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Dreamed c.Nov. 1990 by Ed Pell

I was working on a complex story for my magazine about the finances of our industrial association, and the story involved sitting down with lots of financial documents and reading over year-end accountants' statements and the like. It was tremendously detailed, and I had several suspicions about a number of items in the statements, especially the inventory.

I do not remember the specific dream; I believe it was about cowboys. But I remember clearly that in the course of it, somebody else turned to me and said completely out of the blue, "If the inventory is really $300,000, shouldn't there be a line in the assets somewhere showing revenue derived from sales of that inventory?"
And I woke up, suddenly aware that I had not seen any line about revenue from sale of inventory on any statement, which led to a new and valuable line of questions.

As it turned out, my suspicions were correct; the inventory was bogus.

It's not exactly Kekulé and the benzene molecule (the famous story about him dreaming of snakes biting each others' tails), but it is my first experience with problem-solving in dreams. I'd be curious to hear about any other dreamers' stories of similar occurrences.

SOURCE: Somnial Times: Newsletter of the Dreamers SIG [of Mensa]; Vol II, No. 6: February 1991; Gloria Reiser, ed.

LISTS AND LINKS: on the job - money - truth & lies - crime - math & logic - dream financial advice - dream advice in general - Kekulé's Dream - more Somnial Times

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