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World Dream Bank:
Index of Names, M-P

by Chris Wayan 2001-2010

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Dream titles and places have their own indexes. Authors of dreams ARE here, among other names; for a list of dreamers only, see authors.

People, books, movies,
poems, songs, comics, etc.
Authors of books
and so on
I skipped bare mentions;
most hits will be significant.

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M, Monica; a predictive dreamer Horn, Roy, stage magician Tiger Podium
Mabuse, Dr, villain in series of Fritz Lang films Hitler, Adolf, dictator Garden of Swords
Macario, Maurice, early dream researcher Sleep, Dreams and Somnambulism, book Prodromal Dreamlets
Macaulay, Thomas, historian Pepys, Samuel, diarist Snot-Bird Forgery!
MacDonald, George, writer Lilith, novel Owl Guardian
MacDonald, Ross, writer The Dreadful Lemon Sky, mystery Give Travis One More Chance
Machado, Antonio, poet Last Night, poem Anoche / Last Night
Maclaine, Shirley, actor/writer Living in the Light or Dancing in the Light, books Centaur Splits
Maclaine, Shirley, actress Terms of Endearment, film A Smoke in the Sixties
MacLeish, Archibald, poet --- The Night Dream
MacNeice, Louis, poet/dreamer Hitler, Adolf, dictator Garden of Swords
MacNeice, Louis, poet/dreamer Hitler, Adolf, dictator Pylons
MacNish, Robert, dreamer --- Twenty of Me
Mad Men, film Hamm, Jon, actor Rebellion
Mad? Throw Rocks! one of three dreamlets in Ponygirl’s Diet
Madam Purr-Say, a dream cat Purple Purple Purple, pseudonym of a dream poet The Entwined Child and Madam Purr-Say
Madden, Thomas, a dreamer see also "Mountain, Thomas" A Daughter to Dote on
Madden, Thomas see also "Mountain, Thomas" Shark, Shark, Shark!
Madden, Thomas, a dreamer see also "Mountain, Thomas" Voters Gone Crazy
Madeline, a dreamer Her friend Emily Joy The Red Sphere
Madeline, a dreamer Hook, a megalomanic pirate captain Thar She Blows!
Madonna, singer --- Sybil Sue Flannery
Maelen, an animal trainer Moon of Three Rings, novel Maelen and Me
Magallón, Linda, dream artist International Association for the Study of Dreams Fly over the River Canyon
Magpie, a dream character Leaves, Rustling, dreamer's pseudonym The Mountain, the Magpie and the Road
Magritte, Rene, a surrealist painter Swift, Jonathan, a fantasy writer Laputans Lecture Brobdingnag
Magruder, Peyton, airplane designer Flora, Michael, dreamer Google Dreams
Mahakala, Tibetan god of right anger --- The Bridge
Mahakala, god of right anger --- Mahakala, Mozart, and the Crippled Bird
Mahy, Margaret, writer Other Side of Silence, novel Mother Superior
Mahfouz, Naguib, writer and dreamer
The Dreams, short story collection Clown
Mahfouz, Naguib, writer and dreamer
The Dreams, short story collection The Leap
Mahfouz, Naguib, writer and dreamer
The Dreams, short story collection Rubbish
Mahler, Gustaf, composer Sacks, Oliver, writer on the brain Kindertotenlieder
Maitland, Edward, dreamer --- Gladstone and Disraeli
Maitland, Edward, transcriber and editor Dreams & Dream-stories and Clothed with the Sun, books Anna Kingsford, visionary dreamer
Majipoor books Silverberg, Robert, writer An Ill-Formed Tale
Makavejev, Dusan, dreamer Blow Up, film Murderer
Make, Meretuini, speaker of Old Rapa Liblin, Marc, recurrent psychic dreamer Rapa Iti
Makeda, Queen of Sheba in Ethiopian tradition Solomon, King of Israel and vivid dreamer Theft of the Ark
Maki, Keigo, manga writer & artist Shikimori's not Just a Cutie, manga The Cloud Over Her
Malayan pantun (a poetic form) --- Miriel Interruptus
Malloff, Georganna, dream sculptor --- Blue Skies
Malloff, Georganna, dream sculptor --- Cosmic Maypole
Malloff, Georganna, dream sculptor --- An Elk Showed Me a Sign of Peace
The Maltese Falcon, film Bogart, Humphrey, and a gunsel named Wilmer Mahakala, Mozart, and the Crippled Bird
The Maltese Falcon, film Bogart, Humphrey, and a gunsel named Wilmer Shoot Me, I'm Lucid!
The Maltese Falcon, novel Hammett, Dashiell, writer Sybil Sue Flannery
Man and Time, book on time-anomalies Priestley, J.B., writer for examples: J.B. Priestley
The Man who could Move Clouds, memoir Rojas Contreras, Ingrid, writer Oil Derrick
Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat, book Sacks, Oliver, writer The Man Who Mistook...
Mandela, Winnie, politician --- Aelfwine
Manhwa (Korean graphic novels) Dokebi Bride, by Marley Bluebeard Drag
Manji, Irshad, writer The Trouble with Islam, book Praise the Dancing Goons
Mansfield, Katherine, writer --- Broke Like Glass
Mansfield, Katherine, writer --- Sun and Moon
Manson, Charles, death-cult leader --- Hand Me the Matches!
Mantel, Hilary, stressed-out dreamer The Tiger Garden, dream anthology Towels
Many Achievements, Crow chief and dreamer see his English nickname, Plenty Coups
Mao Zidong, dictator Jung Chang, biographer The Real Mao
Mao Zidong, author Quotations from Chairman Mao, booklet Idi Amin
Mapuche (Patagonian people) Painemal Huenchual, Martín, dreamer Birds at War
Marc Antony, Roman leader Cornwall, Barry, dream-poet A Dream
Marc, Franz, painter Blue Rider, art movement No Blue Rider
Marcoux, Shirley, psychic dreamer The New Diary by Tristine Rainer Marcoux's Dreans
Marcella, an artist, Wayan's mom Marcy has her own page: MARCY
Marcy and Butler, planet hunters --- Crystal and Gunsel
Mare, Walter de la now has his own page: Walter de la Mare
Mare Astra, a furry dreamer like me --- Unicorn Mentality
Margaret And I, novel Wilhelm, Kate, writer Dreams Explain Dreams
Marianna, intense dreamer Delaney, Gayle, dream writer The Queen's War
Marianne, dreamer Serling, Rod, TV showrunner The Outer Limits
Marigold Heavenly Nostrils, a cartoon unicorn Phoebe and Her Unicorn, webcomic and books Rainbow Splash
Marion, a suicidal woman Rhine, Louisa, parapsychologist Don't Do That, Marion
Mark, a fellow shaman Mark now has his own page: MARK
Markham, Beryl, writer West With the Night, book Soulboard
Marley, Korean artist/writer Dokebi Bride, graphic novel Bluebeard Drag
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia, writer Eréndira, movie Eréndira
Marshall, Joseph, III, writer In the Footsteps of Crazy Horse, kids' historical novel Crazy Horse's dream
Marske, Freya, writer A Marvellous Light, fantasy novel Critters of the Montana Front
Martha, a sexy lucid dreamer --- Martha's Fall
Martian Chronicles, novel Bradbury, Ray, writer Futility
Martian Time-slip, novel Dick, Philip K., writer Misfits on Mars
Martian Time-slip, novel Dick, Philip K., writer Martian Time-Loop
Martin, E.M., early dream writer now has his own page: MARTIN
Martin, Steve, comedian Only Murders in the Building, TV series Not a Cat
Martin, Steve, comedian Roxanne, film Nixon Nose
Martinez, Andres Vera, artist Liu, Na, dreamer Yellow Crane
Martinez, Roger, dream painter International Association for the Study of Dreams Nic the Unicorn
A Marvellous Light, fantasy novel Marske, Freya, writer Critters of the Montana Front
Mary I (Bloody Mary) Aubrey, John, writer Hide the List!
Mary II, Queen of England J.H. Esquire Both Mourn, Both Die
Mary Ann, TV character Gilligan's Island, TV show Here in my Impoverished Psyche
Mary, Cracked, Irish satirist Yeats, W.B., dream-poet; Crazy Jane Grown Old Looks at the Dancers
Mary Poppins, Disney film Andrews, Julie, actress Fluid Reality
Mary Queen of Scots, 1556 Buckley, Major, hypnotist, 1845 Mary's Jewels
Marya, novel Oates, Joyce Carol, writer On the Night of Change
a Maryland woman, a predictive dreamer Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Boy Scouts
Masefield, John, a dream-poet Masefield, Judith, dream artist The Dream of Daniel
Masefield, John, a dream-poet Barrett, Deirdre, dream collector A Woman Speaks
Masefield, Judith, dream artist Masefield, John, a dream-poet The Dream of Daniel
MASH, movie (or TV series; unsure) --- Gunships
MASH, TV series Potter, Colonel, and other MASH characters Jack Daniels
MASH, TV series Burns, Frank, surgeon Misfits on Mars
MASH, TV show Radar O'Reilly, psychic Radar's Bear
MASH, TV show Potter, Colonel, character The Vat Messiah
Masi, Justin, dream artist International Association for the Study of Dreams A Wife Or A Ghost
Maslow, Abraham, psychologist Maslow's pyramid of hierarchical needs Shasta Standards
Maslow, Abraham, psychologist Maslow's pyramid of hierarchical needs Pentalemma
A Masque of Reason and The Vanishing Red, poems Frost, Robert, poet Guardian Angels Feud
a Massachusetts mother and telepathic dreamer Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Don't Cry, it's Only a Dream
a Massachusetts woman, a daily telepath --- Commute
Massie, Chris, a chaotic, multiversal dreamer --- Night of a Thousand Dreams
Mathee, Rainier, dreamer --- Panic Attack in my Sleep
Matheson, Richard, writer What Dreams May Come, book & film Aida's Toilet Boat
Matheson, Richard, writer The Body Snatchers, book Freeze!
Matheson, Richard, writer The Body Snatchers, film Hepburning
Matheson, Richard, writer The Body Snatchers, film Pod War
Matheson, Richard, writer The Body Snatchers, film Sporecount
Matheson, Richard, writer The Body Snatchers, film Their Dream House
Matisse, Henri, artist --- Matisse
Matisse, Henri, artist --- Matisse is No Moe
Matús, don Juan, shaman --- see Castaneda, Carlos
Matt, a dreamer --- She Took My Ball
Maupin, Armistead, writer Tales of the City novels The Fairy Wife
Maury, Alfred, dream researcher Sleep and Dreams, early study Bridge-Guard
Maury, Alfred, dream researcher Sleep and Dreams, early study Guillotine
"May", dream-poem Rachel Hadas, dream-poet James Merrill Remembered
Maya, Queen, Siddartha's mother Suddhodana, King, Siddartha's father Elephant with a Lotus
Maybank, Susan, disaster victim Jones, Victor, policeman and rescuer Aberfan
McBain, Ed, writer --- Sybil Sue Flannery
McCaffrey, Ann, writer Pern novels The Dragon Banners
McCaffrey, Ann, writer Dragonsinger & Dragonsong, novels Love Song to a Dragonsinger
McCann, Sean, biologist & dreamer --- Caracaras Tell All
McCarthy, Joe, a demagogue --- Bond
McCarthy, Joe, witch-hunter Bloom, Alan, writer Illusionists Don't Rule
McCartney, Paul, composer --- I Dream of Deriverrans
McCartney, Paul, composer --- Yesterday
McCay, Winsor, cartoonist Little Nemo in Slumberland, comic strip For Them
McCay, Winsor, cartoonist Little Nemo in Slumberland, comic strip Little Nemo
McCay, Windsor, cartoonist Little Nemo, surreal comic Saturation Dial
McCay, Windsor, cartoonist Little Nemo, surreal comic Overlay
McClanahan, Melissa, dream artist International Association for the Study of Dreams Deerman's Challenge
McClanahan, Melissa, dream artist the IASD Two Witches
McClatchy, J.D., poet and dreamer Sexton, Anne, poet and suicide Anne Sexton
McCoy, Ann, dream artist Isis, a scaly goddess Kore
McDevitt, Jack, writer Seeker, novel Telepath Country
McDiarmid, Catherine, dreamer and mom J. Noel Paton,painter The Axe of Death
McFarland, Andrea, writer & dreamer Death, an old boyfriend Ariana's Evening
McFarland, Andrea, writer & dreamer Dad, a stickler for security Break-In
McFarland, Andrea, writer & dreamer Solara, her trickster daughter? Synchronized Watches
McGraw, Eloise, writer The Moorchild, kids' novel Arctic Changeling
McIntyre, Vonda, writer Dreamsnake, novel Futility
McKean, Dave, artist Nash, Paul, dream artist Flight, Margaret, Mouse, Dog
McKillip, Patricia, writer Patricia McKillip has her own page: MCKILLIP, PATRICIA
McKinley, Robin, writer Pegasus, book The Pegasi Tub
McKnight, Thomas, writer Love Tactics, book Boil the Cord
McLeish, Archibald, poet and dreamer --- The Night Dream
McManus, Colleen, dreamer Reklaw, Jesse, illustrator Cake Horse
McNeice, Louis, poet and dreamer The Strings are False, autobiography Garden of Swords
McNichol, Kristy, actor Little Darlings, 1980 film inspiring the dream Cat Repels Dinosaurs
McPheeters, William N., cartoonist Exit/In, a wordless comic in watercolor Safety Gets Me Hot
McQuade, James, cartoonist Misty, graphic novel Dino Treasure
Me, a bull elk Turner, Jack, writer Turner's Recurring Dreams
Mead, Margaret, anthropologist O'Neill, Beverly, dreamer Mead's Advice
Meagher, Maude, novelist and dreamer --- Stalagmite Valley
Meagher, Maude, novelist and dreamer --- A Word Dream
Meant To Live, a song Switchfoot, a band Window in the Sky
Medatia, a shaman The Language of the Birds, book The Deer Party
Medley, Linda, cartoonist Castle Waiting, epic comic series I Dream of... Me!
Megroz, Rodolphe, dream collector, now has his own page: R.L. Megroz
Meiburg, Jonathan, science writer A Most Remarkable Creature, book Caracaras Tell All
Meiburg, Jonathan, science writer Hudson, William Henry, dreamer Ironfall
Melingeh, a talking stallion The Boy who Never Lies, a Tibetan folktale Falada
Meline, a shapeshifter Emily, a dreamer Revolution is Messy
Mendel, Gregor, geneticist --- Mendelian Chimeras
Mendelsohn, David, essayist Robertson, Morgan, prescient novelist Titan
Mending Wall, a poem Frost, Robert, poet Coyote Sent Me Cash!
Menolly, composer Dragonsong & Dragonsinger, novels Love Song to a Dragonsinger
The Mental Traveller, symbolic poem Blake, William, poet/artist Sorb Truce
Meredith, Owen (Robert, Lord Lytton) a Coleridge wannabe Lines Composed in Sleep
Mermaid Forest & Memaid Scar, manga Takahashi, Rumiko, writer/cartoonist The Tale of a Misfit Cock
Merrill, James, dream-poet Hadas, Rachel, dream-poet James Merrill Remembered
The Merro Tree, novel Waitman, Katie, writer The Tao of Dennis the Menace
the Mertiger, a crested, porpoise-tailed sea-tiger --- Foam Furs
Merton, Thomas, monk --- Spiritual Discipline? Please, Mistress, No!
Merwin, W.S., poet and dreamer --- Another Dream of Burial
Merwin, W.S., poet and dreamer --- Dream of Koa Returning
Merwin, W.S., poet and dreamer --- Far Along in the Story
Merwin, W.S., poet and dreamer --- Without Knowing
Metalheart, Kuri; a recurring dream character Joy, Emily, dreamer--- Prisons and Stripes
Metamorphosis, story Kafka, Franz, writer The Corpse-Bug
Metamorphosis, story Kafka, Franz, writer Face-Beetle
Metamorphosis, story Kafka, Franz, writer Sword in my Back
Metis people of Canada Strong, Amanda, multimedia artist Spotted Fawn Dodges Arrows
Metropolis, a comedy improv group Aida, a comedian Aida's Toilet Boat
Metzger, Deena, dreamer & writer --- New Life
Meyer lemons a hybrid between oranges and lemons Lemon People
Meyers, Stephanie, writer Twilight fantasy novels Spider Crone
Mi Zi Xia, counselor of King Wei A dwarf jester--and dreamer Stove
'Michael', a dreamer Doty, Mark, poet Atlantis: 3: Michael's Dream
Michael, a dreamer Dreamworks: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly Nuclear Nightmares
Michael, an angel The Good Place, TV show Bitter Transformations
Michaud, Lily, a dreamer --- Flying Unicorns's Gifts
Michelle, My Belle (song) Beatles, composers Bell Curve in the Dark
a Michigan mom and son, dreamsharers Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Clarence, Go This Way
Micmacs, French film Hunted, novel by N.M. Brown Micmac Towers
MIDDLE EARTH now has its own page TOLKIEN and MIDDLE EARTH
Middleton, J.C., railroad executive Titanic disaster Titanic Nightmares
Middleton, Haydn, child dreamer The Tiger Garden: dream anthology Smooth and Rough
a Midlands mum: a forefeeler JB Priestley, writer F.I.P.
Midnight's Children, novel Rushdie, Salman, writer Midnight's Children
Midnight's Children, novel Rushdie, Salman, writer His Racist Son
A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy, film Woody Allen, Mia Farrow Is the Dreamworld Round?
Miesel, Sandra, writer Dreamrider, novel The Deer Party
Miesel, Sandra, writer Dreamrider, novel Dreamrider
Miesel, Sandra, writer Dreamrider, novel Half Shaman, Half Statesman
Miesel, Sandra, writer Dreamrider, novel Cassandra's Otter
Mika, a young dream artist Dreamworks Quarterly Mika's Dream Horse
Mike, a dreamer in tandem --- Ladder of Fear
Millay, Edna St Vincent, poet --- The Rapture of My Dark Dream
Millay, Edna St Vincent, poet --- Some Things are Dark
Miller, Alice, writer Pictures of a Childhood, autobiographical artbook Alice Miller's Monster Messages
Miller, Arthur, playwright The Crucible, play Why Progress is Slow
Miller, Arthur, writer The Misfits, film Misfits on Mars
Miller, Henry, writer Crazy Cock, novel The Ancient Book
Miller, Lee, photographer Man Ray, photographer Black Magic
Miller, Lee, photographer Man Ray, photographer Bumbree Syndrome
Miller, Patricia Cox, historian Dreams in Late Antiquity, book Temple of Dreamwork
Miller, Wayne, dreamer & poet --- Carried Up
Millet, Lydia, cartoonist/essayist Give My Regards to the Atom-Smashers: Writers on Comics Little Nemo
Millman, Dan, writer Way of the Peaceful Warrior, book Window in the Sky
Miln, Louise Jordan, writer Archer, William, playwright and dreamer A Prophetic Dream
Milne, A.A., writer Now We Are Six, child's poetry book Now We Are 48
Milton, John, poet of Paradise Lost Hood, Thomas, dreamer and failed playwright Drama is Hell!
Milton, John, poet Paradise Lost, epic poem Titania
Milton, Peter, artist (prints) --- Orbiting the Crystal Palace
Milton, Peter, printmaker Interiors, print series Foxy Ancestor
Milton, Peter, artist (prints) Interiors, print series Eye and I
The Mime Order, alt-world novel Shannon, Samantha, writer Cyclotron of Flowers
Mimes (shudder) ...whole troupes of them! Eréndira
Mink, a pugnacious spirit J.P., an Ottawa dreamer Muskrat, Otter, Mink
a Minnesota teacher Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Dead, Alive, Dead
a Minnesota woman, a predictive dreamer Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Are You Ready?
Minotaur, a marryin' fool --- Firebird
Ms. Mira, pen name for a dreamer --- True Love = Choice!
Miranda, daughter of Duke Prospero The Tempest, Shakespeare play Caliban in England
Miranda, daughter of Duke Prospero The Tempest, Shakespeare play Her Cutie Mark
Miriel, (pseud.), Wayan's psychic sister Miriel has her own page: MIRIEL
Miro, Joan, artist --- Tribute to Joan Miro
The Misfits, film Miller, Arthur (writer) and Monroe, Marilyn, actor Misfits on Mars
The Misfit Cock, a story told in a dream Takahashi, Rumiko, cartoonist and storyteller The Tale of a Misfit Cock
Mishima, Yukio, writer and suicide --- The Glass Game
Miss Bianca, kids' fantasy novel Sharp, Margery, author Floating Horses
"Miss Hokusai", anime feature Hokusai, Katsushika, artist Furmaki
Miss S., a rather gothic dreamer Priestley, JB, writer Gravestone
Mistral, Frederic, poet and dreamer --- Irises
Mistress of the Herd, dream sorceress Moreau, Dr., mad scientist on an island Chidi and Pony Mistress
Misty, graphic novel McQuade, James, cartoonist Dino Treasure
Mitchell, Stephen, translator of Gilgamesh Gilgamesh of Uruk, dreamer Enkidu
Miyazaki, Hayao, filmmaker Pom Poko, film/anime Lola
Mob Rules, album Black Sabbath, band Crucifers
Moby Dick, novel Herman Melville, writer Ahab
Model T Ford Anne's friend, predictive dreamer Anne got Lost
Molly's Enloudenment, dream-painting A World Apart, film On Molly's Forehead
Molly Malone, Irish folksong, magical effects of singing: The Button in Love
A Momentary Taste of Being, story Sheldon, Alice, "James Tiptree", writer Hawking Country
Monet, artist --- Pescadero Monet
Monica M; a predictive dreamer Horn, Roy, stage magician Tiger Podium
Monkey Wrench Gang, a how-to novel Abbey, Edward, writer The Telepath Trees
Monkey, a reckless adept Monkey or Diary of the Western Regions or
Journey to the West or Xi You Ji
Learning Scales
Monkey, classic Chinese novel Diary of the Western Regions or
Journey to the West or Xi You Ji
Monkey, a rebellious adept Monkey or Diary of the Western Regions or
Journey to the West or Xi You Ji
Monroe, Marilyn --- Ask Not
Monroe, Marilyn, actor The Misfits, film Misfits On Mars
Montalban, Ricardo, actor Star Trek (TV show) and The Wrath Of Khan (film) The Wraith of Khan, or, Not a Typo
Montecore, a performing tiger Monica M., a predictive dreamer Tiger Podium
Montgomery, Doug, dreamer Somnial Times, dream zine Ice
Moomin books now have their own page: Tove Jansson & her Moomins
Moon of Three Rings, novel Norton, Andre, writer Hunt of the Unicorn
Moon of Three Rings, novel Norton, Andre, writer Maelen and Me
Moon, Elizabeth, writer Once A Hero, novel Janeway's tango
Moon, Elizabeth, writer Once a Hero, novel Once a Hero
Moonchild, (song) King Crimson, band Titan's Wedding Band
Moonlit Jade, web name for a dreamer --- I Dreant I was Someone Else
The Moorchild (novel) Eloise McGraw, writer Arctic Changeling
Moore, Demi, actor Blame It On Rio (film) Blame it on Rio
Moore, Demi, actor Blame It On Rio (film) On Molly's Forehead
Moorhead, Agnes, actor Night Gallery, TV show Dickens & Caftan
Moral Intelligence of Children, book Coles, Robert, writer The Moral Intelligence of Children
Moran, Caitlin, dreamer Tiger Garden, dream anthology Claire
Moranis, Rick, actor --- Suck My Cone
Moreau, Doctor, mad scientist on an island Mistress of the Herd, dream sorceress Chidi and Pony Mistress
Morel, Laura, writer Houston, James D., author & teacher Cider and Wine
Morgan, Robin, writer Sisterhood is Powerful, book The Vacuum Cleaner Quartet
Morgan, Sally, writer My Place, autobiography My Place
Morgan, Wendy, artist --- Sybil Sue Flannery
Morison, Mabel, dreamer? waking visionary? Megroz, RL, dream collector Breton Nunnery
Moroni, guardian angel of Utah (& Mormons) --- Capitol Reef
Mortal Mist, lucid dream site "Ben", lucid dreamer The Most Fantastic Lucid Dream of my Life
Mortal Mist, lucid dream site "Caradon", lucid dreamer Tag with a Bounty Hunter
Mortal Mist, lucid dream site "Clairity", lucid dreamer Easter Healing
Mortal Mist, lucid dream site Wayan, lucid dreamer Mortal Mist
Morticia, a TV character The Addams Family, TV show Disaster Dream
Mosley, Walter, writer The Tempest Tales, novel Very Funny, Mr. Mosley
Moss, Robert, dream writer Mununjali, aboriginal people Sea Eagle
Moss, Robert, dream writer the Mimi, rock spirits of Australia The Mimi
Moss, Robert, dream writer Twain, Mark, writer Worldstones
Meiburg, Jonathan, science writer A Most Remarkable Creature, book Caracaras Tell All
"Mountain, Thomas", a dreamer see also Madden, Thomas above Tartan Acid Spider Torpedo
Mozart, Amadeus, composer Amadeus, film Mahakala, Mozart, and the Crippled Bird
Mozdoc, an art-collecting three-eyed avatar Wayan, dreamer & digital artist Centaurpede
Mr. Darcy, a reserved gentleman Pride and Prejudice, novel Surrender Darcy!
Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle, film Parker, Dorothy, writer Useful Pigs
Mugabe, Robert, dictator Mao Zidong, dictator Idi Amin
Muir, Edwin, poet and dreamer Muir now has his own page: EDWIN MUIR
The Multiplicity of Dreams, book Hunt, Harry, writer on dreams Unresolved, or just... Different?
The Mumbled Fox, inn in a dream Princess Chinchilla, dream character Bumbree Syndrome
Munch, Edvard, artist --- Munch's Bluff
Munford, Nick, dreamer Reklaw, Jesse, illustrator Catfish Rescue
Mununjali, aboriginal people Moss, Robert, dream writer Sea Eagle
Murakami, Takashi, modern artist My Lonesome Cowboy and similar statues Floating Wolf and Butterfly
Murder By Atmosphere, a dream alternate title of Precambrian Station
Murdoch, Iris, dreamer Byatt, A.S., dreamer The Mower
Murphy, Shirley Rousseau, writer Nightpool, novel Foxboy
Murphy, Shirley Rousseau, writer Nightpool, novel Fisher Girls
Murray, Charles and Herrnstein, Richard, writers The Bell Curve, book on IQ segregation The Bell Curve
Murshidī Sheikh, dream interpreter Ibn Battuta, traveler and dreamer Battuta's Dream
Musicophilia, a book on music and the brain Sacks, Oliver, writer Kindertotenlieder
Muskrat, a pugnacious spirit J.P., an Ottawa dreamer Muskrat, Otter, Mink
Muth, Don, animator All Dogs go to Heaven, animation feature Self-Censor?
Anne Marie, human child or dogtaur? The Somethingmancer, artist Self-Censor?
Mutu, Wangechi, sculptor Water Woman, sculpture, 2017 Lamia
"My Dream" (poem) Rossetti, Christina, poet and dreamer Crocodile King
My Little Pony dreams now have their own page: My Little Pony
My Lonesome Cowboy and similar statues Murakami, Takashi, sculptor & painter Floating Wolf and Butterfly
My Most Secret Desire, book of dream-comix Doucet, Julie, dream-cartoonist, see Julie Doucet
My Mother, Myself (book) Friday, Nancy, writer, psychologist Wombers!
My Place, autobiography Morgan, Sally, writer My Place
My Secret Garden & Forbidden Flowers, books Friday, Nancy, writer and sexologist Poisoned!
Myers, John Myers, writer Silverlock, novel The Lake Demon
Myrna, dreamer Epstein, Joey, cartoonist Myrna, Look Ahead
Myss, Carolyn, mystic and writer Invisible Acts of Power, book Four Perceptual Screens
Mysterious Stranger, novel Twain, Mark, writer Huck Finn's Wish
Mystery & Melancholy of a Street, painting Chirico, Giorgio de, surrealist painter Passionville
Mystia, a manga character with reason to worry I was Reincarnated as the Villainess in an Otome Game, manga The Cloud Over Her
Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo, band Quayle, Dan, politician It's a Dead Man's Party
The Mystique Of Dreams, book on... guess what? Domhoff, William, dream researcher Manta-Squid
Mythago Wood, novel Robert Holdstock, writer God-Shields
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Nabokov, Vladimir, writer & dream experimenter now has his own page: Vladimir Nabokov
The Naked Poem, alternate title Patten, Karl, dream-poet In the Camp
Nameless Asterism, a manga Kobayashi, Kina, manga artist Betray my Animal Friends
Nameless Asterism, a manga Kobayashi, Kina, manga artist Silky's Massage
"Nancy", dreamer and cancer survivor Royston, Robin, prodromal dream collector Bad Nancy!
Napier, Miss, a lady in red Dickens, Charles, dreamer Miss Napier
Napoleon, an ex-conquror Lavalette, Antoine, dreamer Flayed Column
Napoleon, a short guy out to prove something Holland, Cecelia, historian and novelist Flirting with Napoleon
Narnia books by C.S. Lewis Aslan, a lion-god Gyrlfalcon
Nash, Paul, dream artist --- Landscape from a Dream
Nash, Paul, surreal dreamer --- The Mouse
Nash, Paul, dream artist McKean, Dave, artist Flight, Margaret, Mouse, Dog
Nashoba Hostina, dream artist --- Trinity
National Geographic Magazine --- Silky Romanticizes Nat. Geo.
Navels & bellybuttons W., Linda, surreal dreamer Linda's Naval (not a typo!)
Nebel, Long John, radio host Faraday, Ann, dream writer & interviewee Long Johns
Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon Cornwall, Barry, dream-poet A Dream
Nebuchadnezzar, a Mesopotamian king (c.583 BCE) Hilprecht, Herman, archeologist & dreamer Mesopotamian Rings
Nebuchadnezzar, a Mesopotamian king and dreamer Daniel, a dream interpreter Nebuchadnezzar's Tree
"Ned", a jealous dreamer Delaney, Gayle, dream researcher My Spleen is Out to Do me In
Neff, Angela, playwright & actress the Dalai Lama, Tibetan leader The New Dalai Lama
Negima!, a manga by.. Akamatsu, Ken, a geeky mangaka Guiltless Liar, Honest Exhibitionist
"Neighbor", a predictive dreamlet in New York Woman's Transfusion
Neiman, LeRoy, cartoonist The Femlin, a cartoon character Reverse my Armor
Nelson, Katherine Metcalf, dream artist now has her own page: Katherine Metcalf Nelson
Nelson, Mark, gamer and dreamer --- A Gamer's Dream
Nelson, Stephanie Van Zandt, dream researcher --- The Ambassador Pro Tem of Dreams
Nelson, Stephanie Van Zandt, dream researcher Oneirophobia Bestiality
Nelson, Stephanie Van Zandt, dream researcher --- Coyote's Vault
Nelson, Stephanie Van Zandt, dream researcher Chris Wayan, dreamer An Interview with Wayan
Nelson, Stephanie Van Zandt, dream researcher Jennie Badger Sultan Mandala in Time of War
Nelson, Stephanie Van Zandt, dream researcher Tim, her mad husband Stephanie Godot
Nemerov, Howard, writer & dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly My Chance
the Nereids, Greek mer-folk Cornwall, Barry, dream-poet A Dream
Neri, Ruby, muralist, better known as Reminisce Corpse-Bug
Neri, Ruby, muralist, better known as Reminisce Watercats
Nero, Roman emperor and nightmare-sufferer Suetonius, historian Enter, Nero!
Nero, Roman emperor Vespasian, Roman general and oracular dreamer Nero's Tooth
Netley Abbey, a ruin Taylor, a carpenter and dreamer from Southampton Crushed by Netley Abbey
Nevernever, a novel Shetterly, Will, writer Rhamphorhynchus
The New District Manager, play Galloway, Cameron, playwright First Impressions
The New Diary, book on journaling Rainer, Tristine, writer I Find Myself Crying
The New Diary, book on journaling Rainer, Tristine, writer Loneliness Haiku
The New Diary, book on journaling Rainer, Tristine, writer Marcoux's Dreams
New York Dog Ballet, a dance company also called NYDB A Life in Percentages
a New York Woman, a recurring psychic dreamer Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Transfusion
Newbold, William Romaine, fact-checker Hilprecht, Herman, archeologist & dreamer Mesopotamian Rings
Newton, Michael, writer and therapist Journey of Souls, book The Past-Life Midden
NEXTUP, a dream-theory Stickgold, Robert, dreamer Vivisection
Niao Wai-an, a dream figure playing jazz in colonial Brazil Xica da Silva, Brazilian slave girl who rose to power History Changes
Nicholas, a dreamer --- Fatigues
Nicholas, a different dreamer (I think!) I Swear
Nichols, El, dreamer, 1930s? Nichols, Will, dreamer, 1930s? An Ethnohistorical Interview
Nichols, Ruth, writer Song of the Pearl, novel Learning Scales
Nichols, Will, dreamer, 1930s? Nichols, El, dreamer, 1930s? An Ethnohistorical Interview
Nickels, Tim, child dreamer A camel (sentient, Bactrian, gas-burning) Gas Up the Camel
Nidaba, goddess of astrology/astronomy Gudea, ruler of Lagash Gudea's Temple
Niffenegger, Audrey, writer-artist The Time-Traveler's Wife, novel A Date in Minsk
Night, a horny goddess Watson, Robert, a married poet Dream of a Dream of Night
Night Errands, poetry anthology Blossom, Laurel, poet Now We Are 48
Night Gallery, TV show Serling, Rod, showrunner Dickens & Caftan
Night Life, book on dreams Hudson, Liam, dream theorist Lamia
The Night Side of Nature, book on ESP, dreams, ghosts... Catherine Crowe, writer The Axe of Death
Night of the Cooters and Other Stories Waldrop, Howard, writer Waldrop's Summoned
Nightfall (story) Asimov, Isaac, writer The Parable of the Cave
Nightmare on Elm Street, horror film series Krueger, Freddy, character Freddy Krueger's Politics
Nightpool, novel Murphy, Shirley Rousseau, writer Foxboy
Nimona, graphic novel Stevenson, Noelle, writer, cartoonist & dreamer Brother
Nina, an art-class model --- Figure drawing: Nina Scares us with her Bicep
Nina, an imaginative art-class model --- Figure drawing: Nina the TV
Nina, a dreamer Gayle Delaney Titanic
Nina's Clown, an intuitive Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Nina's Ring
Nindub, god of architecture Gudea, ruler of Lagash Gudea's Temple
Nine Princes in Amber fantasy novels Zelazny, Roger, writer Vertical Planes
Nine Princes in Amber fantasy novels Zelazny, Roger, writer Larry's Multiverse
Nineteen Eighty-Four, novel Orwell, George, writer Cloud of Unknowing
Nineteen Eighty-Four, novel Orwell, George, writer The Ancient Book
Ninib, a Mesopotamian god Hilprecht, Herman, archeologist & dreamer Mesopotamian Rings
Ninurta, a Mesopotamian god Gudea, ruler of Lagash Gudea's Temple
Nixon, Cynthia, actor Little Darlings, 1980 film inspiring the dream Cat Repels Dinosaurs
Nixon, Cynthia, actor Little Darlings, 1980 film inspiring the dream Dallas Gmork
Nixon, Richard, politician Guthrie, Arlo, songwriter In My Darkest Hour
Nixon, Richard, politician Watergate Hearings (TV series) Nixon's Blanket
Nixon, Richard, politician Ice Storm, film Nixon Nose
No Man Is an Island (poem) Donne, John, poet No Man is Island
No man is an island (poem) Donne, John, poet His Nori Suit
no man,if men are gods;but if gods must (poem) cummings, e. e., lower case poet The Blue Blammor
Noirs, print series Redon, Odilon, artist Bondieu
Noirs, print series Redon, Odilon, artist Guilty!
Noirs, print series Redon, Odilon, artist Lunamoth
Noirs, print series Redon, Odilon, artist Moonmare
Norma, an abused dreamer seeking therapy Delaney, Gayle, dream writer Doctor or Lover?
Norman, a soldier on Guam, 1944 Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Pete
The Northern Girl, novel Lynn, Elizabeth, writer Master of the House of Dusk
Northern Lights, a Montana lit zine Turner, Jack, writer & dreamer Turner's Recurring Dreams
Norton I, Emperor of North America or madman, if you prefer Bastard Unicorn
Norton, Andre, writer now has her own page: Andre Norton
Nosferatu, early vampire film Dante Alighieri, poet Fluid Reality
Not the Red Baron (song) Amos, Tori, composer Dragged to her Heart's Desire
Notting Hill, film Roberts, Julia, actor Julie's Dating Ad
Nurss, Dolores, dream artist International Association for the Study of Dreams Trailer Park Elf
NYDB, a parallel-world dance company full name: the New York Dog Ballet A Life in Percentages
Nye, Robert, dream-poet at 13 d>The Tiger Garden, anthology of dreams Listeners
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Note: names starting with O'... get run together: O'Connor comes between... Obama and Odysseus
O.J. Simpson Trial, perpetual TV drama Simpson, O.J., athlete Guardian Angels Feud
Oakley, Annie, sharpshooter --- Annie Get Your Gown
Oankali books Butler, Octavia, science fiction writer Betray My Animal Friends
Oates, Joyce Carol, dreamer The Tiger Garden, dream anthology Award Committee
Oates, Joyce Carol, dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly Fever Dream on the Eve of Illness
Oates, Joyce Carol, writer Marya, novel On the Night of Change
Oates, Joyce Carol, writer Big Mouth and Ugly Girl, novel Third-Party Defense
Obama, Barack, American president The Secret Service Stop Obama's Assassination
Obamacare (USA's federal healthplan) Bonobocare, or the Children's Crusade
Obolo or Obono, a simian fairy Bonobo-headed woman Faerie
O'Connor, Flannery, writer --- Sybil Sue Flannery
O'Connor, Peter, Jungian therapist --- Envying Lynn
O'Connor, Peter, Jungian therapist --- Mom in the Driver's Seat
O'Connor, Peter, Jungian therapist --- The Occupation
Octavius, (Augustus Caesar), Roman emperor Cicero, writer and orator Golden Chain
Odd Bodkins O'Neill, Dan, cartoonist Pulled Under
Odd Bodkins, comic strip O'Neill, Dan, cartoonist The Bar Pet
Odd Bodkins, comic strip O'Neill, Dan, cartoonist Peak Angel
Odd Bodkins, comic strip O'Neill, Dan, cartoonist Stretch, or, Cheetah in the Library
Odd Girl Out, novel Howard, Elizabeth Jane Bike Odyssey
O'Donoghue, Carolyn, writer The Gifts that Bind us, novel Tiger Calls My Bluff
Odysseus, a cunning guy The Odyssey, epic poem Cyclops
Odysseus, a cunning... mutt? Disney, Walt, distorter of myths The Doggysey
Odysseus, King of Ithaka Penelope, Queen of Ithaka, dreamer Eagle and Geese
Odysseus, a shit-disturber The Odyssey, epic poem A Hotel Odyssey
Odysseus, a sneaky guy Spencer, Maia, a cledonic dreamer You Really Aren't Lunch
Oepke, Albrecht, oneirophobe Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, book Temple of Dreamwork
Ogeewyahnoquot Okwa, shaman Wabase, Catherine (alternate name) Wabase's Vision
Ohana, Claudia, actor Eréndira, movie Eréndira
Oingo Boingo, band Quayle, Dan, politician It's a Dead Man's Party
O'Keeffe, Georgia, artist --- The Black Egg
O'Keeffe, Georgia, artist --- Galaxy Flower
O'Keeffe, Georgia, artist bone paintings Artshow
an Oklahoma girl Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Guardian Ghost
Oklahoma mom, a dreamer --- Preemie
Oktober Saya, igil maker Ösküs-ool, dreamer Igil
Old Man Coniston, a mountain spirit Price, Nancy, actress, writer, dreamer Trout Beck
an Oldham girl, a dreamer John Wesley, Methodist & dream collector Eye-Savior
Oliveira, Bruno, dreamer --- Baby's Coming
Oliveira, Bruno, dreamer --- A Retribution of Mermaids
Oliveira, Bruno, dreamer --- War in the Ring
Oliver's Travels, BBC TV show Alan Bates and Sinead Cusack, actors The Crosstime Health Risk
Olivier, Lee, dreamer --- The Takeover
Ollie, a dragon puppet from 1950s TV O'Neill, Dan, dream cartoonist Owl Tavern
The Olympics The waterfalling competition Roraima Jump
On Wings of Song, novel Thomas Disch, writer Guardian Angels Feud
Once A Hero, novel Moon, Elizabeth, writer Janeway's Tango
Once a Hero, novel Moon, Elizabeth, writer Once a Hero
Ondar, Bady-Dorzhu, igil player Ösküs-ool, dreamer Igil
O'Neal, Shawn Allen, dream artist now has his own page: SAO
O'Neal, Tatum, actor Little Darlings, 1980 film inspiring the dream Cat Repels Dinosaurs
O'Neill, Beverly, dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly Margaret Mead's Advice
O'Neill, Dan, cartoonist Beany And Cecil, old TV show Owl Tavern
O'Neill, Dan, cartoonist Odd Bodkins, comic strip The Air Pirates in Faerie
O'Neill, Dan, cartoonist Odd Bodkins, comic strip The Bar Pet
O'Neill, Dan, cartoonist forbidden to draw mice Air Pirates Funnies, underground comic Hell Chess
O'Neill, Dan, cartoonist Odd Bodkins, comic strip Peak Angel
O'Neill, Dan, cartoonist The Collective Unconscience of Odd Bodkins Pulled Under
O'Neill, Dan, cartoonist Odd Bodkins, comic strip Stretch, or, Cheetah in the Library
One Star Girl, pen name of a dreamer 1Stargirl Speckled Eggs
Oneirophobia Nelson, Stephanie Van Zandt, dream researcher Bestiality
Onibi: Diary of a Ghost Hunter, travel journal Brun, Cécile, dreamer Uncertain Horizon
Only a Piece of Paper, song in a dream Wolf, Kate, composer Only a Piece of Paper
Only Murders in the Building, TV series Martin, Steve, comedian Not a Cat
Ono, Yoko, singer --- Isis Helps Teri Garr
Oorzhak, Kombu, storyteller Ösküs-ool, dreamer Igil
The Oracle of Night, book Painemal Huenchual, Martín, Mapuche dreamer Birds at War
The Oracle of Night, book Ribeiro, Sidarta, writer & dreamer Witches, Manhunt, Tiger & Shark
Oracle Software, a Silicon Valley company Ellison, Larry, a zillionaire Seamy Reality
The Orchard Wall, BBC mystery Ruth Rendell, Honeysuckle Weeks Escape by Intuition
Ordeal in Otherwhere, novel Norton, Andre, writer Gyrlfalcon
Ordeal in Otherwhere & Storm over Warlock, novels Norton, Andre Asilomar of Dreams
Ordeal in Otherwhere, novel Norton, Andre, writer The Everest Marathon
Ordeal in Otherwhere & Storm over Warlock, novels Norton, Andre, writer Wyvern
an Oregon woman, a predictive dreamer Rhine, Louisa E., parapsychologist Chesterfield Mover
O'Reilly, "Radar", psychic MASH, TV show Radar's Bear
O'Reilly, "Radar", psychic MASH, TV show Jack Daniels!
Orlando, novel Woolf, Virginia, writer Ethical Cannibal
Orpheus, film Cocteau, Jean, surrealist Orpheus and Pooh
Orpheus myth see also hell The 1200 Step Program
Orpheus myth --- Orphea
Orphic Mysteries Jung, Carl Ericepaeus
Orwell, George, writer & dreamer Collected Essays My Country Right or Left
Orwell, George, writer Nineteen Eighty-Four, novel The Ancient Book
Orwell, George, writer 1984, novel Cloud of Unknowing
Osama bin Laden, jihadist Bush, George W., incompetent Birds on Fire
Ösküs-ool, dreamer Unnamed talking stallion Igil
Ostrander, Kitty, dreamer Somnial TImes, zine Carson
O'Sullivan, Sibby, dream-poet Dreamworks Quarterly My Dream of Celibacy
Osvifsdotter, Gudrun see Gudrun Osvifursdottir
Other Side of Silence, novel Mahy, Margaret, writer Mother Superior
Otter, a pugnacious spirit J.P., an Ottawa dreamer Muskrat, Otter, Mink
Out of the Silent Planet & Perelandra, novels Lewis, C.S., writer Titania
Out of the Hands of Experts alternate title of dream-poem: Ship of Jade
an Outback father, a diagnostic dreamer Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Diphtheria Speck
Outer Limits, TV show Serling, Rod, showrunner The Outer Limits
Owl in Love, novel Kindl, Patrice, writer Boil the Cord
Oz books Baum, L. Frank, writer Misfits on Mars
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J.P., an Ottawa dreamer Muskrat, a pugilistic spirit Muskrat, Otter, Mink
Pacific Street, historical novel Holland, Cecelia, writer Creature Becomes Creator
Page, a friend --- My First Date
Page, a friend --- Pages
A Pail of Air, post-apocalypse story Leiber, Fritz, writer Gold Eater
Paine, Charles, painter --- Beltsnake
Paine, Barbara Gordon, poet & dreamer Eidolon, poetry collection Time with a Nighthead
Painemal Huenchual, Martín, Mapuche dreamer The Oracle of Night, book Birds at War
Palazzo Te, a museum in Mantova, Italy Ducornet, Rikki, dreamer The Ceiling
Palin, Sarah, politician Madden, Thomas, dreamer Voters Gone Crazy
Palmer, Ada, writer Too Like the Lightning, novel Secret Screen
Palwick, Susan, writer Gestella, a werewolf tale The Fur Side, or, Gestella
Pan, goat-footed Greek fertility god Jackson, Jesse, presidential candidate Azorean Pan
Pan, Peter Barrie, J.M., writer See PETER PAN below
Pangborn, Edgar, writer Davy, novel Fuck Griffin
Pankejeff, Sergei, child with a nightmare "Wolf Man", pseudonym Wolves Sitting in a Tree
Panter, Gary, dream-cartoonist --- Nightmare Studio
Pantuns (verse form in Malay) for an example, see Miriel Interruptus
Paper bag, verifying a psychic dream Rochan, an out-of-body dreamworker Rochan's Dream
Paper Doll, novel Feuer, Elizabeth, writer Happiness Unblocks Art
Pappas, Irene, actor Eréndira, movie Eréndira
Paquin, Anna, actor Fly Away Home, film Blind to the Cues
Paquin, Anna, actor Fly Away Home, film Flyaway Home
A Paradise Built in Hell, book Solnit, Rebecca, anarchist writer Evil Archy
A Paradise Built in Hell, book Solnit, Rebecca, anarchist writer The Fur Side
A Paradise Built in Hell, book Solnit, Rebecca, anarchist writer A Hisa On Olympus
A Paradise Built in Hell, book Solnit, Rebecca, anarchist writer World Builders
Paradise Lost, epic poem Hood, Thomas, dreamer and failed playwright Drama is Hell!
Paradise Lost, epic poem Milton, John, poet Titania
Pardus, Bagheera, lucid dreamer --- Band-Aids
Paris, Prince of Troy Cornwall, Barry, dream-poet A Dream
Paris, Prince of Troy Hecuba, Queen of Troy Torch-bearer
Parker, Dorothy, writer Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle, film Useful Pigs
Parks, Rosa, civil rights hero --- The Rosa Parks Effect
Parton, Dolly, singer --- Dolly Parton's Tarot
Party of Five, 1990s TV drama Salinger, Claudia, musical prodigy Animal Dreamlets
Parvati, a pacifist martial arts student Kumar, a Himalayan martial arts teacher Parvati Saws the Wall
Passin' Through (song) Cohen, Leonard, singer-songwriter Passin' Through
Passing Strange, novel Ellen Klages, writer Bagging Peter Beagle
The Past, book of poems by... Xu, Wendy, poet A Sound Not Unlike a Bell
Patagia, a dream-poet Patagia now has her own page: PATAGIA
Patchen, Kenneth, artist poet writer What Shall We Do Without Us?, picture-poem book Kenneth Patchen's Angel
Patchen, Kenneth, poet The Journal of Albion Moonlight: novel The Vacuum Cleaner Quartet
Patchen, Kenneth, poet inventor of picture-poems Animangel
a Paterson mom Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Napping in Paterson
Paton, Catherine McDiarmid, dreamer and mom Paton, Joseph Noel, painter The Axe of Death
Paton, Noel, painter Theodore Weiss, dreamer Caliban
Patten, Karl, dream-poet Dreamworks Quarterly In the Camp
'Patty Dow', a friend of mine (pseudonym) Arteria
Pay No Attention to the Exobeetle Behind the Curtain Dream 1 of: New Level!
Peanuts, comic strip Brown, Charlie, nebbish Cubist Charlie Brown
Peanuts, comic strip Snoopy, a cartoon beagle A Vial Crime
Peavey, Fran, writer A Shallow Pool of Time, autobiography The Ethics of Lucidity
Peck, Gregory, actor Zebulon Pike, explorer Pike's Journal
Pegasus, novel McKinley, Robin, writer The Pegasi Tub
Pell, Ed, dreamer Somnial Times, dream forum Bogus
Pekkala, Serafina, fictional witch The Golden Compass, novel Serafina & Ram Dass
Penelope, Queen of Ithaka, dreamer Odysseus, King of Ithaka Eagle and Geese
Pell, Ed, a dreamer Somnial Times, a dream zine Bogus
Penn & Teller, magicians Wallace, John, dreamer Take up the Penn
People magazine Gandalf the Gray, wizard Lizard or Wizard?
People of the Wind, novel Anderson, Poul, writer Struck by Thought
People power Al-Bashir, Omar, ex-dictator of Sudan Ignorable Dragon
Pepys, Samuel, diarist Macaulay, Thomas, historian Snot-Bird Forgery!
Perceval, Chancellor of the Exchequer (1812 Britain) Williams, John, dreamer Mr Perceval's Murder
Georges Perec, writer Perec's dream-journal has its own page: PEREC
Perelandra, novel Lewis, C.S. , writer Aroo's Engineers
Perelandra, novel Lewis, C.S., writer Titania
Perlman, Rhea, actor CHEERS, TV show Love Day
Perls, Fritz, therapist Gestalt therapy A Centaur Splits
Pern novels McCaffrey, Ann, writer The Dragon Banners
Perpetua, Saint --- Perpetua's Last Dream
Persepolis & Persepolis 2, graphic novels Satrapi, Marjane, writer, cartoonist Marjane
Peters, Nancy Joyce, writer Ducornet, Rikki, dreamer The Ceiling
Peterson, Pete, dreamer Dreamtoons, book Paper Bag
PETER JEFFREY, a short dream Flora, Michael, dreamer in Google Dreams
Peter Pan syndrome Barrie, J.M., writer Peter Pan Syndrome
Peter Pan, novel Barrie, J.M., writer Time is a Croc!
Peter Pan, Wendy and the Lost Boys Barrie, J.M., writer Curse Her in the Oak
Peter Pan syndrome Barrie, J.M., writer Shrunken Men
Peter Pan, film Barrie, J.M., writer Oriole Girls
Peter Pan syndrome Barrie, J.M., writer A Conversation with Anorexia
Peter Pan, film Disney, Walt, animator Beast Births
PEYTON, a short dream Flora, Michael, dreamer in Google Dreams
Phantasms of the Living, 1886 book Bruce, Walter, apparent psychic dreamer Cut Throat
Phantasms of the Living, 1886 book Anonymous #63, apparent psychic dreamer Father's Coffin
a Philadelphia woman, a telepath Rhine, Louisa, ESP researcher Clairagony
Philadelphia Story, film --- Dinah's Advice
Philemon, an old man who throws out Zeus's gift, a scrawny hen with a secret Gold Egg
Phillips-Tailed Mermaid, dream painting La Sirene, Haitian sea-goddess The Mermaid Tow
Phoebe and Her Unicorn, comics Simpson, Dana, cartoonist Bonobocare, or the Children's Crusade
Phoebe and Her Unicorn, comic series Simpson, Dana, cartoonist Rainbow Splash
Phoebe and Her Unicorn, comic series Simpson, Dana, cartoonist Werecat Syndrome
Piano-Playing Jane, a dream figure Faraday, Ann, therapist & writer Piano-Playing Jane
Piano-Playing Jane, a dream figure Faraday, Ann, therapist & writer But I Want to Live
Piano-Playing Jane, a dream figure Faraday, Ann, therapist & writer Her Stingy Dad
Piano-Playing Jane, a dream figure Faraday, Ann, therapist & writer Hijack! The Christmas Special
Piano-Playing Jane, a dream figure Faraday, Ann, therapist & writer Silky Shields a Vandal
Picard, Jean-Luc, starship captain Star Trek TV series Cursing Isabella
Picard, Jean-Luc, starship captain Star Trek TV series Picardian Angels
Picard, Jean-Luc, starship captain Star Trek TV series Ick! Dogs!
Picard, Jean-Luc, starship captain see also: Star Trek dreams Shrunken Men
Picasso, Pablo, artist Surviving Picasso, film Brandy's Curse
Picasso, Pablo, painter turned cellist?! Burns, Alan, dreamer Bow and Cello
Pichard, Olivier, cartoonist Onibi: Diary of a Ghost Hunter, travel journal Uncertain Horizon
Pictures at Eleven, novel Spinrad, Norman, writer Aelfwine
Piekarski, Janet, artist Pegasus Lands, dream painting Pegasus Lands
Pierce, Meredith Ann, writer Birth of the Firebringer, novel Kiss of a Savage
Pierce, Meredith Ann, writer The Darkangel Trilogy, fantasy novels Arenna, Freed
Pierce, Tamora, writer In the Realm of the Gods, novel Drill to Flow
The Pig-Eared Baby Alligator, dream character Skiznot, pen name of a dreamer After the Flood and the Pig-Eared Baby Alligator
Pigsy, an incarnation of appetite Monkey or Diary of the Western Regions or
Journey to the West or Xi You Ji
Pike, Zebulon, pioneer and mountaineer Pike's Peak, Colorado Pike's Journal
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, book Dillard, Annie, writer Cosmologist
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, book Dillard, Annie, writer Half Shaman, Half Statesman
Pinching youself awake, a folkloric dream-technique Icarian Pain
Pinderhughes, Elena, jazz prodigy Pinderhughes, Samora, jazz prodigy Her Lovely Awkward Synth
Pink Floyd, band Dark Side of the Moon, song and album Mahakala, Mozart, and the Crippled Bird
Pinkie Pie, a real party animal My Little Pony, TV show Pinkie Cleans the Windows of Perception
Pippi Longstocking, kids' book series Lindgren, Astrid, writer Astrid and Me
Pirates & hijackers now have their own page: Pirates
Piserchia, Doris, science fiction writer Spaceling, novel Mine Back Door
Piserchia, Doris, science fiction writer Star Rider, novel Mounting Problems
Piserchia, Doris, science fiction writer Star Rider, novel The White Mare of Transform Ranch
Pita, Maria Isabel International Association for the Study of Dreams My Experience of Lucid Dreaming
Pitt-Kethley, Fiona, transformational dreamer The Tiger Garden; anthology of dreams Phoenix
Plague Ship, novel Norton, Andre, writer In the Big Burn
The Plant Paradox, diet book Gundry, Steven, writer Bull Feeds the Kitten
Plato, philosopher Cave analogy The Floo Portal
Plato, philosopher Cave analogy Parable of the Cave
Plato, philosopher Utopia Rain of Platonic Ideals
Plato, philosopher Socrates, philosopher Socrates's Swan
Playboy magazine Ariana, a writer in my dreams A Peel for Approval
Playboy magazine Hefner, Hugh, publisher The Kerouac Tree
Playboy magazine Neiman, LeRoy, cartoonist Reverse my Armor
Playboy magazine Hefner, Hugh, publisher Rich Bitch
Playboy magazine Hefner, Hugh, publisher Financial Porn
Playboy magazine Hefner, Hugh, publisher A Family Visit
Playing Soccer with a Plum and the Young Hoods, dream Jenny Badger Sultan, dream artist Fluid Dream Connections
Plenty Coups, psychic dreamer Dwarf-chief, a dream mentor Count Coup!
Plenty Coups, psychic dreamer Linderman, Frank, biographer Buffalo Person
Plenty Coups, psychic dreamer Linderman, Frank, biographer Horse Thieves
Pliny the Younger, writer Domitian, Roman emperor Nocturnal Haircuts
Plutarch, biographer Caesar, Julius, first Roman emperor Calpurnia's Dream
"Pods of Children," dream painting Jenny Badger Sultan, dream artist Fluid Dream Connections
Poe, Edgar Allen, writer Chaplin, Charlie, actor Annabel Rose
Poel, Regina van der see Van der Poel, Regina
Pogo, comic strip Kelly, Walt, cartoonist Floating Horses
'Pogs', kids' collectable toys Burning Man festival, 2004 Trail of Pogs
Poirot, Hercule, detective Christie, Agatha, writer Poirot's Flight
Poirot, Hercule, detective Christie, Agatha, writer Poirot and the Dickheads
Poltergeist, film --- Poltergeist
Pollock, Jackson, painter --- Yellowball Abstraction
Pom Poko, film/anime Miyazaki, Hayao, filmmaker Lola
the Pope Cryonicus II A Used Pope
the Pope Curmudgeon I Curmudgeon I
the Pope Podiatrus IV Fever Dreams
the Pope "Sorcha", a dreamer The Shrinking Pope
the Pope Sixtus (unclear which one of three) "Tell him I saw his head in a box"
Popeye, a cartoon sailor Popeye, inexplicably, has his own page: POPEYE
Popham, Melinda, writer A Blank Book, novel A Peel for Approval
Poppins, Mary, fictional character Andrews, Julie, actress Fluid Reality
Porn (vintage, at a yardsale) --- A Family Visit
Porn (web) --- Prayer (We Shall Be Reborn)
Porphyrios, Demetri, dreamer Wolff, Rita, dream-painter Demetri's Dream
"La Porte de l'Éternité", dream-painting Girondé, Marie-Claude, dream artist Door of Eternity:
Porter, Camille, artist Shelf-board paintings, 8'x1' Homage to Camille
Poseidon, Greek god of the sea Cornwall, Barry, dream-poet A Dream
Potatohenge, an imaginary place Stonehenge, a real place Stone Dancer, or, Potatohenge
Potemkin: see Battleship Potemkin, film Odessa Steps
Potter, Colonel, and other MASH characters MASH, TV series Jack Daniels
Potter, Colonel, character MASH, TV show The Vat Messiah
Potter, Harry: Rowling & Harry Potter now have their own page: JK Rowling
Potter, Nancy, dreamer Dreamworks Quarterly Dream Herding
Practical Magic, film Kidman, Nicole, actress Dome
Preiss, Byron, writer Dragonworld, novel Saurian City
"The Prelude", poem Wordsworth, William, poet Shell and Stone
Preminger, Otto, filmmaker Delaney, Gayle, dreammaker Otto Preminger
Presley, Elvis, singer well, a drunk dog convinced he's Elvis--- Breedism
Presley, Elvis, singer --- Faerie
Presley, Elvis, singer --- Recoil
Prester John, mythical Christian king of the Asian steppes --- Sky and Prester John
Priam, King of Troy Hecuba, Queen of Troy Torch-bearer
Price, Alan David, dreamer The Tiger Garden, dream anthology Jung's Advice
Price, Nancy, actress, writer, dreamer Nancy Price now has her own page: NANCY PRICE
Pride and Prejudice, novel Jane Austen, writer; Mr. Darcy, character Surrender Darcy!
Pride of Chanur, novel Cherry, C.J., writer Salia and Chur
Prière, dream painting Girondé, Marie Claude, painter Prayer
Priestley, J.B., collector of predictive dreams Priestley now has his own page: JB PRIESTLEY
Priestley, J.B., predictive dreamer himself see also Priestley as dream-collector Red Uncle, Red Canyon
Prince, Cindy, a dreamer --- Lady Unicorn
Prince, Walter Franklin, a psychic dreamer who had the dream notarized Severed Head
Prince of Egypt, film Stewart, Patrick, actor The Egyptian God
Princess Chinchilla, dream character The Mumbled Fox, inn Bumbree Syndrome
Pritchard, Gertrude, a predictive dreamer Pritchard, Rev. James, preacher in Kent 1910-1924 My Husband's Death
Problem Of Pain, book Lewis, C.S., writer The Problem of Pain
Procter, Bryan, dream-poet Cornwall, Barry, pseudonym of A Dream
Project Elfhome, short story collection Spencer, Wen, writer & dreamer I Had the Strangest Dream...
Prosopagnosia (inability to recognize faces) Sacks, Oliver, neurologist and prosopagnostic Telepathy vs. Autism
Prospero, wizard and duke The Tempest, Shakespeare play Caliban in England
Protocol, film Hawn, Goldie, actor Hunt of the Unicorn
Psyche, winged woman from Greek myth Keats, John, dream-poet Ode to Psyche
Pu Songling, writer & folklorist Zhu, Viceroy of Guangdong, a dream adept Boatmen of Laolong
Pu Songling, writer & folklorist a cow buyer and dreamer The Flying Cow
Pu Songling, writer & folklorist Dou Xun, a dreamer Princess Lily
Pu Songling, writer & folklorist Mr. Bai, a dreamer & desperate dad The Wolf Dream
Puffer, Linda, dream-poet Dreamworks Quarterly Circles of Bone
Puff, a recurring dream-dragon now has her own page: PUFF
Pugh, Sharon Lynn, writer Fire Drake, a kindly dream-dragon All the Animals
Pullman, Philip, writer The Golden Compass, novel, first of the trilogy His Dark Materials Too Much to Bear
Pullman, Philip, writer The Golden Compass, novel, first of the trilogy His Dark Materials Serafina & Ram Dass
Puppet Masters, novel Heinlein, Robert, writer Blue Crystals
The Puppet Masters, novel Heinlein, Robert, writer Hepburning
Purple Purple Purple, pseudonym of a dream poet Madam Purr-Say, a dream cat The Entwined Child and Madam Purr-Say
Purr-Say, Madam, a dream cat Purple Purple Purple, pseudonym of a dream poet The Entwined Child and Madam Purr-Say
Putin, Vladimir, Russian leader Ukraine, 2022 invasion Bear Versus Chainsaw
Putin, Vladimir, Russian leader Ukraine, 2022 invasion Odessa Steps
Putin, Vladimir, autocrat Trump, Donald, autocrat Putin Gets Off
Putin, Vladimir, warmonger --- Tiger Calls My Bluff
Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre, Symbolist painter The Dream: In His Sleep He Saw Love, Glory & Wealth Appear To Him
Pygmalion, play Doolittle, Liza, character Futility
Pygmalion, play Shaw, George Bernard, playwright Futility
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