in my dreams --- Mirrorcunt
Fagan, Cathy, poet --- Little Bad Dream Charm
Fairless, Michael, writer The Roadmender, novel Gospel Girl
Fall Down 7 Times Get Up 8, book Higashida, Naoki, writer Puppy
Falun Gong, religious movement --- Once a Hero
Faraday, Ann, dream researcher now has her own page: Ann Faraday
Farmer, Frances, actress Frances, film Ember in the Brain
Farmer, Philip Jose, writer The Lovers, novel Well-Meaning Grass
Farmer, Philip Jose, writer The Lovers, novel Sex Flower, a sculpture
Farmer, Philip Jose, writer Riverworld trilogy Bollywood Love
Farthing, a political novel Walton, Jo, writer Helplessly Lucid
Faulkner, Lisa, BBC TV actor Murder in Suburbia Adorable Cyborgs
Fawn of a Lesser God, alternate dream title Children of a Lessser God, film The White Deer's Experiment
Feather, Sally Rhine, writer on ESP The Gift, booklength study of premonitions see intro to list of Predictive Dreams
Feffer & Shawn, characters on... Boy Meets World, TV show Exploration Game
Feinstein, Dianne, death-penalty supporter Deukmeijian, George, death-penalty supporter Our Governor
Felicia, a lucid dreamer Delaney, Gayle, dream researcher Sexual Dreams
Fell, Alison, long-term predictive dreamer The Tiger Garden, dream anthology Lockerbie
Fellini, Federico, filmmaker --- Sylvia Sings
Fellini, Federico, filmmaker & dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly I'm Not the Director!
The Femlin, a cartoon character Neiman, LeRoy, cartoonist Reverse my Armor
Ferrimani, Brenda, dream artist Ferrimani now has her own page: Brenda Ferrimani
Fertility Goddess, an annoying deity --- Annoying Goddess
Fester, Uncle, a TV character The Addams Family, TV show Beating Uncle Fester
Feuer, Elizabeth, writer Paper Doll, novel Happiness Unblocks Art
Fey, Tina, comedian Bechdel, Alison, cartoonist Tina Fey Tries to Fly
A Field Guide to Getting Lost, book Solnit, Rebecca, writer A Snake Prompt
Finding Your Roots Gates, Henry Louis, historian Longevity Institute
Finn Family Moomintroll and sequels (novels) Jansson, Tove, writer; Snufkin, character Torturer
Finn Family Moomintroll and sequels (novels) Jansson, Tove, writer and artist Tove Jansson's Dragon
Finn Family Moomintroll and sequels (novels) Jansson, Tove, writer and artist Who, Me?
Finn, Huckleberry (fictional character) Twain, Mark, writer Huck Finn's Wish
Finn, Huckleberry (fictional character) Twain, Mark, writer Worldstones
Finnegans Wake, novel Joyce, James, punster I Dream of Deriverrans
Fire and Hemlock, novel reworking the Tam Lin legend Jones, Diana Wynne, writer The Hacker
Fire Drake, a kindly dream-dragon Pugh, Sharon Lynn, writer All the Animals
Fire in the Crucible, book Briggs, John, writer Fire in the Crucible
The Fire Never Goes Out, graphic memoir Stevenson, Noelle, writer, cartoonist & dreamer Brother
Firebird, an ingenue goddess --- Firebird and Minotaur
Firebird, an ingenue goddess Also known as Guan Yin?! Fishel and Frish and Firebird
Firefly, science fiction TV series Wheedon, Joss, producer Stop Obama's Assassination
First Person: the Dream Issue West, Tracey, editor First Person now has its own page
Fish, Cheryl, dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly The Ocean's Floor
Fishel, a dream-woman Also spelled Fischl The Boris Badenov Solution
Fishel, recurring dream character Also spelled Fischl Fishel and Frish and Firebird
Fitzgerald, John Anster, dream artist --- Such Stuff as Dreams are Made of
Five Dusty Shards, a short dream-poem Roswila, dream-poet Dreamku, March 2007
The Five Healthy Appetites, a dream-painting Silky, a dream-guide Lucid Living
Flammarion, Camille, astronomer & oddity collector Deschamps & Fortgibu, plum-pudding fans Pudding & Fortgibu
Flannan(s), fairylike shamanic familiars symbolizing an extra sense? Flannan Preparation
Flannan(s), fairylike shamanic familiars symbolizing a seventh sense My Symbiotes
Fleener, Mary, cartoonist/dreamer Life of the Party, comix collection Hot Jungle Loins
Fleener, Mary, cartoonist/dreamer Life of the Party, comix collection John Says Goodbye
Fleener, Mary, cartoonist/dreamer Life of the Party, comix collection My Favorite Dream of 1991
Fleming, Ian, writer Bond, James, a spy character Bond
Flight Of The Wild Gander, book Campbell, Joseph, mythographer Jung's Denial
The Flintstones, animation The Jetsons, animation George and Wilma
Flipper, a 1960s TV show O'Neill, Dan, dream cartoonist Owl Tavern
Floating Worlds, novel Holland, Cecelia, historian and novelist Flirting with Napoleon
A Flock of Dreamers, comics anthology Davison, Al, dream-cartoonist Merboy
A Flock of Dreamers, comics anthology Kennedy, Lee, dream-cartoonist Cats & Dog: Recurring Dream
A Flock of Dreamers, comics anthology Kennedy, Lee, dream-cartoonist My Soul
A Flock of Dreamers, comics anthology Kjartan Arnorsson, dream-cartoonist Dream?
A Flock of Dreamers, comics anthology Shaw, Jim, dream-cartoonist The Summoners
A Flock of Dreamers, comics anthology Veitch, Rick, dream-cartoonist Doppelgänger!
Flora, Michael, dreamer Postcorrection and Mathematical Model of Life in Extended Everett's Concept, article by Michael Mensky Google Dreams
Florence, a telepathic dreamer Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher We Go in Peace
flying saucers now have their own page: UFOs
a Florida family, possibly haunted Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Clocks Stop, Clocks Start
a Florida woman, a psychic dreamer Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Lois the Flirt
a Floridian precognitive, 75 years old Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher BAYONNE:
Fly Away Home, film Delany, Dana, & Paquin, Anna, actors Blind to the Cues
Fly Away Home, film Paquin, Anna, actor Flyaway Home
Flyaway, novel Hall, Lynn, writer Lynn Hall's "Flyaway"
Flying Lessons, story Link, Kelly, writer The Key to our Inheritance
Dunne, J.W., dream researcher An Experiment with Time The Flying Scotsmanfall 1913; a lucid predictive dream
Flynn, Erroll, actor Cowardly Lion of Oz, book character Lion Suit
Foinbrek, a dream character --- Foinbrek the Moose
Fonda, Henry, actor & dad figure Fonda, Jane, actor His Mine
Fonda, Jane, actor Barbarella, film Angel Showdown
Fonda, Jane, actor Barbarella, movie Holy Zen Monk
Fonda, Jane, actor Comes A Horseman, film His Mine
For the Love of Daddy, anthology Califia, Pat, editor The Abuse Panelists
Forbes, Malcolm, writer They Went Thataway, book on weird ways to die Ten Rules of Life
Forbidden Flowers and My Secret Garden, books Friday, Nancy, writer and sexologist Poisoned!
Forbidden Planet, 1950s sci-fi film the Id, Freud's notion of the unconscious Id Flowers
Ford, Ford Madox, writer Greene, Graham, dreamer Ford Madox Ford
Forman, Simon, Elizabethan doctor & dreamer --- Hypnogogic Assault
Fortgibu, a plum-pudding lover Deschamps, a plum-pudding rival Pudding & Fortgibu
Foundation series (linked stories) Asimov, Isaac, writer Coyote's Vault
Foundational, a short dream-poem Roswila, dream-poet Dreamku, March 2007
a four-year-old psychic Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Book of Gold
The Four Horsemen, archetypes --- The Corpse-Bug
Fox and Phoenix, novel Bernobich, Beth, writer Amazons' Offer
Foxtaur, a species --- Vixentaur
Fragilia, a dream character --- Glass Eater
Frances, film Farmer, Frances and Lange, Jessica Ember in the Brain
Frances's sister, a predictive dreamer Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Eddy Dropped
"Franco, Veronica", pen name for a dreamer --- Alpine Guinea Pig, or...
Frank, a dreamer Laurel, a dreamer Gardenias
Frank, Ellen, a dream-poet --- see her pen name Patagia
Frankenstein: A Modern Prometheus, novel see also body shop dreams Andromeda and the Dragon
Frankenstein: A Modern Prometheus, novel Shelley, Mary, writer My Lips are Sealed
Frankenstein: A Modern Prometheus, novel Shelley, Mary, writer Quadruple Wedding
Frankenstein: A Modern Prometheus, novel Shelley, Mary, writer Two-Headed Beast
Frankopan, Peter, writer Silk Roads, book Giraffe Camouflage
Fraser, Helen, dreamer Megroz, Rodolphe, writer on dreams The Lost Ring
Frazier, Shannon, dreamer --- Men Catch Fire
Frederick, Elector of Saxony, politician and dreamer Luther, Martin, religious reformer The Pen
Freedom, a dream painting Girondé, Marie Claude, painter Liberté
Freud, Sigmund Freud now has his own page: FREUD
Friday, Nancy, writer and sexologist My Secret Garden, and Forbidden Flowers, books Poisoned!
Friday, Nancy, writer and psychologist My Mother, Myself, book Wombers!
Friedrich, Paul, dreamworker & poet Dreamworks Quarterly Sharonne
Fringe, The, a Crow Indian healer Plenty Coups, Crow chief and dreamer Otter Medicine
Fringe Festival, an experimental theatre fest Neff, Angela, playwright/actress The New Dalai Lama
Fringe Festival, an experimental theatre fest Galloway, Cameron, playwright/actress First Impressions
Fringe Festival, an experimental theatre fest Silky, a soft-sculpture Cat-taur Leopards at the Fringe
Fringe Festival, an experimental theatre fest Graffiti Highway, a cabaret show The Key to our Inheritance
Fringe Festival, an experimental theatre fest All That Jazz, an improv group Roraima Jump
Frisch, a dream-woman Also spelled Frish The Boris Badenov Solution
Frisch, recurring dream character Also spelled Frish Fishel and Frish and Firebird
Frost, Robert, poet "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", poem The Vacuum Cleaner Quartet
Frost, Robert, poet "A Masque of Reason" and "The Vanishing Red", poems Guardian Angels Feud
Frost, Robert, poet "Mending Wall", a poem Coyote Sent Me Cash!
Fudd, Elmer, a 'Toon --- Two-Headed Beast
Furious Fictions, 90s literary zine Zimmerman, Lisa Horton, dreamer Roger and Tina
Furious Fictions, 90s literary zine Simon, Kelly, dreamer Where is my Mother?
Futility, novel predicting the Titanic disaster Robertson, Morgan, writer Titan
Fyson Calder, A.W., predictive dreamer Lyttelton, Dame Edith, psychic researcher The Black Stream
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Gabor sisters, Zsa Zsa and Eva Kerouac, Jack Gabors
Gaiman, Neil, writer Coraline, novel and film A Feel-Bad Movie
Gaiman, Neil, writer Jones, Diana Wynne, writer & jinx The Magic of Writing
Gaiman, Neil, writer Sandman, series of metaphysical comics Hare Heaven
Gaiman, Neil, writer Sandman, series of metaphysical comics But I Want to Live
Gaiman, Neil, writer Veitch, Rick, cartoonist Sculpting with Neil Gaiman
Galaxy Quest, a film satirizing Star Trek A Feel-Bad Movie
Galileo, astronomer and heretic That little cannonball experiment... Galileo Falls
Galloway, Cameron, playwright The New District Manager, play First Impressions
Gamesters of Triskelion, a TV show Star Trek Triskelion
Gandalf, wizard See also: Middle Earth dreams Emadro
Gandalf, wizard (& community college prof) Saruman, wizard (& community college prof) Lizard or Wizard?
Gandalf, wizard, AKA Mithrandir See also: Middle Earth dreams Mithran's Lake
Gandalf, wizard See also: Middle Earth dreams Waldrop's Summoned
Gandalf, wizard Emily Joy, a shamanic dreamer Window in the Sky
Gandhi, Mohandas, spiritual leader see also dreams on pacifism Gandhi's Run
Gandhi, Mohandas, spiritual leader see also dreams on pacifism Gandhi's Run
Gandhi, Mohandas, dreamer The Comittee of Sleep, dream anthology Hartal
Ganymede, a runaway demigod --- Jove's Limbo
Ganymede, a runaway moon Callisto, Europa, Io... Runaway Moons
Garcia Marquez, Gabriel, writer Eréndira, movie Eréndira
Garfield, Patricia, dreamer & dream researcher now has her own page: Patricia Garfield
Garp, Beryl, a dead nurse haunting Wayan Beryl now has her own page BERYL
Garr, Teri, actor --- Isis Helps Teri Garr
Garrigues, Lisa Gale, writer and dreamer see also "Cory" The Power of the Butterfly
Gassmann, Christoph, dreamer (and therefore cancer survivor) --- Dreaming to Survive
Gates, Bill, rich autistic --- Mom's Dino Gait
Gates, Bill, rich autistic --- I Thought he Liked me
Gates, Henry Louis, historian Finding Your Roots Longevity Institute
Gaughan, Tim, jazz guitarist --- Faculty Wife
Gaughan, Tim, jazz guitarist --- I Tossed Music
Gaughan, Tim, jazz guitarist --- Dawn's Divorce
Gauguin, painter --- Bernal Islet, 2250
Gauguin, painter Tehura, Gauguin's lover and model A Sphinx's Sketchbook
Gautama, Gopa, early dreamer Siddhartha, her husband GOPA'S NIGHTMARE: by Gopa
Gebbie, Melinda Clothilde, cartoonist Crumb, movie Crumb
Gennadius, pioneer lucid dreamer Saint Augustine, ancient writer Gennadius
'A Georgia Woman', a psychic dreamer Rhine, Louisa E, ESP researcher Past Party, Future Husband
Georgina, an apparently psychic dreamer James, Peter, her husband & dream enthusiast Eight Injections, Then Voltage
Gessner, Conrad, Renaissance dreamer Sleep, Dreams and Somnambulism, 1857 book Prodromal Dreamlets
Gest Oddleifson, dream interpreter Gudrun Osvifursdottir, predictive dreamer Gudrun's Four Husbands
Gestalt dreamwork now has its own page: Gestalt
Gestella, a werewolf Palwick, Susan, writer The Fur Side, or, Gestella
Gestinanna, the first dream interpreter Dumuzid the Shepherd, Mesopotamian dreamer Dumuzid's Despair
Giacometti, Alberto, sculptor David B, dream cartoonist The Cat
Gibbons, Elizabeth, dream painter International Association for the Study of Dreams The Arrival
Gidagaakoons (Spotted Fawn) also known as Amanda Strong Spotted Fawn Dodges Arrows
The GIF Series Dreamtales, dream-comics The Gif Series
Gifts of Unknown Things, book Watson, Ian, writer Tiamat's Rebellion
The Gifts that Bind us, novel O'Donoghue, Carolyn, writer Tiger Calls My Bluff
Gilgamesh of Uruk, king (2750 BCE) and dreamer --- Enkidu
Gilligan's Island, TV show Mary Ann, TV character Here in my Impoverished Psyche
Gillis, Dobie, character --- Alley Song
Ginsberg, Allen, poet --- Hot to Trot, or,
Sad-Eyed Swan of Love
Ginsberg, Allen, poet --- Ishi and Snoid
Giordano, Luca, painter Solomon, King of Israel and dreamer Solomon's Choice
Girondé, Marie Claude, dream painter, now has her own page Girondé, Marie Claude
Giselle, a dancer I flirt with --- Sock Puppets of the Gods
Giselle, a dance-classmate I flirt with --- Blow 'em Up!
Gisli the Outlaw of Iceland Auda, his very patient wife Gisli the Outlaw
Gitana, a friend, or lover? --- Beauty, Brains, Warmth
Gitana, a friend, or lover? --- Gitana and Rex and Kit
Give My Regards to the Atom-Smashers: Writers on Comics Millet, Lydia, contributing essayist Little Nemo
Gladstone, William, Victorian prime minister Maitland, Edward, dreamer Gladstone and Disraeli
Gladwell, Malcolm, writer Talking to Strangers Giraffe Camouflage
Glaser, Nina, surreal photographer --- Eel Girls
Glass Menagerie, play Williams, Tennessee, playwright Glass Body
Gleason, Adele, doctor and dreamer Joslyn, John, attorney and dreamer Flaming Leaves
Glory Road, novel Heinlein, Robert, writer Aida's Toilet Boat
Glory Season, novel Brin, David, writer Shields from the Goddess
Glory Season, novel Brin, David, writer The Dragon's Teeth
Glory Season, novel Brin, David, writer Half-Twin
Glum Eijolfsson, clairvoyant dreamer Vigfuss, his grandfather The Giantess of Thvera
God, a Judeo-Christian-Muslim monotheistic deity now has his own page GOD
Godbody, novel Sturgeon, Theodore, writer Arteria
Goddard, Sir Victor, RAF officer a fellow officer (and predictive dreamer) The Night My Number Came Up
Gödel, Escher, Bach, book Hofstadter, Douglas, writer I Slept 950 Years
Godo, Duke, cover name Julian, dreamer New Level!
Goebbels, Paul, Nazi leader Greene, Graham, spy and dreamer Goebbel's Nose
Goethe, J. W. von, writer The Sorrows of Young Werther, novel To Keep Him Company
Gofman, John, writer --- The Breast Bandit
Goldberg, Whoopi, actor --- Beggars in Spain
Goldberg, Whoopi, actor --- Misfits on Mars
Goldberg, Whoopi, actor --- Firebird and Minotaur
The Golden Compass, novel Pullman, Philip, writer Too Much to Bear
The Golden Compass, novel Pullman, Philip, writer Witch, Fly Free
Goldhammer, John, writer --- Following the Elephants
Goleman, Daniel, psychology writer Emotional Intelligence, book The Paint Kids
Gonzaga, Federico, Mannerist patron Ducornet, Rikki, dreamer The Ceiling
The Good Place, TV show Michael, an angel Bitter Transformations
The Good Place, TV show Chidi, an ethics professor Chidi and Pony Mistress
"The Good Thing", song Talking Heads, band The Red Thing
The Goose Girl's Best Friend, a dream-sculpture Storm, Mardi, dream-sculptor Falada
GOP convention in Dallas, 1984 Joe Bob, pseudonymous reporter Dallas Gmork
Gopā (or Gopī), early dreamer Siddhartha, her famous husband Gopa's Nightmare
Gordo, the first Latino comic strip Arriola, Gus, cartoonist Gordo's Eyes
Gordon, Charles George, dreamer and soldier Chinese Gordon, nickname of a dreamer Sabotaged Boat
Gorman, Ed, writer Stranglehold, mystery novel Triskelion
Goro-Rapoport, Victoria the International Society for the Study of Dreams The Planter of Seeds
Gotfryd, Alex, dreamer & photographer Appointment in Venice, photo book Appointment in Venice
Gou Chang, general Zhang Tianxi, predictive dreamer Long Green Dog
Graffiti Highway, cabaret "Breakfast", San Francisco singer-songwriter The Key to our Inheritance
Grandin, Temple, autistic writer Thinking in Pictures, book Saddled with Autism
Grandin, Temple, writer, autistic Thinking in Pictures, book Flyaway Home
Grandin, Temple, writer, autistic Thinking in Pictures, book Help, Not Cure
Grant, Joan, writer Wells, H.G., writer Joan Grant Gets Some Advice
Grant, Steve, dreamer The Tiger Garden, dream anthology Cancelled
Grass, Albert, dream-cartoonist (or hoax?) Beloff, Zoe, editor (or prankster?) A Creature
Grass, Günter, writer Tin Drum, surreal novel and film Saturation Dial
Graves, Robert, dreamer J.W. Dunne Anagrammagic
The Great and Powerful Trixie, a blue unicorn Kejzfox, fan artist into My Little Pony Witchmare Seduces Twilight
The Great Divorce, book Lewis, C.S., moralizer The Devil by CS Lewis
The Great Red Spot on Jupiter --- Jovian Revolution
The Great Sphinx, a sand-covered deity Thutmoses IV, Pharaoh of Egypt c.1400 BCE The Sphinx Wants Cleaning
The Great Wave off Kanagawa, print Hokusai, Katsushika, artist The Great Wave, or,
Change is the Last Stability
Green, Celia, writer on dreams --- Betraying Dreams
Green, Julian, dreamer His horse Your Turn
Green Ray ("Summer"), film Rohmer, Eric, filmer Faerie
Greene, Graham now has his own page: Graham Greene
Greenpeace, an ecological organization --- Green Angels
Greenwood, Elizabeth, dreamer & amateur sleuth Buggas, Mary, sidekick Stockden's Murder
Greenwood, Frederick, dreamer --- He Has Repented
Greenwood, Frederick, dreamer --- Her Hand on the Mantel
Greenwood, Frederick, dream researcher an Honorable Lady, a dreamer Skylight
Greg the Bunny (TV series) --- The Bleeding Heart
Gregory, Jill, dreamworker --- Badge Slander
Grey, Alex, artist --- Burn His Tree
Griffin and the Minor Canon, fable Stockton, Frank, writer Fuck Griffin
Griflynxes, a dream people Intelligent snowcats able to glide on stubby wings Delight Evolves Flight
Griffiths, Mrs, dreamer D'Acre, Joseph The Boat is Sinking
Grit, inspirational book Duckworth, Angela, writer Tiger Calls My Bluff
"Groom Your Own Feathers" alternate title of a dream-poem: Etna-Shasta
Guan Yin, a moon goddess --- Is God God?
Guan Yin, the moon goddess Also called Kwannon or Kannon Fishel and Frish and Firebird
"Guardian Neighbor", story in Armless Maiden Barry, Lynda, writer The Abuse Panelists
Guareschi, Margherita, recurrent dreamer Garfield, Patricia, dream researcher Prisoner of Dreams
Gudea, ruler of Lagash Nanshe, goddess of dream interpretation Gudea's Temple
Gudrun Osvifursdottir Bollisurdottir, Herdis, dreamer Don't Tread on Me
Gudrun Osvifursdottir, predictive dreamer Gest Oddleifson, dream interpreter Gudrun's Four Husbands
Gudrun Osvifursdottir, troublemaker An the Black, Icelandic dreamer Brushwood Belly
Gulf, novella Heinlein, Robert, writer You Can't Fool the Fat Man
Gullans, James, dream poet --- The Enchanted Glass
Gullans, James, dream poet --- Traumdeutung
Gulliver's Travels, early fantasy novel Swift, Jonathan, a satiric writer Laputans Lecture Brobdingnag
Gullino, Derek, dreamer Bigfoot, a dream being Whodunit? And what did they Do?
Gundry, Steven, writer The Plant Paradox, diet book Bull Feeds the Kitten
Gullans, James, dream poet --- Traumdeutung
Gunn, Thom, poet & acidhead --- At the Centre
Gunn, Thom, poet & dreamer --- Dump
Gunn, Thom, poet & dreamer --- Moly
Gunnhildr, dreamer and mom of... Sverrir Sigurðarson, King of Norway Gunnhildr's Birth Dream
a gunsel named Wilmer Maltese Falcon, film Mahakala, Mozart, and the Crippled Bird
a gunsel--the same one? --- The Security Guard
Guntram, King of Orléans, c.570 --- Guntram's Snake
Gurdjieff, a guru --- Alertness Gym
Guthrie, Arlo, songwriter Nixon, Richard, disgraced politician In My Darkest Hour
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