Dickens and Caftan
Dreamed 1970/12/24 and 29 by Anonymous #55
Christmas Eve of this year I had a dream. My brother Clayton, who is principal of Westmore High in Westlake, was wearing a caftan in his office. I thought to myself, boy, is my brother getting wild! Imagine him wearing a caftan. He is ultra-conservative and this dream really amused me, so I told my sister and nephew about it.
The next day I went to Clayton's house and he and his wife gave me a caftan for Christmas. I cannot believe that this was just a coincidence!
Soon after this I had another short dream and at the end of the dream, upon awakening, I heard these words ringing in my ears: "Read to me anything as long as it's by Dickens, it's got to be by Dickens--I just love Dickens!"
Now, when I woke up I kind of laughed to myself for, while I am a "voracious" reader, Dickens is scarcely one of my favorites. About the only thing I have ever read by him is "A Christmas Carol," and that most definitely is not noteworthy in my memory.
That night I was watching television and Rod Serling's Night Gallery came on--I don't remember the name of this particular episode but could find the date of this show if you desire such information.
It was a show with Agnes Moorehead in which she was a bedridden invalid. In it she said to her brother, "Will you please read to me?" I think at first he declined, but she begged and he said "All right, what will it be this time?"
She said "Read something by Dickens--anything as long as it is by Dickens--I just love Dickens!"
SOURCE: Working With Dreams by Montague Ullman and Nan Zimmerman, 1979, pages 311-12. The Night Gallery tale was Certain Shadows on the Wall, aired 1970/12/30.
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