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Dreamed about 1958 by Doug Montgomery

I look outside when I expect it to be raining; instead, I see the edge of a huge, purple-gray block of ice in the sky, about 50 feet off the ground and straight-sided--and dripping water slowly, through holes like in a pegboard.

I understand this as a common weather phenomenon, but a disappointing one when I wanted to see rain.


Montgomery contributed a lot of short vivid dreams to Somnial Times--full of images and ideas, where most of us were all about emotion.

I chose this example partly because it's by far his earliest, and I'm intrigued by the idea our adult dream-style already begins to sprout in childhood.

Also because I want to paint it. A cubist, frozen cloud (of course it's a cloud! It's purple-gray like a dark raincloud, not blue-green-white like a glacier).

I won't--it's his childhood image, not mine--but I'm tempted.

--Chris Wayan

SOURCE: Somnial Times: Newsletter of the Dreamers SIG [of Mensa]; Vol III, No. 5: Dec. 1991; Gloria Reiser, coordinator; Judy Landaiche, editor.

LISTS AND LINKS: kids' dreams - surreal dreams - rain & spray - snow & ice - flying & levitation (though it's usually you) - clouds & mist - color - more Somnial Times

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